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胡光明 《高教论坛》2003,(4):14-15,24
本文以学习领会党的十六大精神为主线,阐述了应该把握的对关于教育问题的重要论述,结合学院当前的实际情况,提出了贯彻落实的工作思路和对策。  相似文献   
中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会,高举马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论佛大旗帜,确立了“三个代表”重要思想为我们党在新的时期长期坚持的指导思想,提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,并确定了实现这一宏伟目标一系列新的举措。这是加快推进社会主义现代化的行动指南和动员令,对我国第三步战略目标的实现,维护世界的和平与发展,实现中华民族的佛大复兴具有重大的意义。  相似文献   
十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体积极培育新的党风,把党风建设推进到一个新的高度。科学发展观对于新时期党风建设具有重大指导意义,必须以科学发展观统领新时期的党风建设;"权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋",是对中国共产党全心全意为人民服务的最高宗旨和立党为公、执政为民的执政理念的新发展;"四求四务"是对党的历代领导人关于实事求是的思想作风和工作作风的继承和发扬;坚持执政为民这一"本质"就是要提高党的执政能力,坚持党的先进性这一"核心",就必须加强党的先进性建设;社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义制度的内在精神和生命之魂;实现领导干部作风的进一步转变对于党风建设有着深远的影响。  相似文献   
Every day, both the boarders and day‐pupils of the collèges d’humanités spent twice or three times as much time in breaks, study periods and meals as in class. However, although these hours occupied a major place in the lives of these adolescents, they have been much less studied than the teaching dispensed by the teacher, which is considered to be the core of the pedagogic activity. This article therefore endeavours to analyse the way in which pupils were supervised and to determine their out‐of‐class activities. In the most ancient forms of the collège d’humanités, the supervision of pupils outside class corresponded neither to specific personnel nor to specific places. In the early sixteenth century, this work was often undertaken by the régents d’humanités (teachers) themselves, by other pupils (in an activity resembling a form of tutoring), or by a preceptor or tutor. The Jesuits seem to have been the inventors of a new actor in the world of education, the dormitory master or préfet de chambre (praefectus cubiculi), who accompanied the pupils throughout the day and ensured that they worked during the study periods. As early as 1565, in the Parisian Clermont college, the boarders were thus organised into groups of 15 or 20 per dormitory under the authority of a Jesuit. The recourse to these masters spread not only among the Jesuits but also to the Oratorians; to the former medieval colleges which were vigorous enough to modernise; or to the newly founded colleges (as the Mazarin college which opened in Paris in 1688). The pupils who did not live in the colleges (the majority) enrolled in the private boarding establishments near the colleges. These boarding establishments did not merely accommodate the boarders but also catered for genuine non‐residents, who lived with their families and had recourse to them solely for the services of lesson repetition. These masters were in every case defined by their double role of permanent overseers of the boarders and pedagogues in charge of the study periods. They most closely shared the lives of the pupils. They therefore represented a key figure in the years of learning of these young people. This omnipresence covered a double necessity: the educational care of the children, assuming the role of a parental substitute, and the continuous supervision of a community of male adolescents aged from 10 to 20. The fear of misbehaviour, disorder and fighting as well as the attention paid to clothing or appearance appeared constantly in the instructions given to the supervising tutors. Above all, their pedagogic role consisted in ensuring that the personal work given by the teacher was actually done by the pupils. However, they were sometimes entrusted with certain aspects of learning, such as the preparation of text commentaries or the teaching of subjects which were not dealt with in class (history, geography or heraldry). In their organisation, the study periods resembled what happened in class more and more. This article therefore highlights the systematic presence of a means of supervising college pupils outside class and the role played by the supervising tutors in the education of these young people. It also demonstrates the central nature of this supervision in classical education. Contrary to the adult viewpoint (expressed by historians or contemporary witnesses), which is more preoccupied with educational theories than practical implementation, this importance is widely recognised in the memoirs which give the pupil’s point of view and invite us to turn our entire attention to this aspect of the lives of the college pupils.  相似文献   
新型教学电梯基于串行总线分布式控制设计,由上位机、运行控制、轿厢控制、内呼控制、外呼控制5种智能单元组成。采用主从式通信:上位机为主站,其余单元均为由独立单片机进行控制与通信的从站。以串行总线分布式控制取代传统的集中式控制,明显优化了系统性能,简化了布线,提高了可靠性。  相似文献   
设计了一种以单片机Atmega16为控制系统的步进电源,输出电压为0-+12V,通过按键可以实现±O.5V步进输出;采用4094驱动数码管显示,显示精度为0.1V。当输出超限时,具有自动报警功能。通过实验验证了此步进电源的实用性。  相似文献   
This study explores the library instructional programming and resources of high school library media centers in western Montana with the intent of documenting and understanding both the services provided to and the experiences of first-year college students at the University of Montana. Results from the survey (n = 22) and site visits (n = 10) reveal wide variation in the levels and types of library instructional programming provided at the library media centers, including media specialists’ perceptions of high school students’ information literacy skills. However, consistency was seen in the media specialists’ collection management strategies and in collection content. The results suggest implications for first-year library programming and highlight opportunities for further 9–16 collaboration and study.  相似文献   
This article investigates the experiences and training needs of student teachers as they learn to teach post-16 English on a secondary Post Graduate Certificate in Education. A case-study was conducted on a sample of Open University PGCE English students and mentors over a six-month period. Five research instruments were developed and used iteratively to generate qualitative data. The study reveals significant problems, resulting in students feeling underprepared at the end of their 11–18 PGCE for the demands of post-16 English teaching. The results illuminate the need for more effective models of learning to teach post-16 English.  相似文献   
提出了一种学习ATMEGA16寄存器的方法,并提供了完整的ATMEGA16寄存器总纲.  相似文献   
“Political aspects” that enhance, but also undermine, the positive transformational power of public innovation policies are examined. As such, this paper follows Micha? Kalecki in his 1943 paper that identifies the “political aspects” which enhance and undermine the positive transformational power of Keynesian full employment policies. Similarly, this paper provides a policy framework that identifies what government and business support as innovation policies. The role of innovation stems from Schumpeter's long-run perspective, but incorporates the more dynamic cyclical short-term and trend perspectives of Kalecki. This paper critiques the strategy of public innovation policy in general and derives policy implications.  相似文献   
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