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[目的/意义] 《马拉喀什条约》的通过和生效,为国际视障者的阅读环境带来巨大改变,然而我国公共图书馆的视障者阅读服务举步维艰,尤其是视障者的数字阅读服务发展缓慢。基于此,旨在为改善我国公共图书馆的视障者阅读服务提供策略和对策。[方法/过程] 运用网络调查法、电话咨询法、实地访谈法,调查我国公共图书馆视障者阅读服务现状、存在问题。[结果/结论] 在调研结果的基础上结合《马拉喀什条约》的主旨内容及相关举措,从图书馆内部构建、馆际无障碍资源共建共享、图书馆与社会合作3个方面提出构建我国公共图书馆视障者阅读服务体系。  相似文献   
视残儿童将来能否平等参与社会,关键在于他们社会适应能力的高 低。视残是不可逆的,但社会适应能力之不足是可以通过后天的训练与培养 获得补偿的。本文就视残儿童社会适应能力发展的现状及其影响因素进行 了认真分析,并针对目前学校教育现状,提出了相应的培养方法及途径。  相似文献   
系统、客观处理人类行为的行为矫正技术被广泛应用于特教领域。结合视障儿童学前教育特点 ,将链锁法、消退法、正强化以及相互抑制等若干行为矫正原理应用于生活技能训练、语言教学以及其他行为和情绪问题矫正中取得显著成效  相似文献   
This paper develops from previous research ( Orsini‐Jones et al., 2005 ) and reports on the experience of three students, two visually impaired and one blind, reading languages at Coventry University, on the adjustments made to meet their needs and on the challenges encountered on their learning journey both from their point of view and from the point of view of the staff involved. It focuses on three students' experience of their languages course and considers the challenges they met in each of their years of study. It concludes by evaluating these students' language learning journey at Coventry University, reporting on their feedback on their experience and on whether or not they feel that staff have successfully catered for their individual needs. It is argued here, as in the previous related work ( Orsini‐Jones, et al., 2005 ) that ‘there still exists some tension between the reasonable anticipatory adjustments that lecturers can put in place and the necessary ad hoc ones that will be needed for a disabled student with very specific needs’.  相似文献   
本文通过对我国基础教育和特殊教育发展趋势的分析,以及对北京盲校以往和目前心理教育工作的总结,提出:心理教育是现代盲校教育的一个有机组成部分,是推进盲校素质教育的一个突破点;通过对视障儿童进行生活心理、学习心理、升学与就业心理的辅导,能使“正常化原则”、“全面参与原则”得以具体落实。最后,还提出了盲校心理教育的方向:确立模式,全面渗透  相似文献   
文章通过探讨盲校课程理论基础———哲学基础、心理学基础、社会学基础、康复学基础、教育学基础,提出了我国特殊教育学科的理论基础,对指导当前盲校特殊教育学校的课程改革,乃至特殊教育整体改革,进一步提高我国特殊教育的质量有积极的意义  相似文献   
介绍了视障的界定和分类,并通过对三十一年来我国研究图书馆视觉障碍群体服务的论文年代分布以及内容的分析,总结了我国图书馆视觉障碍群体服务研究的发展历程。  相似文献   
从国内视障读者数字阅读的现状着手,从数字视障服务的内容、视障专属网站和数字资源的共建共享等方面分析国内公共图书馆数字视障服务的现状和存在的问题,并从加大政策支持力度和专项经费投入、拓展盲用电脑培训的广度和深度、促进高科技在数字视障服务中的推广和使用、建立资源共建共享机制等方面分析改进数字视障服务的对策,最后提出建立视障数字服务联盟的构想。  相似文献   
This article sets out to offer the reader an opportunity to engage with our emerging ideas about a reflective, person centred model for students and facilitators using problem‐based learning (PBL). The model developed initially through several strands of qualitative inquiry including research with students, immersion in the existing literature and a reflexive approach to our own work. We feel it enables the user to explore key challenges of PBL curricula through the interactive elements of readiness, congruence, group dynamics, communication and environment with the person being pivotal to the process. It is suggested that the model offers an opportunity to consider crucial questions in the successful implementation and development of PBL practice and requires users to challenge their own thinking. It is a tool for individuals, groups and organizations involved in PBL.  相似文献   
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