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"何梅协定"是1935年7月时任国民党政府军政部长、北平军分会委员长的何应钦和日本驻华北屯军司令官梅津美治郎达成的一个旨在谋求华北政权特殊化,为日本侵吞华北作铺垫的协议.它的出现在整个华北事变中具有标志性意义,完全暴露了日本帝国主义吞灭华北的阴谋,进一步加深了中华民族的危机.本文试图从"何梅协定"产生的背景、原因、影响以及国民党对此的反映等方面,对国民党从华北事变到国共合作期间内外政策的转变作初步的探讨.  相似文献   
Accord ing to th e content of W TO agreem ent,th e Ch inese court at leastsh all apply th e following aspects in th e jud icatory practice:1).trad e-relatedaspects of intellectual property rights(TRIPS)2).Antid um ping agreem ent3).Non-tariff wall agreem ent.Neverth eless,how th e national court d eals with th econnection of W TO agreem ent and d om estic law,enforcem ent of W TOagreem ent?In practice,th e enforcem ent of international treaty in Ch ina m ainlyind icates th at accord ing…  相似文献   
Fayol  Michel  Hupet  Michel  Largy  Pierre 《Reading and writing》1999,11(2):153-174
Recent studies have shown that many subject-verb agreement errors consist of making the verb agree with the immediately preceding noun, as in The smell of the rubbish-bins are foul. Assuming that it is the automaticity of the agreement operation which is responsible for these attraction errors in expert writers, the present studies aimed at demonstrating the gradual automatization of this operation in young writers by examining developmental changes in the occurrence of agreement errors. In three experiments we found that subjects' performance moves from systematic errors in number agreement in young children (e.g., no use of plural marks) to attraction errors in fifth graders and older adults through an intermediate phase characterized by an attention-demanding and easily disrupted computation of verb agreement displayed by some second graders. Attraction errors are a byproduct of the automatization of the implementation of the agreement process.  相似文献   
加入世贸组织后,我国农产品市场和农业产业发展将面临严重的冲击和挑战,为此我们必须进一步构建和完善我国的农业支持保护法律制度。一方面要制定农业支持促进法,加大对农业的支持力度,调整农业支持结构。以提高我国农产品的国际竞争力。另一方面要完善农产品贸易救济和贸易保护法律制度。通过合理的技术和绿色壁垒、反倾销和反补贴措施以及农产品特别保障措施等为我国农产品提供必要的贸易保护和贸易救济,以减轻国外进1:1农产品对我国农产品市场的冲击和损害。  相似文献   
张平 《海外英语》2012,(9):56-58
In the past few years there has been a huge growth in the range and number of support staff in schools.A major context for policy and resourcing involving support staff in schools was the introduction in January 2003 by the Government,local Government employers and the majority of school workforce unions of the National Agreement(NA):" Raising Standards and Tackling Workload" .It set out a number of measures designed to continue to raise pupil standards,tackle teacher workload,including a concerted attack on unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy,and review support staff roles(Blatchford,2006).  相似文献   
从《英德海军协定》被英德双方签订到希特勒将其撕毁的四年中,德国潜艇部队从该协定中受益匪浅,迅速扩充,发展了新的学说,为其在第二次世界大战中发动潜艇作战奠定了基础。协定试图将德国海军的军备发展控制在一定的范围内,然而英国没有正确认识潜艇巨大的潜力,因此没有对德国潜艇的发展施加必要的限制,同时协定忽视制定战争法则来限制德国潜艇的使用,这些缺陷反而为德国海军军备扩张尤其是德国潜艇部队的扩张提供了促进作用。  相似文献   
In educational research, characteristics of the learning environment are generally assessed by asking students to evaluate features of their lessons. The student ratings produced by this simple and efficient research strategy can be analysed from two different perspectives. At the individual level, they represent the individual student’s perception of the learning environment. Scores aggregated to the classroom level reflect perceptions of the shared learning environment, corrected for individual idiosyncrasies. This second approach is often pursued in studies on teaching quality and effectiveness, where student-level ratings are aggregated to the class level to obtain general information about the learning environment. Although this strategy is widely applied in educational research, neither the reliability of aggregated student ratings nor the within-group agreement between the students in a class has been subject to much investigation. The present study introduces and discusses different procedures that have been proposed in the field of organisational psychology to assess the reliability and agreement of students’ ratings of their instruction. The application of the proposed indexes is demonstrated by a reanalysis of student ratings of mathematics instruction obtained in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (N = 2,064 students in 100 classes).
Jürgen BaumertEmail:
近几年,国际体育仲裁院裁决对其管辖权的阐述有了新的发展,主要体现就是仲裁协议不仅仅局限于书面形式,体育组织章程中的仲裁条款可以视为发出仲裁的要约,运动员参加体育协会组织的比赛或者签署报名表视为接受仲裁的承诺;国际体育组织在其章程中规定CAS仲裁条款并不意味着CAS对相关争议拥有绝对的管辖权,即全球性引用CAS仲裁条款并不对其间接成员当然具有约束力;在出现管辖权不明时CAS有自裁的权力;瑞士联邦法院在某些条件下可以因为管辖权问题而撤销CAS裁决。  相似文献   
长期以来,内维尔·张伯伦就和慕尼黑协定联系在一起,成了对侵略者推行姑息绥靖政策、损人利己的反面人物,几十年来备受谴责,认为正是张伯伦对希特勒的妥协退让导致了二战的发生.仔细考察从一战后到二战前欧洲的国际形势,可以发现,慕尼黑事件的发生有其深刻的历史必然性,远非一两个卓越的政治家所能改变,其祸根在<凡尔赛和约>签定之时就已经埋下了.和约中对德国的苛刻条款从公布之日起就激起了德国人民的强烈不满,正是这种不满为希特勒的崛起起到了推动作用.条约中对东欧边界的任意划分也成了二战爆发的导火索.  相似文献   
进入21世纪以来,两岸贸易交流上了一个新的台阶,特别是两岸经济框架协议(ECFA)签订以来,经贸在更为广阔的领域不断深入。文章通过对两岸贸易趋势、贸易结构、贸易依存度、贸易地区分布的分析,得出两岸贸易促进海西经济增长的原因以及对海西经济增长影响的显著特点。同时,两岸经贸发展带来的不仅有经济利益和双赢利益,且对地区的政治稳定、文化繁荣产生重要影响。  相似文献   
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