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\刺黎花一朵朵,布依娃娃唱山歌。歌声飞过高山顶,树上结满金果果。歌声飞过大坝子,田野绿茵翻浪波。唯!歌声起歌声落,青山绿水更蓬勃。小河水顺山梭刺,布依娃娃唱山歌。歌声飞进校园里,画眉阳雀笑呵呵。歌如春雨随风洒,飘香流蜜醉心窝。唯!歌甜美歌柔和,美透布家新生活  相似文献   
余华峰 《中国钓鱼》2007,(11):17-17
10月初到11月中旬,新疆北部已进入秋末冬初的季节。这段时间,树叶已落尽,草早已枯黄,河水清澈而又寒冷,河水温度往往只有2~4℃,较小的支流往往近岸已结薄冰。这时的鱼多已躲在深处,少吃少动,白天很难钓上什么鱼,但这一季节的晚上却是钓江鳕的好时间。江鳕鱼是冷水鱼,冬季是摄食  相似文献   
人真是奇怪得很,许多新近亲历的事情在脑子里荡然无存,而许多童年的往事,却像一张张照片,总是能够冲破空间的万水千山,时间的风雨雷电,在脑海的显影液里越来越清晰,再也无法抹去.故乡的小河就是我脑海里永存的组照.……  相似文献   
我老家是赤峰市松山区西部的一个偏僻小山村,西部和南部与河北省围场县毗邻,北与本公社(过去的称呼)东沟大队接壤.全大队(过去的称呼)辖九个生产队,一千多口人,大的生产队约二百多人,小的生产队在百人左右.村庄大都是坐落在两山夹一沟的沟底部,水浇地极少,95%都是山坡地,纯属靠天吃饭的老天爷农业.  相似文献   
We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was (1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   
一一切都在静谧中孕育。天以最辽远的蓝色贮满云朵,大地把最广阔的一片高地停在那儿,没有耕耘,没有喧哗,甚至没有人迹,只有千年万年固守的静默。雪山蹲在天穹下,静静地,静静地思考着时间。那一条银亮亮的河流,仿佛从它的沉思中  相似文献   
"莽莽苍苍的群山之上走着两个瞎子,一老一少,一前一后,两顶发了黑的黑帽起伏攒动,匆匆忙忙,像是随着一条不安静的河水在漂流。无所谓从哪儿来,也无所谓到哪儿去。"这是《命若琴弦》的结尾。正是这条路这座山上,很多年前有一对相似的师徒走过,那是老瞎子和他的师父老老瞎子。老瞎子循着师父的脚步一路前进,就在他以为师父弹断  相似文献   
一只可爱的小马,在帮妈妈送麦子的路上,遇到一条哗啦啦流的小河,可是小马从来都没有过过河,他不知道怎么办才好,只好问朋友。牛伯伯说,河水很浅,我昨天还过去了昵!可是小松鼠又说,河水很深,千万别过去。小马犯难了,该听谁的呢?他最后又怎么做了呢?  相似文献   
毛臣 《湖北档案》2014,(2):34-34
正春天是一种语言,她的文字可能是一阵风,可能是一场雨,也可能只是山岗上悠然飘过的一缕白云。阳春三月,春天的语言更为细腻。那些"万条垂下绿丝绦"的翠柳,在苏州河两岸甩出长长的辫子,嫩嫩的新芽,仿佛在告诉你一个严冬的故事。逝去的时光在水里随之溜走,当河水开始上涨、变绿,当鸭群开始活跃,这时候,春天又用一种别样的语言告诉你:一切失去的遗憾,在春天里还能找回。  相似文献   
VOL.“等一下,把这个带上。”路航转过身,看见爸爸将一把伞递了过来。他面无表情地接过伞,转身出了家门。刚出门,他就发现地上躺着一枚粉红色信封,上面有个巨大的黑鸭子邮戳,并写着“路航亲启”四个七扭八歪的大字。路航诧异地捡起信封,打开来看。上面写着:路航先生,11部队诚邀您于这周日上午带着一包面包糠去河水公园见面。如若不来,您将会遭受审判。署名是:皮丹苏尤周。  相似文献   
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