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明朝中晚期,徽州底层社会动荡不安。在对失序的社会进行整合的过程中,官府通过革新诉讼制度,将国家权力再次渗透到基层社会;富于士大夫精神的行政长官励精图治,抚恤受灾百姓,推行乡约,神道设教,以儒家纲常伦理价值规范社会秩序,以民间信仰约束百姓行为;乡绅牺牲自我,提倡克己复礼,整齐风俗,凝聚地方人心,维持地方秩序。儒家传统价值在时代的变局中发挥了重要的稳定作用。  相似文献   
晚明思想家、文学家李贽在其著作《焚书?琴赋》中提出了“琴者心也”的观点,这一命题对晚明及其后的琴乐发展产生了深远影响。许多学者认为这是对儒家礼乐思想的反叛。然而,深层挖掘“琴者心也”之“心”的思想内涵并梳理历代琴论,可以发现,李贽此说并非空谷之音。“琴者心也”是顺着主流琴乐思想之外的注重古琴自身艺术特性的琴乐思想发展而来的,这种思想并非离经叛道,而是一种对僵化的琴论的内在批判,以引导琴论健康发展。  相似文献   
回顾历史,影视改编呈现出典型的时段、地域、文化等特征;古典名著也受到现代影视的促进而扩大了传播。但进入21世纪以来,科技含量越来越多的影视对古典名著的改编却走上了过分追求市场化和吸引观众眼球的弯路。因此,探求影视改编的新路和方向便成了当下学界讨论和研究的重点。  相似文献   
Evidence from Australia lends support to the “Asian high achieving syndrome” in Chinese-Australian students and “self-deprivation syndrome” in Anglo-Australian students. Applying ethnographic case studies approach for doctoral thesis the author collected data on a longitudinal basis from homes and school of these students. All of these students attended the same school located in a predominantly middle class suburb of Perth Metropolitan area in Western Australia. Chinese-Australian families had settled in Perth from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, whereas Anglo-Australian families had been residing in Perth for three generations. Impetus to revisit these students (now young adults with their own families) 10 years later came from an urge to test the validity of the prediction the author had made in the concluding chapter of his doctoral thesis. The author had claimed that “if Anglo-Australian parents keep on dwelling in the era of 1950s and 1960s and do not change their laid-back attitude about education, their children could eventually be under-privileged in their own country”. Ten years later, the author undertook a follow-up study on these young adults from six of the eight original families in order to find out their occupational destinations and future aspirations. Data for the follow-up study were collected from these young adults and their parents. These research cases were interviewed twice, each time approximately for two hours and their parents were interviewed once for two to three hours. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of the follow-up study which reveals a remarkable relationship between the attitude towards schooling and academic performance with their subsequent occupational destination.  相似文献   
两汉是经学的昌明时代,就儒家经传的诠释而言,因五经立于学官而出现所谓今古文与师法家法之分,并在此基础上形成了汉注特有的灾异说经与注重章句训诂的解经特色。而两汉《谷梁经传》诠释,既凸显了这两大特色,又在形式与内容上具有《春秋》学特有的"日、月、时"例发微与浓重的伦理、礼法思想。  相似文献   
学术界对魏晋南北朝《论语》学研究较少,《魏晋南北朝"论语学"研究》一书弥补了此缺憾。此书的特色在于从学术的层面对魏晋南北朝时期《论语》诠释方式的发展与演变予以全方面、多角度地论述,注意吸收学界研究成果进行综合比较研究,探讨《论语》在政治、教育、社会风尚与宗教方面发生的作用和价值。  相似文献   
诚于中、形于外、遵乎道的“慎独”精神是儒家的看家本领之一,也是衡量一个人道德水准的重要标志。“慎独”精神通过对不良行为的抵制、道德原则的自律、精神境界的升华以养成人的完美人格;又通过对勤政爱民、清正廉洁、高风亮节的坚守,在廉政建设方面也发挥了积极作用。面对客观世界的日益纷繁和各种诱惑的无处不在,“慎独”精神在今天更显得格外重要。  相似文献   
在"功利性"教育体制下,现代教育技术与新的课程观难以走出困境,本文尝试着透过寻求和挖掘传统儒家文化的精髓,辨析其中所蕴含的体育理念,期待对现代体育教学目标与实施、教学手段和教学评价赋予新的发展基调。  相似文献   
二十世纪二三十年代,晏阳初在河北定县开展了一项轰轰烈烈的平民教育运动,前后历时十年。儒家的民本主义教育思想一直是晏先生从事平教工作的强大精神支柱,但先生在他的实践活动中并没有将其精华与糟粕全盘接收,而是通过理性思考对儒家教育思想有扬有弃。本文以"弃"为立足点,就先生对儒家教育思想的批判继承,从教育内容、教育目标、教育方法三方面加以阐述,并对当前的农村教育做出几点思考。  相似文献   
从传统文化的视角,对儒家和道家思想的差异与互相补充进行分析,从天道与人道之互补、入世与出世之互补、阳刚与阴柔之互补、对生命价值不同看法之互补等四个方面,探讨了儒道互补对中国武术人文精神的深刻影响。  相似文献   
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