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Louisa's Birth     
In this column, Rachel Mann shares the story of the birth of her third daughter, Louisa. After a previous pregnancy loss, Mann chose to give birth to her third baby in a hospital with attending care from an obstetrician. In spite of the high-risk medical environment, she was able to have an unmedicated, powerful birth. Mann's careful planning, the support of her husband and doula, and her confidence in her ability to give birth helped make Louisa's birth all that Mann hoped it would be.  相似文献   
由于近代社会动荡,传统生育观蒂固根深,政府的不支持以及自身的种种局限,近代"生育节制"思潮在20世纪40年代逐渐走向衰微.但作为中国近代史上一场重要的生育观改革风暴,它不仅促进了近代妇女解放,也为重构近代生育观起了重要的推动作用.  相似文献   
从许慎写作《说文》的全过程及许冲的上疏以及与贾逵,尹珍,高彪等的关系等诸方面,考证许慎的生卒年代,应该是生于汉光武帝建武十六年(公元40年),卒于安帝建光元年(公元121年)冬。  相似文献   
《清人别集总目》在版本源流的考订方面成就斐然,但是在作事迹,尤其是作的生卒年岁考订方面则颇多可商之处。经核检有关别集内的作自述,以及对相关材料进行仔细推敲后,知《总目》对于杨恩寿、韩德玉等人生卒年的考订或谬误,或欠确,而其未知之王丹墀、王汝金、王惟成、方燕昭、左桢、邢锦生、朱冠瀛、严昌(王育)、吴玙、言南金、宋谦、张式、陈祖望、周名建、宗婉、冯震祥、屈蕙壤、姚斌敏、钱国珍、黄家鼎等人的生年实可确考,王惟和、杨庄、沈英、张家(才鼎)、奕询、莫永贞等人的生卒年均可确考。  相似文献   
论生育权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生育是人类延续和亲属关系产生的基础。所以,生育权在人们的心目中,向来被视为人的基本权利。目前,我国宪法和计划生育法规从国策和行政管理的角度,对公民的生育权的保护和行使进行了全面调整,但从民事的角度,对侵害公民生育权的行为进行调节的法律规范还不多。  相似文献   
传统生育文化对生育率的影响--以云南少数民族为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在漫长的历史文化传承中,积淀出各民族独特的民族文化。根深蒂固的民族文化传统极大地束缚着人们的生育观念,从而体现出各民族不同的生育行为。虽然国家计划生育政策作为正规制度的一部份对各民族生育行为起着巨大的制约作用,但目前我们的关键问题不是如何制定计划生育政策,而是如何建立一种有效的机制使这种外生变量在潜移默化中溶入民族文化中,变为内生变量,以促进各少数民族传统生育观的转变,进而实际地影响各民族的生育行为,才能真正使国家的计划生育政策落到实处,保证云南少数民族生育率持续下降成为可能。  相似文献   
The processes around the identification of special educational needs (SEN) should mean that those pupils who need most help receive it. However, there are concerns that this process is not working and there is an over-identification of pupils with SEN. Previous international research has shown that summer-born children are more likely to be identified as having SEN. However, these studies tend to treat SEN as a homogenous group. In this paper, we explore the extent to which the month-of-birth effect can be seen in subgroups of SEN. A survey of 450 schools in England was undertaken to explore the levels of provision and categories of SEN for 15,640 pupils. This led to differential month-of-birth effects being noted in category of SEN, with moderate learning difficulties being most susceptible. We hypothesise that teachers may be labelling younger children within the year group on the basis of political aspirations of attainments to be reached by the end of the academic year. When more thorough, multiprofessional assessments are undertaken, the month-of-birth effect is no longer evident. This has clear implications for assessment; identification; allocation of scarce educational resources; for educational policy on monitoring school performance and initial teacher training.  相似文献   
欧洲中世纪社会发展对高层次专门人才的需求,促使了人类历史上第一次出现的以追求和传播高深学问为途径培养人的新型社会组织——中世纪大学的诞生。在大学近千年的发展历史中,每一次大学对社会人才素质提升的需求满足,都成功地促进了新型大学的产生:为德意志民族培养理性的、个性完善的青年一代的历史使命催生了柏林大学;为社会培养新型技术人才是美国赠地学院诞生与快速发展的强大动力源。当代大学改革的成效、未来大学发展的辉煌,都将取决于大学能否继续坚守遵循探究高深学问的途径,不断丰富大学教育的本质内涵,更有效地培养高素质的一代新人。  相似文献   
In this column, Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach by Henci Goer and Amy Romano is reviewed. The book presents compelling evidence for the value and importance of a physiological approach to childbirth and provides a clear, exhaustive guide for making sense of the research in the context of the current maternity care system. The book is an invaluable resource for navigating the maze of contemporary obstetrics for both health-care professionals and childbearing families.  相似文献   
胡应麟是明代浙东的一位优秀史学评论家和文献学家,对中国传统学术文化作出了重大贡献。但有关他生平的一些基本情况,后人竞也存在着许多误会、误解乃至信口臆说,需要重新梳理和考证,以澄清事实真相。  相似文献   
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