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建国五十多年来,中国文学经历了一个英雄主义和理想主义从大力弘扬到逐渐消解的过程,这一过程对整整一代人的价值观和人生观的形成起到了非常重要的作用,同时也对时代和社会的发展产生了极为特殊的影响.在当下全球化语境中,客观分析二十世纪五六十年代儿童教育中理想主义和英雄主义教育的利弊得失,及对时代发展的制约作用,对探索如何对儿童进行这方面的教育,有着极为重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
目前 ,我国实行的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 ,退休人员参保 ,单位和个人均不缴费。这既没有体现缴费义务与享受保险待遇相对等的原则 ,又不利于基本医疗保险基金的积累和抗风险能力 ,因而有必要引进“最低缴费年限”的规定。  相似文献   
Using survey and interview data from the Teacher Status Project, this paper explores early years teachers' sense of status and compares it with primary and secondary teachers' perceived status. If, as Hoyle has suggested, working with children is an intractable barrier to enhanced status in the eyes of the public, early years teachers are faced with the greatest challenge. At the same time, their closer links with parents and community affords them more opportunity to enhance the esteem in which they are held through the way that they do their work. The data seem to support this view, but it is argued that whilst curriculum guidance, and the recognition of the Foundation Stage have enhanced these teachers' sense of status in the public eye, the effects of the ten‐year strategy could undermine this progress unless an emphasis is placed on the teaching, pedagogical element of their specialist expertise.  相似文献   
在日本中世,以五山寺院为中心的禅僧垄断汉文学,并介入对华外交事务。自宋元以来以两国僧人交往活动(或日僧直接来华,或中国僧人赴日)为核心的中日文化交流在明洪武初仍在继续并得到新的发展。当时,作为京都五山文化代表的绝海中滓亲自渡明,居留时间长达八年,习禅之余,间染汉诗,水平几敌中土。绝海虽称典型,然也浓缩和反映出其时中日文化频繁交往的情形。  相似文献   
百年来清代婚姻家庭史研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近百年来清代婚姻家庭史研究的重要成果进行总结,指出在20世纪三四十年代和80年代至今的两次婚姻家庭史研究高潮中,清代婚姻家庭史研究的发展和研究重点的转移,以及研究的不足之处.  相似文献   
新中国建国初期的政治实践充分展示了毛泽东的领导艺术。首先,抓主要矛盾、善于“弹钢琴”是毛泽东领导艺术的突出特点;其次,从战略上看问题、指方向、提方针是毛泽东领导艺术的重要特点;最后,团结一切可能团结的人、高举统一战线的旗帜是毛泽东领导艺术的一贯特点。  相似文献   
本认为,建国初期是新中国现代化启动阶段。这一阶段,中国共产党初步设计了新中国的现代化,并为启动现代化代取了一系列重大措施,中国共产党对新中国现代化的设计和为启动现代化采取的重大措施,是世界各国现代化和中国实际相结合的产物。正因为如此,这一时期的现代化建设取得了巨大的成就,这些成就使之成为1978年改革开放以前新中国现代化进程中最成功的一个时段。本同时认为,建国初期的现代化建设也存在一些在今天看来是缺陷和局限的地方。  相似文献   
"大槐树移民"是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;山西是明初移民的主要迁出地,但移民并不是只移大槐树下的洪洞县人,而是将山西各个地方的人都集中在这里,然后再迁往全国各地;"大槐树移民"有利于明初农业生产的恢复与发展,在我国人口史和社会发展史上具有深远的意义和影响.  相似文献   
Literacy as a social practice has a fundamental role in children’s lives especially in the early years context, in which social interactions are in the centre of knowledge achievement. Several pieces of research investigate the positive contribution of the arts in children’s literacy development in the early years settings. However, most of them focus on the aspect of emergent literacy and phonological awareness, with some indirect arguments about literacy as a social practice. Having this in mind and the importance of literacy as a social practice, this project was designed. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years settings. The intervention used the ‘Play and Learn through the Arts’ (PLA) programme for a full school year in a case study with 5–6-year-old children in Greece. The outcomes were measured using authentic assessment techniques and a semi-structure interview. The findings showed the positive contribution of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years setting.  相似文献   
乡村小说因特定的历史语境而产生,并伴随着新的历史语境而发展。“五四”乡土小说、十七年农村题材小说分别是中国现、当代文学史上重要的文学现象。较之“五四”乡土小说,十七年农村题材小说在创作主体、创作思想、文本色调等方面均发生了嬗变。这些嬗变反映了特定社会背景下人们的社会心理、审美感受的变化。  相似文献   
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