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雷利桂 《科技广场》2006,230(1):108-110
并行程序设计是并行计算的难点之一,基于模式的并行程序设计方法为程序员提供了并行程序的框架,比使用并行库(PVM和MPI)具有更高的抽象程度和通用性。本文简单地介绍了目前国际上三种应用此方法所开发的模型或项目以及我们所研究的SRVRT模型,并做出了比较。  相似文献   
微博的真实性问题成为微博管理中亟需解决的问题,有学者提出"崔克坦法则"能够有效破解微博真实性管理的难题,但微博管理中是否适用"崔克坦法则"引人争议。微博的真实性管理可以通过微博的自纠错功能在一定程度上遏制虚假信息的传播,但同时还需要外界监管部门加强监管,只有这样才能使微博不"危",才能真正发挥微博的威力。  相似文献   
贾明学 《浙江体育科学》2007,29(1):47-48,51
运用经济博弈论原理与方法,针对我国职业足球联赛中假球日益严重的问题,从足球俱乐部与足协的角度,建立博弈模型,通过分析,提出了打击假球的具体措施,即加大惩治力度,使假球行为不敢发生;提高调查概率,使假球行为不能发生;降低调查取证的费用,增大足协打假的决心;利用新闻媒体的监督作用,加强对假球行为的追踪报道。  相似文献   
我院学生社团从无到有,到现在已经有了相当的规模,但社团在发展过程中也存在一定的问题。从目前我院社团的现状、特点、类型及加强社团建设的主要做法等方面着手,探讨学生社团在学风建设、校园文化建设等方面的作用和意义,以期学生社团成为高校培养人才的一个重要课外阵地。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2015,18(4):609-617
This case study explores how the National Basketball Association (NBA) can rebuild its reputation in response to recurrent player scandals. The case centers on a reputation management firm that has been contracted by the league. The firm has been asked to develop programs that will permit players to make better decisions in their personal lives. NBA commissioner Adam Silver believes such programs will curb the likelihood of future player scandals, thereby enhancing the players’ lives and limiting their ability to damage the league's reputation. To commence the process, the firm has been invited to sit-in on a meeting with Commissioner Silver and a group of NBA staff members who have past work experiences assisting players with their transition to the NBA.This reputation management case study is positioned in two key areas: impression management and employee assistance programs (EAPs). Upon reading the case, answering the provided questions, and completing the activities, students should come to a better understanding as to how to proactively manage corporate reputation. While fictitious names are given, the case study is based on actual interviews with current NBA staff members. The case is ideal for courses pertaining to strategy, policy, organizational behavior, and human resource management. The case could also be useful for sport marketing and sport finance courses if adapted to investigate how the created programs are important for branding and value.  相似文献   
哲学咨询是以"对话"形式为前提,其实践方向是用哲学思想来处理"人的问题"。基本形式是在哲学咨询师和来访者之间展开一种自由的对话。文章从哲学咨询师的基本素质、哲学咨询的理论基础、哲学咨询的实践模式,哲学咨询的应用四个方面对哲学践行的模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   
李秀 《黄山学院学报》2011,13(5):96-100
1919年以后,精武体育会开始向马来西亚等南洋一带华侨聚居地发展,在马来西亚建立精武会达20个,使马来西亚的华人武术传播由私自传授、秘密结社,变成为用学校和武馆形式向社会公开传播的局面。马来西亚精武会传播的内容除保持精武武术传统技艺外,还包括其它中华民族传统体育和文化,并且成功结合了民族文化和西方的体育精神,适应时代发...  相似文献   
自依法治国方略提出以来,"法治"逐渐成为全社会上下的时髦语,其理论的研究"百花齐放、百家争鸣",取得了巨大的成就,建设的实践也卓有成效。然而,这是法治的幸运也是不幸之处。成为社会的焦点,必然会得到关注并不断发展;但是被关注太多,也许会承载太多,被曲解,庸俗化。基于这种现状,在众多前辈理论的基础上,对建设法治中国,从法治的形式和实质两个方面进行一些框架性的整体思考,还原真实的、完整的法治:完善的法律制度、立法程序法治化、普遍遵守(法律制度绝对权威性),民主、平等、限权。  相似文献   
欧美同学会是目前中国为数极少、具有百年历史的光荣团体,在历经百年风雨之后仍然保持着勃勃生机。其原因为:一是契合了归国留学人员之间相互沟通联谊的需要,二是与近现代以来连绵不断的留学报国事业相联系,三是得到了广大会员始终不渝的维护,四是得到了社会各界的关心和支持,五是坚持与时俱进、努力适应时代发展和社会需要,六是兴建和经营了永久会所作为维系和凝聚会员的“家”。这些对欧美同学会今后工作开展和事业发展提供了重要的启示:一是要高举留学报国的爱国主义旗帜,广泛团结海内外留学人员,为实现中华民族伟大复兴凝聚力量;二是要坚持“修学、游艺、敦谊、励行”的宗旨,满足会员和广大留学人员修学励行、沟通联谊的需要;三是要与时俱进,跟上时代发展步伐,适应党和政府及社会各界对欧美同学会的需要;四是要经营好会所,办好“留学人员之家”,为欧美同学会员、留学人员和社会各界提供更多的服务;五是要发挥好会员的作用,调动会员的积极性,增强其主人翁意识,让会员更多地参与到会务中来。  相似文献   
During the interwar period, a number of organisations started to look into education as part of an attempt to understand how nationalism was fuelled through education and to what extent it had forced the outbreak of the Great War. In response to nationalism and a perceived need for reformation of national narratives, the school subjects of history and geography became the primary suspects as advocates of chauvinism and militarism. In 1919, associations for the promotion of understanding and cooperation between the Scandinavian countries – the Norden Associations [föreningarna Norden] – began investigating history textbooks. This revision of textbooks was expanded in the 1930s to explore, assess, and develop the entire teaching of history in the Nordic countries. The Norden Associations converged on many levels with the disparate international movements for educational change. This article presents the Norden Associations as part of a process of hegemonic isomorphism in which cultural hegemony set the institutional boundaries within which the organisations could work in order to attain legitimacy. The article demonstrates how an organisation with a specific political agenda, and with only limited international objectives came to be – not only a part of – but, to some extent, an organisational role model for loftier efforts aimed at global and cosmopolitan history teachings.  相似文献   
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