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为了解肌肉疲劳时神经肌肉系统兴奋性的变化规律,以10名健康男子为对象,采用随意性最大的肌肉收缩(V组)和电刺激诱发肌肉收缩(E组)的两种运动形式,对足背屈运动引起胫骨前肌疲劳时的胫骨前肌和比目鱼肌的表面肌电图(sEMG)和诱发肌电图(evoked EMG)进行了观察。结果发现:(1)V组和E组的sEMG积分值和平均频率均出现了降低的趋势,而且E组的变化较为明显;(2)E组的胫骨前肌(主动肌)Mmax和H/Mmax明显降低下,比目鱼肌(拮抗肌)Mmax和H/Mmax在胫骨前肌疲劳后则无明显变化;(3)V组胫骨前肌与比目鱼肌的H/Mmax在疲劳发生后均表现出显著低下,但二者的Mmax却无明显变化。结论:肌疲劳时不但主动肌脊髓运动神经元受到了抑制,拮抗肌脊髓运动神经元也受到了类似的影响,但由于肌肉收缩方式不同而上述变化并不完全一致。  相似文献   
根据船舶碰撞事故调查及事故报告中可获得的环境资料和船舶运动过程资料,对建立适用于绘制船舶碰撞发生前运动轨迹的数学模型作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
眼动的速度最高可达到600°/s,具有比人手更灵敏的反应,因此有更好的实时性和应激性,通过眼动识别可以准确反映人体的动作特征,实现动作的判断和预测。采用眼动识别的图像处理算法实现对乒乓球运动员的动作预测,提高攻球效能,改进乒乓球攻击和防御的目的性。传统方法中对乒乓球运动员的眼动识别算法采用边缘特征融合算法,对运动员的动作变换跟踪性能不好,提出一种基于多模态融合眼动识别的乒乓球运动员动作预测算法。提取边缘特征,进行虹膜定位设计,统计搜索区域灰度直方图分布,建立虹膜颜色与边缘联合特征模板,通过多模态融合眼动时变分析,采用从粗到细的处理方法,在减少匹配对应项的同时进行动作预测相关系数匹配,预测跟踪目标中心,实现动作预测,仿真结果表明,算法对运动员的动作预测准确度高,实现对乒乓球运动员动作的实时跟踪和识别。  相似文献   
篮球运动现场的球员运动姿态数据的感知系统设计,可以快速捕获运动技术特征,对分析运动员的技术动作,对预测篮球运动员的训练水平和比赛表现提供数据和技术支持。传统的篮球比赛现场运动姿态数据感知系统采用VICON动作捕捉系统进行姿态数据调整,采用傅立叶变换处理方法实现数据的实时调度和处理,不能实现对宽频带大功率数据的有效感知。本文提出一种基于宽频带大功率基阵的现场运动姿态数据感知算法,并进行系统设计。分别设计了传感器设备、数据传输设备、数据处理设备和信号感知设备。对篮球运动员的人体运动姿态进行传感器感知,采用3D SUIT操作,将各个传感器连接起来,构建基于宽频带大功率基阵的运动特征提取算法,进行信息感知。系统实验结果表明,该系统具有较好的数据感知性能,能实时实现数据转换和调度,进行技术分析,篮球运动现场的运动姿态数据感知性能稳定,实时性好,实现多通道多状态的信息感知和控制,对篮球训练和比赛具有提供数据支持。  相似文献   
建设和谐校园不仅仅关系到高校的生存状况,而且关系到高校的发展前景,决定着高校的前途命运。很多高校在建设和谐校园过程中都硕果累累,并取得了很多宝贵经验,这些都为推动社会和经济发展做出了重大贡献,成为社会发展的永动机。  相似文献   
We investigated joint coordination differences between Taekwondo back kicks and jumping back kicks, and how jumping (in performing the latter) would alter engaging ground reaction forces (GRF) in executing kicking. Ten skilful athletes volunteered to perform both kinds of kicking within the shortest time for three successful trials. Three high-speed cameras and two force platforms were used for data collection, and the trial with the shortest execution time was selected for analysis. Movements were divided into the rotation and attack phases. With comparable execution time and maximum joint linear/angular speeds, back kicks and jumping back kicks differ mainly in larger GRF in the latter, and in greater target acceleration in the former probably because the support leg prevented athletes’ rebounding after impact. In addition, more prominent antiphase and in-phase coordination between the shoulder segment and knee joint, and elongated rotation phase were found in jumping back kicks. Larger GRF values in jumping back kicks were generated for jump take-off rather than for a more powerful attack. In back kicks although the support leg remained ground contact, greatly decreased GRF in the attack phase suggested that the support leg mainly served as a rotation axis.  相似文献   
文章以看涨期权为例探讨了分数跳-扩散模型的标准回望期权定价问题,其中 H∈(12,1),并给出了定价公式。  相似文献   
It is well known that sliding mode control is based on the definition of an invariant manifold, where the system dynamics are forced to in a finite time. Such a manifold is somewhat arbitrarily defined, as long as the system dynamics are stable on it. Computational and control effort may vary depending on selected manifold. Obviously, if a system has naturally acceptable stable dynamics around a desired equilibrium point, no control is needed unless uncertainties or disturbances are present. It would be desirable that if such a system had uncertainties or disturbances, the control effort be designed only to overcome the effect of such factors. For a system with first order dynamics and affine control input, designing a sliding mode control overcoming only such uncertainties or disturbances is a trivial task. When a higher order dynamics system is involved, unit control may be used, where the input control signals are not discontinuous, but when only discontinuous control inputs are available, a design approach is not readily available. In this paper, taking advantage of the natural stable dynamics of a system, a sliding mode control approach is introduced for designing multiple discontinuous control inputs, where the control effort overcomes only uncertainties, disturbances or unstable dynamics. Two illustrative examples are given in order to show the feasibility of the method.  相似文献   
在人体运动跟踪建模中,需要对样本集的多样性特征进行贫化处理,以提高全关节驱动模式运动状态跟踪的准确性。传统方法采用量子进化和粒子滤波算法进行人体运动跟踪贫化算法实现,算法在全关节多样化样本特征运动模式下,跟踪效果不好。提出一种采用动态分层二值进化处理的改进的量子进化粒子滤波全关节驱动模式跟踪方法,解决多样本特征的贫化问题。进行人体全关节驱动模式动力学分析及人体运动跟踪模型构建,通过动态分层处理技术,获得二值前景图像,求得人体关节的全方位信息特征,通过动态分层二值进化方法,准确地找到各关节位置,构建亮度模型函数,实现贫化处理。实验表明,改进算法能实现对体操运动员运动幅度大的肘、腕、踝部位均得到了准确的跟踪结果,贫化效果较好,运动状态估计精度较高。  相似文献   
研究选取2010年全国田径锦标赛跳高比赛前六名运动员作为研究对象,使用三维高速摄像机对助跑阶段最后两步进行全程拍摄,使用APAS软件对数据进行定量分析。通过对中国顶尖跳高运动员起跳阶段的步长、摆动腿蹬伸膝角、起跳腿离地水平速度等技术指标进行生物力学分析。结合国内外学者对跳高运动员起跳阶段技术分析的研究成果与跳高运动的技术特点和发展趋势,为中国跳高运动员训练提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
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