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对RC电路的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一阶RC电路,时间常数τ和电容上的电压的表达式是经常所求量。本文采用举实例的方法讨论了R值为正,值为0,值为负的三种情况,并画电容上电压波形加深对过渡过程的理解。重点讨论了τ值为负以及对应电容上电压的表达式该如何理解,指出了理论指导实践的意义。  相似文献   
隐喻是人类组织概念系统不可或缺的认知工具。隐喻的理解是隐喻理论中的一个重要部分,而且,隐喻的工作机制和效果主要是在理解过程中达成和体现出来的。因此,隐喻理解在外语教学中有其相应的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
社会思想道德意识内化为个体观念且外化为社会期望的行为表现,表述了德育促进学生思想品德形成的过程阶段和内在机制,也反映了德育促进学生自主建构道德主体的实质要求。因此,强调“内化——外化统一”作为德育过程的基本规律,既有助于系统整合德育规律的认识,也有利于德育“再生产”学生道德主体实践的改善。  相似文献   
荷兰汉学家高罗佩创作的《大唐狄仁杰断案传奇》,改编自清代公案小说《狄公案》。但两者叙事视角的选择截然不同。后者沿袭着中国古代小说传统的全知模式,前者则主要继承了西方侦探小说的限知叙事和纯客观叙事模式,并在一定程度上汲取了中国小说的全知模式,由此将根植于中国俗文学的公案题材进行成功地演绎,为转折之际的小说创作提供了可贵的借鉴。  相似文献   
本文从接受美学的角度对贾岛的一些诗歌作出解读。以《寻隐者不遇》为主例,作三级阅读尝试,认为贾在其诗中反映了困顿失意后对隐居超脱生活的向往,但这种向往隐逸仅仅只是一种自我安慰,这种心理与前代文人常有的向隐情结是一脉相承的。  相似文献   
中学数学识图与作图技能成分分析及测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学基础教育不但要培养“数感”,还应培养“形感”。图形知识的学习和训练是发展、完善思维的重要途径,对苏南7县市13所学校898名学生进行的测试表明:(1)识图作图和运算推理技能相比,成绩并不理想;(2)男生识图、作图技能显著优于女生,且主要是识图的原因;(3)作图训练总体水平较差,原因是重视不够,应加强。  相似文献   
艾丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是当代美国著名的非洲裔黑人女作家、诗人、评论家。《人工流产》是她发表于1981年的短篇小说集《你压服不了好女人》中的一篇。作者以女性独特的视角和体验,以黑人男女之间的矛盾冲突为题材,深刻尖锐地揭示了男权社会对于妇女身心的压抑、禁锢和摧残以及黑人妇女在新的历史和文化环境下女性意识的觉醒,展现了黑人妇女的反叛性和颠覆性的强大力量。  相似文献   
This study was designed to theoretically articulate and empirically assess the role of computer scaffolds. In this project, several examples of educational software were developed to scaffold the learning of students performing high level cognitive activities. The software used in this study, Artemis, focused on scaffolding the learning of students as they performed information seeking activities. As 5th grade students traveled through a project-based science unit on photosynthesis, researchers used a pre-post design to test for both student motivation and student conceptual understanding of photosynthesis. To measure both variables, a motivation survey and three methods of concept map analysis were used. The student use of the scaffolding features was determined using a database that tracked students’ movement between scaffolding tools. The gain scores of each dependent variable was then correlated to the students’ feature use (time and hits) embedded in the Artemis Interface. This provided the researchers with significant relationships between the scaffolding features represented in the software and student motivation and conceptual understanding of photosynthesis. There were a total of three significant correlations in comparing the scaffolding use by hits (clicked on) with the dependent variables and only one significant correlation when comparing the scaffold use in time. The first significant correlation (r = .499, p < .05) was between the saving/viewing features hits and the students’ task value. This correlation supports the assumption that there is a positive relationship between the student use of the saving/viewing features and the students’ perception of how interesting, how important, and how useful the task is. The second significant correlation (r = 0.553, p < 0.01) was between the searching features hits and the students’ self-efficacy for learning and performance. This correlation supports the assumption that there is a positive relationship between the student use of the searching features and the students’ perception of their ability to accomplish a task as well as their confidence in their skills to perform that task. The third significant correlation (r = 0.519, p < 0.05) was between the collaborative features hits and the students’ essay performance scores. This correlation supports the assumption that there is a positive relationship between the student use of the collaborative features and the students’ ability to perform high cognitive tasks. Finally, the last significant correlation (r = 0.576, p < 0.01) was between the maintenance features time and the qualitative analysis of the concept maps. This correlation supports the assumption that there is a positive relationship between the student use of the maintenance features and student conceptual understanding of photosynthesis. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (REC9980055). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
“公众理解科学”运动的内涵演变及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术和社会的发展以及民主进程的推进,西方"公众理解科学"运动的内涵与形式在20多年经历着不断的演变,从以科学共同体为主体的公众理解科学发展到科学共同体、政府和公众共同参与的科学理解公众.本文通过回顾、总结"公众理解科学"的历史背景及发展历程,分析和研究了科学与社会、公众的关系的演变过程以及变化的原因、解决方案,并提出了其对我国科技政策领域的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
经济学是高职财经和管理类专业的必修公共基础课,但多数学生感到经济学难学和枯燥.本文结合笔者近几年从事经济学教学心得体会,提出从培养学生学习兴趣、理论联系实际和选择合适的教材入手,进而提高学生学习经济学的欲望,让学生感到经济学有趣且易学.  相似文献   
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