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戏剧主义修辞批评是当今西方修辞批评领域流行的范式之一。文章以伯克的戏剧五要素分析法为分析工具,借助伯克的"术语屏"、"同一"等重要修辞概念,分析美国《时代周刊》杂志对我国拉萨"3·14"打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件的报道,解构其语篇构建的修辞方式,挖掘该报道背后隐藏的修辞动机。分析表明,《时代周刊》对此事件的报道充满偏见,严重偏离事实。  相似文献   
In the past decade, the Special-Contracted Teacher Scheme has witnessed remarkable progress, but there are deficiencies including inadequate benefit guarantee for and mixed reviews on the quality of special-contracted teachers. In the context of developing the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–2025) for education and accelerating the modernization of education, the current implementation of the Special Contracted Teacher Scheme requires to be further examined and judged, to adjust the policy in time and present policy recommendations for the supply of rural teachers during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Therefore, several scholars were invited to contribute to gain insight into this policy from multiple perspectives.  相似文献   
我国的开放大学历经40多年的发展历程,积累了非常宝贵的办学经验,在不同阶段为服务国家建设作出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。迈入“十四五”时期,开放大学如何为构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展、助力国家终身教育体系构建作出更加卓越的贡献,成为重要的时代命题。建设高水平开放大学就是对这一重要命题的回应。高水平开放大学应是具有全纳普惠的办学理念、规范完善的质量保证、高效协同的治理体系、稳健智能的技术支撑,旨在为一切学有所需的学习者提供高质量终身学习服务的新型大学。当前高水平开放大学建设面临诸如办学体系不完善、优势特色不突出、质量保证不健全、服务领域不全面、课程和师资力量薄弱、外部竞争激烈等严峻现实挑战,未来可参照以特色创品牌、以质量强内涵、以融合促发展和以技术求突破四条建设路径和举措,不断提升开放大学的办学优势、多元融合治理能力,以及服务全民终身学习的质量和社会认可度。  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of R&D tax credits on innovation activities of Canadian manufacturing firms. Over the 1997-1999 period the Federal and Provincial R&D tax credit programs were used by more than one third of all manufacturing firms and by close to two thirds of firms in high-technology sectors. We investigate the average effect of R&D tax credits on a series of innovation indicators such as: number of new products, sales with new products, originality of innovation, etc. using a non-parametric matching approach. Compared to a hypothetical situation in the absence of R&D tax credits, recipients of tax credits show significantly better scores on most but not all performance indicators. We therefore conclude that tax credits lead to additional innovation output.  相似文献   
在面临着新型信息技术的冲击下,图书馆未来必须进行信息数字化的全面转型升级,需要从以资源数字化为主导的数字图书馆向数据驱动的智慧图书馆过渡。因此本文通过扫描图书馆未来5年的信息化发展环境,找出了图书馆信息化面临的四个主要问题,并针对性提出构建数据驱动的信息系统、实施场景化的服务设计及加强数字特藏建设等信息化发展策略,旨在大学图书馆“十四五”规划的开关之年,为各图书馆开展信息化建设提供参考借鉴,以共同推进图书馆信息化的建设发展。  相似文献   
“十三五”期间,宁夏回族自治区图书馆坚持正确的办馆理念,在党建、空间综合服务改造、读者服务、资源建设及人才队伍建设等方面均取得了满意的成绩。“十四五”时期,秉持打造高质量图书馆理念,在智慧图书馆建设、资源建设、省级图书馆功能拓展、研究与协作及人才培养等方面再上台阶,取得实绩。  相似文献   
在健康中国战略背景下,体育公园建设与布局优化是体育学科研究和实践的重点问题。采用网络爬虫技术获取我国31个省(区、市)共计1 707条体育公园坐标数据,综合运用空间分析、匹配度分析模型、灰色关联度模型以及地理探测器模型的方法,分析我国体育公园空间分布特征以及其与休闲经济、国家政策的匹配度及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)我国体育公园空间分布呈非均衡且概率不等的态势,具有不完全随机分布与高低值集聚特征,沿“胡焕庸线”垂直方向呈梯度递减,以省会城市为中心“以点带面”,具有显著的地域差异性与空间正相关性;(2)绝大部分省(市、区)现有体育公园发展水平与休闲经济发展水平存在低匹配现象;(3)体育公园存量资源与“十四五”规划体育公园建设指导目标具有良好匹配度;(4)体育公园布局影响因素的解释力由大到小排序依次为:经济驱动力、资源吸引力、城镇拉动力、交通推动力、人口支撑力、环境承载力。  相似文献   
In 2008, the UK Labour government unveiled plans to abolish the Learning and Skills Council and transfer funding for the education and training of 16–19‐year‐olds in England to local authorities (LAs). The transfer of 16–19 funding complements the responsibilities that LAs have already acquired in relation to the raising of the education and training ‘participation age’ and ensuring that all young people have access to a full 14–19 curriculum entitlement in their area. Such a move might be read as part of the ‘new localism’ that has gained currency under the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, as well as an opportunity to rein back from an English education and training system that has become increasingly centralised and ‘top‐down’. Indeed, some commentators have argued for a new model of governance based on ‘devolved social partnership’, with input from a wider range of stakeholders and the space for policy levers to be shaped more at local level. Drawing upon interviews with key personnel in LAs and other stakeholders, this paper examines the opportunities and challenges that LAs face in their new role, whether this amounts to a genuine devolution of power, and the prospects for ‘devolved social partnership’.  相似文献   
The commercialisation of schools is a controversial issue, but very little is known about the actual situation in UK schools. The aim of this study was to investigate, with particular reference to health education and health promotion, commercial activities and their regulation in primary schools in the Yorkshire and Humber region of the UK. A questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 650 headteachers with respondents being asked whether a range of commercial activities had been present in their school during the previous 20 months. They also indicated whether the school had any policies on the types of activity covered by the questionnaire. The results showed that four types of commercial activity had been present in over 50% of responding schools. These were voucher/token collection schemes, business linked competitions/contests, business linked sports coaching and sponsorship. Voucher/token collection schemes were found to be the most common form of activity, with 85% of schools having participated in at least one of these initiatives. Only 4% of schools had any policies on the types of activity covered in the questionnaire. Further research in the UK on commercial activities in schools is recommended.  相似文献   
周珂 《北京体育大学学报》2005,28(11):1570-1572
运用文献资料调研、录像观察、专家访谈和数理统计等研究方法,对第14届世界男篮锦标赛上的中国队和与赛队的进攻速度进行统计和比较,找出差距,进而对中国队和与赛队不同获球方式的进攻速度进行细分比较,深入分析我国男篮进攻速度慢的原因;并针对中国男篮存在的问题,提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   
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