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公平性与科学性是高考制度的重要价值基石,也是新高考综合改革的应然价值取向。综合改革试点推行以来,在上海市和浙江省等首批试点省市取得了良好的成效,同时也出现了一些问题,特别是自由选科的理性博弈、选科赋分的匹配考量、学校管理的保障供给等问题日益表征化,成为影响综合改革推进的绊脚石。基于当前8省市推行“3+1+2”的选考科目方案,以公平性与科学性的价值取向为导向,可以通过合理的价值引导、科学的科目设置、完善的学校保障等途径,努力在理想与现实之间、公平性与科学性之间寻求合理的动态平衡点。既实现综合改革方案的顺利落实,又保障学生选学选考的自由权、高中学校育才、高校招生以及国家战略等多方需求,为我国教育事业的稳步向前发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
Dissection is a unique multisensory educational experience and is essential to learning the anatomical construction of the human and animal bodies. This study aims to introduce a specialized design for the assessment of dissection and to discuss the assessment's attributes. The design was a product of the “assessment drives learning” concept and was developed to motivate students to dissect. Students were awarded “dissection points” based on prior group dissection and identification of structures. Students' perception of the design was examined, and content analysis was performed. The assessment consisted of two parts: the first assigning each student group structures to “pin” on their previously dissected cadavers; the second was a group peer evaluation. The most critical factor for the assessment's success was careful selection of structures assigned to students to pin. The assessment was fit for the purpose, valid, reliable, and had a significant educational impact. Eighty-three percent of students (n = 116) recommended maintaining the assessment design, as they felt it promoted a deep approach to learning as well as teamwork while reducing stress to a minimum. A strong correlation (Spearman's rho = 0.46, P < 0.0001) was present between the high rating of the design and the number of structures learned, as well as, high rating and lower stress level (Spearman's rho = 0.40, P < 0.0001). There was no apparent influence of grades on student perception of the effectiveness of the assessment. This specific design of evaluation could be used as part of anatomy education in veterinary and medical schools.  相似文献   
大学生身体锻炼运动处方研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据在校大学生的年龄、学习、锻炼兴趣等特点进行实验设计,探讨大学生锻炼的最佳运动方案,提出锻炼的频度、心率负荷控制、时间之因素合理配方,为指导当代大学生达到最佳锻炼效果提供理论依据,为设计不同类型的运动处方提供参考信息。  相似文献   
张森 《教育与考试》2013,(1):42-47,60
清代顺天乡试共产生了112名解元,但籍贯是直隶省(包括今天的河北省、天津地区及北京地区)有106名,除去两名信息不全者,还剩104名。这些解元的省内地理分布呈现出与举人分布相契合的态势,同时在考进士时,其中式率要普遍高于一般举人,此外直隶省的解元绝大多数来自书香及官宦之家,而来自贫寒之家的子弟则很少。  相似文献   
近些年来,我国坚持“扩大规模、提高层次、保证质量、规范管理”的原则,来华留学生事业取得了一系列显著的成果。据统计,2014年共有来自203个国家和地区的377,054名各类外国留学人员在31个省、自治区、直辖市的775所高等学校、科研院所和其他教学机构中学习,比2013年增加20,555人,增长比例为5.77%。来华学习中医药的留学生人数不断增多,为我国中医药对外高等教育发展提供了良好的机遇和国际环境。但是,在取得成绩的同时,我们也应看到留学生事业的发展仍然面临着诸多困难与考验,而教育教学质量则是留学生教育的生命线,关系着高校对外教育的生存与发展。  相似文献   
河南省体育高考术科考试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2002年度河南省普通高招体育考生的生源情况、术科考试的各项成绩进行统计分析,认为体育高考项目、内容设置及评分标准的制定、测试方法的实施具有不均衡性,难以体现科学、合理、公平竞争的原则。  相似文献   
287 children involved in sexual abuse are reviewed. All were reported in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., in 1979. Specific attention is given to the origin of the report of cases later determined to be unfounded. Sibling sexual involvement is examined, particularly with reference to the age differential. Perpetrators are categorized as fathers, stepfathers, mother's “boyfriend,” relatives or family friends. These in turn are related to the ages of the children involved. Attention is given to the frequency with which the victimized child had reported the incident(s) months to years before it was reported to an agency. In 50% of the cases the victimized children are under 12 years of age, and in 15% of the cases they are under 6 years of age. Suggestions are made regarding detection and preventive measures, particularly in the history-taking phase of the pediatrician-patient relationship and in vaginal physical findings.  相似文献   
近年来,国家级考试中频繁发生作弊行为,折射出考试法律缺位问题。规范考试管理,实行依法治考,需要通过制定考试法,以规范和制约考试设置和实施中的公权力,维护公民参加考试的权利,平衡各考试主体之间的权利义务关系,保障考试的公平公正和安全有序进行。  相似文献   
根据实地调查 ,考察了沿海发达地区农村现代化建设对农村中学后教育的需求 ,分析了农村教育结构提升与农村自学考试的关系。由于目前沿海发达地区农村教育资源仍然相对贫乏 ,要发展农村中学后教育 ,推动高等教育通向农村 ,为农村现代化提供必要的智力支持 ,同时也为农村青年提供更多的接受高等教育机会 ,必须先易后难 ,从自学考试入手。因此 ,加快自学考试在农村的发展 ,是提升农村教育结构的重要手段之一  相似文献   
改进分析化学实验考核方法的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对师范生的特点,改进了分析化学实验的考核方法,在更全面的综合考核基础上,采取了做、讲、问、答相结合的考核形式,实践证明对于培养师范生的语言表达能力、增强教育教学能力起到了积极作用。  相似文献   
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