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健美操教学结构优化改革与实践应用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过多年的改革实践研究,在总结传统的健美操教学经验的基础上,对健美操教学进行教学结构优化改革,即优化课程设置,优化教材内容,优化实践教学,优化考试内容和方法的改革指导思想,井在教学实践中应用实施,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   
有氧健美操对成年女子体型的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对在健身房进行有氧健美操练习两个月以上的 1 0 8名年龄在 2 6~ 42岁女子跟踪调查 ,分析了成年女性肥胖的体型特点 ,从健身、肥胖机理及饮食结构方面论述了健美操锻炼对成年女性体型的影响。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a professional learning program on the emergent literacy skills of preschool children. Building Blocks for Literacy® is a program consisting of training supported by mentoring designed to teach early childcare providers how to promote the development of early literacy skills. A previous investigation found positive effects of the program on the pre-literacy skills of children in Vermont. The current study extended their work by replicating the training for Head Start teachers (n?=?27) in another state. Teachers were divided into three groups. One group received the training and live mentoring; a second group received training and distance mentoring; and a third group of teachers served as controls. The results indicate that children (n?=?97) served by teachers who received the training (n?=?18) made higher gains on a measure of early literacy skills than those children (n?=?36) served by control teachers. The gains made by children in the treatment groups were consistent for teachers who received either live or distance mentoring. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   
大学生淘宝创业研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,淘宝网的迅猛发展为青年人创业提供了很好的平台。当前,在大学生就业十分困难的严峻形势下,指导大学生利用淘宝网创业,探索适合在校大学生淘宝创业的模式,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
清初大儒李二曲继承和发扬了传统儒家注重“为己之学”的教育智慧,通过对“过”、“悔”“新”的重新诠释和改造,创造性地提出了“悔过自新”说,深化了儒家关于自我教育的思想。该学说以性本善和人皆有“过”为自我教育的起点,以转念和慎独为自我教育的方法,以实现个我之“新”和社会之“新”为自我教育的目标,将儒家教育思想中的自我教育原则推向极致,对发展现代教育不无启发意义。  相似文献   
Recommender Systems are currently highly relevant for helping users deal with the information overload they suffer from the large volume of data on the web, and automatically suggest the most appropriate items that meet users needs. However, in cases in which a user is new to Recommender System, the system cannot recommend items that are relevant to her/him because of lack of previous information about the user and/or the user-item rating history that helps to determine the users preferences. This problem is known as cold-start, which remains open because it does not have a final solution. Social networks have been employed as a good source of information to determine users preferences to mitigate the cold-start problem. This paper presents the results of a Systematic Literature Review on Collaborative Filtering-based Recommender System that uses social network data to mitigate the cold-start problem. This Systematic Literature Review compiled the papers published between 2011–2017, to select the most recent studies in the area. Each selected paper was evaluated and classified according to the depth which social networks used to mitigate the cold-start problem. The final results show that there are several publications that use the information of the social networks within the Recommender System; however, few research papers currently use this data to mitigate the cold-start problem.  相似文献   
竞技健美操是一项竞技性和观赏性很强的项目,比赛中运动员心理承受的压力越来越大,要使运动员保持良好的竞技水平,心理训练已成为运动训练中必不可少的一个环节,它有利于发挥运动员学习的主观能动性,促进运动训练水平和提高比赛成绩。本文对心理训练,即表象训练在健美操训练中的运用进行分析探讨。  相似文献   
众多研究者对贾雨村的艺术形象缺乏全面系统的认识。《红楼梦》所反映的主要是清朝乾隆时期的上流社会生活,贾雨村处在相对稳定的康乾盛世时期,其时经世致用思想得到大力提倡,私欲的合理性得到肯定,“人欲之各得”的社会价值取向得到承认。贾雨村不可能脱离这个时代的社会价值取向而独立存在,因此,应将他还原至当时的社会背景及其主流价值观念中分析其艺术形象。贾雨村对人生报有积极态度并通过主流价值观念认可的努力方式博取功名,才干优长且思想卓尔超群,隐忍宦海并富有谋略。之所以众多研究者没有看到贾雨村形象的积极性,主要是因为研究者与艺术形象本身所处社会本质的不同和研究者未能摆脱悲剧情节对自己的情感惯性影响。  相似文献   
2种不同起跑动作的生物力学实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用测力台与肌电同步的方法对 4名一级短跑运动员的蹲踞式与站立式起跑动作进行了运动生物力学分析。研究结果 :蹲踞式起跑中水平支撑反作用力明显大于站立式起跑时水平支撑反作用力 ;蹲踞式起跑和站立式起跑中的肌肉活动顺序即肌肉用力顺序各不相同 ;蹲踞式起跑和站立式起跑中肌肉的肌电活动时间和幅度 ,即肌肉用力程度各不相同 ,在蹲踞式起跑中右股直肌用力程度最大 ,而站立式起跑中右腓肠肌用力最大 ;股直肌和腓肠肌是这 2种起跑姿势的主要用力肌群  相似文献   
本文根据2004年自行车世界杯第五站(云南站)男子4公里个人追逐赛项目现场统计数据用统计学方法进行了统计计算,对比赛的状况作了初步的研究。结论认为,自行车场地男子4公里个人追逐赛全程的各环节中,速度能力是最关键的一环。该项目虽然是中距离的项目,但速度是关键。  相似文献   
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