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尽管王治郅缺阵,但拥有NBA状元秀姚明及掘金队巴特尔的中国男篮竟然在第14届世界男篮锦标赛上1胜7负。1个多月后又在亚运会男篮决赛中输给了韩国队。具备世界级身体条件的中国队的表现与国内外期望值形成强烈反差。该文通过对中国男篮在世锦赛上的7场比赛及亚运会决赛录像的统计分析,发现了我外围队员在个人进攻与防守能力、各种进攻方法比率、参与全队防守战术的质量、抢篮板球等方面与国外强队存在较大差距。提出更新理念,改革竞赛与训练体制,引进外籍教练、球员和裁判员,选派教练员赴NBA进修,增加与世界强队的比赛,借鉴NBA训练方法等建议。  相似文献   
目的 探讨细胞周期调节p14ARF-MDM2-p53通路在宫颈上皮癌变过程中的作用.方法 采用免疫组化SP法检测18例正常宫颈上皮、48例宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)和23例宫颈鳞状细胞癌组织p14ARF、MDM2及p53蛋白的表达.结果 p14ARF蛋白表达阳性率在正常宫颈上皮、CIN和宫颈鳞癌组分别为28%、42%和78%,宫颈鳞癌组表达较正常上皮和CIN组升高(P<0.05);MDM2蛋白表达阳性率在正常宫颈上皮、CIN和宫颈鳞癌组分别为0%、23%和43%,CIN和宫颈鳞癌组较正常宫颈上皮表达升高(P<0.05);p53蛋白表达阳性率在正常宫颈上皮、CIN和宫颈鳞癌组分别为6%、31%和39%,CIN及宫颈鳞癌组表达水平较正常宫颈上皮升高(P<0.05);统计分析未发现三种蛋白的表达存在显著相关性.结论 p14ARF-MDM2-p53细胞周期调节通路与宫颈癌发生发展有关并有望用于CIN及宫颈癌的诊断.  相似文献   
“十四五”即将到来,图书馆需要在教育部颁布的《普通高等学校图书馆规程》的基础上,制订单馆的管理和服务流程规范,作为整个管理体制的纲,以《规程》为统领,梳理本馆的管理和服务模式,以利于图书馆治理能力的深化,在真正意义上提升图书馆效能,实现内涵式发展。文章以《重庆大学图书馆规程》为例,论述了整个编制过程和主要思想。  相似文献   
1937年8月14日,中日空军在杭州地区上空发生一次大规模的空战。对这次空战,《东南日报》作了声势浩大的报道,报道内容也十分翔实,不少还是独家新闻。"八·一四"空战揭开了抗战和"二战"空战的序幕。《东南日报》对这次空战的报道,也在新闻史上留下了不朽的一笔。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、录像观察法和比较分析法对第13、14届世界健美操锦标赛成绩进行对比分析,并结合2013-2016年周期新规则,探究世界竞技健美操竞争格局和发展态势,为中国竞技健美操进一步发展提供可借鉴的理论依据。研究认为:竞赛规则指引着竞技健美操发展方向,对新规则的理解和掌握直接影响着比赛成绩;世界竞技健美操保持欧亚大陆雌雄争夺、美洲势单力薄的"偏"三足鼎立竞争格局;亚洲国家总奖牌数和金银铜牌数追平乃至超越欧洲国家,强烈冲击欧洲国家长久统治的主宰地位;中国竞技健美操在经历低谷后焕发崭新生机,重新进入国际领军集团;世界竞技健美操呈现国际化发展的确定性和洲际、国家强弱流动的不确定性互相交织的态势发展。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) related knowledge flows for international market shares. Using bibliometric data on scientific publications, we analyse the relationship between the strength of 14 OECD countries in four ICT-related scientific fields and the ability of those countries to maintain and acquire export market shares in the OECD market, across 16 manufacturing industries over the period 1981-2003. We find that domestic and foreign ICT-related scientific knowledge flows have a positive and significant impact on export market shares in ICT industries, while only domestic flows positively affect export shares in non-ICT industries. We also find that small open economies benefit more than other countries from foreign knowledge flows both in ICT and in non-ICT industries.  相似文献   
从中药软枣猕猴桃Ainidia arguta(Sieb et Zucc)Planth ex Miguel的叶正丁醇提取物中分离并鉴定了2种结晶性成分,经理化常数测定及光谱分析,证明为β—谷甾醇(β—Sitosterol)和2α3α,24—三羟基—12—烯—28—乌苏酸(2α,3α,24—trihydroxyurs—12—en—28—oicacid)均为首次从该植物中分得。  相似文献   
In fast-paced and knowledge-intensive environments, licensing partnerships can be powerful levers for market expansion. Research on the management of technology-oriented licenses has nonetheless pointed out the risks of corrosive disputes caused by conflicting interests or misunderstandings among licensing partners. The choice made ex ante on mechanisms for resolving potential disputes is of prime importance in the execution of licensing exchanges. Although the legal literature has widely emphasized the advantages of arbitration towards litigation, public ordering remains the “default” option in managers’ eyes. By adopting a transaction cost economics logic, our study explores the conditions under which licensing partners may prefer arbitration over public ordering during the contractual-design phase. In accordance with our theoretical arguments, findings show that the occurrence of arbitration provisions increases when the coordination orientation adopted by licensing partners is extensive. In situations where both monitoring and coordination orientations are simultaneously extensive, results reveal a greater propensity to prefer arbitration over public ordering. Our research therefore supports the view that corporate decision-makers tend to favor the conciliatory stance and compromising awards typically associated with arbitration, only when exchanges are expected to be highly coordinative. Their preference for arbitration over litigation is magnified when the coordination orientation develops alongside the monitoring orientation.  相似文献   
The use of university-industry collaboration in the innovation process is viewed as a major driver of firm competitiveness. The organizational dynamics underlying successful external relationships, however, remain poorly understood. Using longitudinal case studies of 15 innovation projects, we examine how firms with varying degrees of experience in collaborating with universities and public research organizations rely on different social capital dimensions to achieve successful collaborations. We find that experienced firms establish external collaborations on the basis of cognitive social capital, but this basis is reinforced by relational social capital over time. Conversely, less experienced firms initially base their university collaborations on relational social capital, which is reinforced by cognitive social capital over time. Based on these findings, we theorize on the interplay of different dimensions of social capital in university-industry collaborations over time. Our study has important implications for the management of collaborative innovation projects. In particular, it provides guidance to enable less experienced firms to develop successful collaborations with university partners.  相似文献   
随着新型基础设施在经济社会发展中的基础性、战略性作用日益突显,其内涵也从最初的5G、物联网等逐步拓展至包含信息、融合和创新3种类型的基础设施。创新基础设施是信息技术前沿发展和技术进步的支撑平台,也是新型基础设施形态得以持续演进、功能得以不断拓展的动力源;将创新基础设施纳入新型基础设施的范畴,体现了国家对科技创新的充分信任和殷切期待。厘清3类新型基础设施的内涵与关系,认清当前创新基础设施发展面临的问题和挑战,在“十四五”时期高效布局创新基础设施,对于统筹提升新型基础设施的供给质量和效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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