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段玉裁在《段注》中指明了大量的俗字并对其进行了研究。而这一研究过程正反映了段玉裁“字起于声音”、“形义相一”的语言字观,同时也显示了他“过分尊许”、“否定、排斥俗字”的局限性,但在客观上起到了一个字规范化的作用。  相似文献   
为澄清《经典释文》中“从、邪”、“船、禅”是分立还是混切的问题,主要依据《释文》、《博雅音》、《文选音决》三书中“从、邪”“船、禅”混读百分比的相近来论证其音系同属金陵雅音,而《释文》“从、邪”“船、禅”两读则是从“从邪”“船禅”合一向“从、邪”“船、禅”分立的演变,尚不同于《切韵》的“从、邪”“船、禅”分立。  相似文献   
《艺概注稿》琐谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要介绍了注释《艺概》的原则、过程及其存在的不足。  相似文献   
As CAD models continue to become more critical information sources in the product’s lifecycle, it is necessary to develop efficient mechanisms to store, retrieve, and manage larger volumes of increasingly complex data. Because of their unique characteristics, 3D annotations can be used to embed design and manufacturing information directly into a CAD model, which makes models effective vehicles to describe aspects of the geometry or provide additional information that can be connected to a particular geometric element. However, access to this information is often limited, difficult, and even unavailable to external applications. As model complexity and volume of information continue to increase, new and more powerful methods to interrogate these annotations are needed.In this paper, we demonstrate how 3D annotations can be effectively structured and integrated into a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system to provide a cohesive view of product-related information in a design environment. We present a strategy to organize and manage annotation information which is stored internally in a CAD model, and make it fully available through the PLM. Our method involves a dual representation of 3D annotations with enhanced data structures that provides shared and easy access to the information. We describe the architecture of a system which includes a software component for the CAD environment and a module that integrates with the PLM server. We validate our approach through a software prototype that uses a parametric modeling application and two commercial PLM packages with distinct data models.  相似文献   
运用训诂方法 ,参稽《后汉书》与《汉书》等典籍 ,考释《后汉书》中的四词条 ,或解释原书之疑义 ,或纠正李贤注之错谬 ,或有补于辞书释义之不足  相似文献   
科研论文中参考文献和注释的注录存在一些明显不同的做法,从而使这一问题显得比较随意和混乱。从参考文献和注释的内涵以及内在区分考虑,引文(包括直接引文和间接引文)应以参考文献而不是注释形式加以标明;参考文献一般应标明具体页码,注释则一般不存在指明页码的问题;注释应置于参考文献之前。  相似文献   
十六大以来,中国新一轮农村改革发展的一条主线是“多予、少取、放活”。目前,农村税费改革已取得了阶段性的巨大成功,国民收入分配结构和财政支出结构正向农村地区倾斜,“三农”问题初步得到了缓解,我国在总体上进入到了“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”新的发展阶段。下一步深化农村改革的重点、难点是,逐步消除城乡二元体制对经济社会协调发展所造成的瓶颈制约,从根本上解决“三农”问题的深层次矛盾和体制性障碍;最大的突破口选择是加快推进农村综合配套改革,进一步做好“放活”这篇大文章,充分发挥9亿农民的市场主体地位和作用,激发农民自我发展和自我积累的巨大潜能,不断提高和增强农业和农村经济发展的内部活力。这是我国在本世纪头20年实现全面建设小康社会目标的根本途径。  相似文献   
北宋陈景元《上清大洞真经玉诀音义》音取《广韵》,求正存雅,合于宋代注家风气。反切用字讲求等呼、洪细的协洽,是继《集韵》之后反切改良的又一次成功实践。  相似文献   
郑板桥作为"扬州八怪"之一,享有"诗书画印"四绝的赞誉,其画竹题记更是饶有理趣,真率、深刻、独特地表达了他的宗法自然、务求创新的美学思想、创作体验、艺术手法.同时,题记语言清新、质朴,别有韵致,实属值得珍视的艺术奇葩.  相似文献   
《李商隐诗歌集解》一书,为了力求资料全面丰富,所汇集的前人注释虽多有因袭、雷同之处,整理者却未加比较取舍,因此赘注的现象非常突出。  相似文献   
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