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This paper examines the changing status of women faculty through an analysis of statistics on China’s universities from 1994 to 2004. This paper first presents the trend of a drastic increase in women faculty members in recent years. Further details on the academic ranks of women faculty, their age and highest degrees obtained are also presented. A comparison of female representation in faculty ranks is made between China and a few selected countries. Lastly, this paper attempts to account for the low percentage of female professors in higher education. Recommendations for the professional development for women faculty are made in the end.   相似文献   
Neutralization theory and online software piracy: An empirical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accompanying the explosive growth of information technology is the increasing frequency of antisocial and criminal behavior on the Internet. Online software piracy is one such behavior, and this study approaches the phenomenon through the theoretical framework of neutralization theory. The suitability and applicability of nine techniques of neutralization in determining the act is tested via logistic regression analyses on cross-sectional data collected from a sample of university students in the United States. Generally speaking, neutralization was found to be weakly related to experience with online software piracy; other elements which appear more salient are suggested and discussed in conclusion.  相似文献   
在魏晋南北朝这个纷繁动乱的时期,思想文化潮流因这一时期封建礼教束缚的放松而得到极大的解放。女性这个在古代社会处于从属地位的群体,她们的思想在这一时期也极大开放,社会地位也有很大的提高,特别是教育文化领域女性的地位显著提高,为这一时期的教育文化事业做出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   
自宋代起,由于特殊的社会历史机缘,闽西一隅一直深受宋明理学的影响。及至清代,伴随理学贞节观的极端化发展思潮,闽西地区礼教之风更是严肃,出现了包括节妇、烈妇、贞女、烈女、义妇在内的庞大的列女群体。文章对乾隆《汀州府志》中的列女群体进行分类,并在此基础上勾勒其命运的基本轨迹,以期正确看待这一特殊社会群体所蕴含的历史文化意义。  相似文献   
我国刑法对没收对象没有作出明确的规定,实践中使用的涉案财产的概念模糊而导致侦查机关任意扩大扣押的范围,易于对当事人财产权利造成侵害。本文在借鉴有关国家和地区的立法经验和理论研究的基础上,提出刑法没收的对象应从犯罪工具、犯罪所得和违禁品以三个方面予以具体化界定,并对三类涉案财物的内涵、外延及其划定时存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
《德莫福夫人》是亨利?詹姆斯女性命运的早期作品之一。文中众多女性被塑造成两个固定的模式:无欲无求的天使和蛊魅人心的巫女。文章运用西方女性主义文学批评理论,分析文本中所有女性在男人"凝视"下的形象,从而进一步揭开那层扭曲了女性形象的神秘面纱。  相似文献   
刑满释放人员一直是我国社会需要:关注的群体,因为这些人员长时间脱离社会而无法跟上社会发展的脚步,并由此导致了一些人走上重新犯罪的道路。社区矫正作为一种监外刑罚执行方法可以避免犯罪人员与社会的脱节,不无遗憾的是社区矫正的实施存在许多不足,我们旨在以对社区矫正试点的实施情况为立足点,提出完善社区矫正制度的方向,同时通过对青年再犯罪特点的分析,提出降低青年再犯罪率的措施。  相似文献   
Women constitute just over one fifth of full professors in UK higher education and whilst work has emerged in recent years on professors as leaders, there has been comparatively little research about how this under-represented cadre define and practise their role as intellectual leaders. This paper seeks to analyse how women see their role as full professors through autobiographical accounts of their intellectual and career histories via interviews with women professors, and a small comparison group of male professors. A range of freedoms and responsibilities connected with the professorial role are identified along with personal qualities considered central to success. Both female and male professors understand their role principally in terms of research leadership, but women are more likely to emphasise the importance of academic citizenship, especially mentoring, compared to their male counterparts, an obligation that weighs especially heavily on women working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics areas. While these findings are indicative of the continuing effect of so-called ‘academic housework’ in holding back the academic careers of women, they are also a positive indicator of a commitment to an all-round role as an intellectual leader.  相似文献   
《国风》、《小雅》中的征战诗、思妇诗和饱受战乱之苦背井离乡的流浪者之歌鲜明地反映了当时人们的反战意识。战争有它的客观性、必然性,但它的负作用也昭然可见,周初到春秋这一时期有关战争的诗歌,吟唱出了人们反对不义战争、渴望和平生活的主流。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》将危险驾驶行为纳入刑法具有恰当性,但未将“吸毒驾驶”、“无证驾驶”等同质性危险驾驶行为入罪。对危险驾驶罪的司法认定,要从成立本罪的地域范围限制、对象限制、时间限制、具体行为种类及行为程度等方面进行。司法适用中要注意本罪与“以危险方法危害公共安全罪”、“交通肇事罪”相关罪名的衔接;对本罪关涉的程序、证据问题的处理,要注意公正与效率相结合。  相似文献   
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