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从学术史的视角,对"集解"的定义进行研究,旨在阐明"集解"外延模糊性产生的原因。通过结合时代背景的历时性的分析与描述,发现学术自身的发展与学术氛围的改变,"集解"这一术语在内涵不变的情况下,其外延发生了其发明者未可预料地变化,这种认识有助于古老学科的现代化转型。  相似文献   
信息论是关于信息处理和信息传达的理论。此理论提出了信道、噪音、信息负载等概念。其中,信息的冗余现象为翻译实践提出了建设性的指导方法。翻译即语际交际。为了使目标语读者读到原汁原味的文章,信息难度就要适合信道容量,译者就要谨慎地对冗余信息进行增加或删减,即减少信息负载。  相似文献   
俄罗斯文学作品中的“多余人”形象带着俄国社会19世纪的时代烙印而产生。赫尔岑对多余人形象特征的概括已经被诸多研究者认可并接受。之前的许多研究关注的“多余人”是从奥涅金这一成熟的典型开始的。试图从文本分析的角度,对普希金之前的两部长诗《高加索的俘虏》和《茨冈》进行研读,探寻多余人形象的萌生与演化过程。  相似文献   
由刘学锴、余恕诚合著中华书局出版的《李商隐诗歌集解》一书,汇集了明清以来有关《李商隐诗集》的注、笺、评点等重要研究成果,并详加甄别和匡谬。可以说,该书是目前致力于李商隐研究者的最为可靠和权威的资料凭据。遗憾的是,书中也存在着讹误及释意不当之处,文章即举例对此进行辨正。  相似文献   
现行小学语文教材中对某些古诗文的注音和解说存在一些问题,这表明即使是在小学语文的古诗文教学中,仍有一些内容会牵涉到古汉语等方面的深层次的知识。  相似文献   
Reciprocal teaching (RT) has been used to improve English as Foreign Language (EFL) students’ reading comprehension in face-to-face instruction. However, little was known about how they use the RT to comprehend English texts in an online environment. This study explored how the implementation of RT strategies with the use of an annotation tool to improve low-achieving students’ English reading comprehension in an online environment. A total of 22 low-achieving EFL students participated in this study. The pre- and post- reading comprehension tests showed that the students’ English reading comprehension improved after practicing RT strategies with annotation tools. Questioning and predicating strategies were ranked as the two most useful strategies, as both promoted successful collaborative reading among students. Summarizing and clarifying were less useful than questioning and predicting strategies because the low-achieving EFL students faced language difficulties when summarizing and clarifying. The annotations supported RT strategies by (1) establishing a collaborative environment for students to discuss RT strategies any time, (2) organizing and indexing reading content in multimodal forms, and (3) helping students review and revise their comprehension.  相似文献   
本对新版中学语教材中的部分言注释提出了自己的商榷意见并加以论证。  相似文献   
产业集群作为一种特殊的产业空间组织形态,在当前各国经济体系中表现出非凡的活力,引起了众多领域研究者和决策者的热切关注。致力于从集成论的角度,分别从对产业集群的概念、一般特征、集成密度进行了探讨,以期进一步完善产业集群基本理论的逻辑结构。  相似文献   
《:汉书新注》是自王先谦《汉书补注》以来的第一个《汉书》全注本,《二十四史全译?汉书》是目前唯一的《汉书》全译本,两书对今人阅读理解《汉书》有莫大助益。但由于卷帙浩繁,其中少数注释尚有值得商榷之处,兹列《汉书》卷六六、六七数例,以期对两书修订有所帮助。  相似文献   
The name ambiguity problem is especially challenging in the field of bibliographic digital libraries. The problem is amplified when names are collected from heterogeneous sources. This is the case in the Scholarometer system, which performs bibliometric analysis by cross-correlating author names in user queries with those retrieved from digital libraries. The uncontrolled nature of user-generated annotations is very valuable, but creates the need to detect ambiguous names. Our goal is to detect ambiguous names at query time by mining digital library annotation data, thereby decreasing noise in the bibliometric analysis. We explore three kinds of heuristic features based on citations, metadata, and crowdsourced topics in a supervised learning framework. The proposed approach achieves almost 80% accuracy. Finally, we compare the performance of ambiguous author detection in Scholarometer using Google Scholar against a baseline based on Microsoft Academic Search.  相似文献   
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