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Stronger protection of patent rights is thought to spur innovation through securing returns to R&D investments. Those investments must be financed, however, suggesting that the responsiveness of R&D to patent reforms varies with financial development levels. We examine the joint impact of domestic and international financial-market development and patent protection on R&D intensities in 22 manufacturing industries in 20 OECD countries for the period 1990-2009. We show that stronger patent rights increase R&D intensities in patent-intensive industries, accounting for the need for external financing and the amount of tangible assets. The primary impact varies across types of financial development: patent protection raises R&D in high-patent industries where countries have more limited equity and credit markets. In contrast, in countries with more developed bond markets industry R&D is more sensitive to patent rights. Interestingly, patent rights in countries that are more exposed to foreign direct investment increase R&D intensities at all levels of financial development.  相似文献   
Research activities are increasingly global so that embeddedness in international knowledge networks is decisive for inventive and innovative performance. We analyze determinants of countries’ embeddedness in the global photovoltaics knowledge network for the period 1980–2015 and argue that positions in this network are determined by the structure and functionality of national research systems and by instruments within the policy-mix for renewable energies. We show that cohesion and connectedness of the national research system positively affect international embeddedness, whereas centralized systems are detrimental to embeddedness. This indicates that a diffusion oriented research system allows better access to international knowledge flows. Policy instruments, especially demand side instruments, show a positive effect on embeddedness.  相似文献   
采用数理统计、录像分析的方法 ,对第 14届世界女子篮球锦标赛中国队胜负原因进行分析。结果显示 :3分球命中率的高低是本届世界锦标赛影响中国队胜负的重要因素 ,中国队在其它攻守指标中与对手相比不相上下  相似文献   
Creating public value is a key goal of public administrations, both in their daily business and in the growing field of smart government and smart cities, which focuses on IT-enabled innovations in the public sphere. However, many public administrations still struggle with such innovations due to complex technologies, high investments, and the numerous stakeholders involved. To address this issue, some local governments in continental Europe have turned to collaborative innovation approaches, partnering with (semi-)public utility companies in the hope that their additional innovation assets will boost innovativeness. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how exactly such collaborations should be governed to ensure that the focus remains on creating public value, as utility companies may have their own agendas. To explore this question, we conducted a comparative case study in the context of smart city initiatives with four cases in Swiss local governments. Drawing on agency and stewardship theory, we then propose a model of public-value-focused collaborative innovation, enabling us to explore various collaboration characteristics and their effects on public value creation. Our findings suggest that both agency- and stewardship-based collaborations increase innovativeness. However, while agency collaborations tend to produce smart city innovations that mainly serve the utility companies' business interests, stewardship relationships lead to innovations that are focused more on public value creation. As such, our study extends the literature on the effects of collaborative innovation on public value, and it provides practical recommendations on how such collaborative innovation should be designed.  相似文献   
在总结南昌市举办七城会的成功经验,分析赣州市经济社会发展实情的基础上,提出在赣南苏区振兴发展背景下,赣州市举办江西省第十四届省运会的工作重点:统筹考虑赣州实情,利用省运会搭建发展新平台;秉承节俭办赛理念,花最少的钱办最成功的省运会;深化绿色生态意识,促进赣州市绿色生态发展;挖掘红色文化资源,凝练赣州市社会文化特色;改善体育基础条件,促进赣州市体育事业进步;紧扣苏区振兴规划,推动赣州市经济社会崛起.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、数理统计、预测分析等方法,通过对第14届世界田径锦标赛奖牌分布进行归纳总结,分析出奖牌各洲际区域分布情况以及在各项目上获得情况,并与第13届世界田径锦标赛和第30届奥运会田径比赛金牌和奖牌获得国家和地区进行比较,得出当前世界田坛新格局:1/3的金牌和奖牌获得国家和地区处于不稳定状态;金牌、奖牌的流向朝多极化方向发展,但是大部分归属趋于集中化;美俄争霸的格局还未被打破,以牙买加和肯尼亚为首的第二集团不断壮大,形成了美俄之外的第二极;处于世界田径配角的大洋洲、南美洲和亚洲地位没有改变;部分国家和区域优势项群逐渐形成.  相似文献   
嫖宿幼女罪,从理论上看,严重冲击中国传统文化,违背了国人的道德底线,侵害了幼女的合法权益,违反了刑法的基本原则.从立法上看,嫖宿幼女罪与强奸罪客观要件存在着完全或部分重合,客观上赋予了幼女的性自由权,与民法规定相悖.从刑法上看,量刑与罪行相应的刑法原则相背离,司法实践中极易放纵犯罪分子.正确的做法是废除嫖宿幼女罪,嫖宿幼女的行为以强奸罪论处,从而在刑法上给幼女身心健康以最大的保护.  相似文献   
“十三五”时期我国公共图书馆发展成就突出,呈现出八大亮点:治理体系和治理能力现代化迈出了坚实的步伐;标准化促进均等化取得了突破;乡村公共文化服务体系建设跃上新台阶;社会化发展快速推进增强了发展动力;数字化、智能化建设有了重要突破;公共图书馆总分馆制走向普及深化;融合发展新实践带来发展新机遇、展现了服务新场景;公共文化示范区引领公共图书馆高质量发展。“十四五”时期公共图书馆高质量发展应围绕完善公共文化服务体系、提升公共文化服务水平这一核心任务,重点谋划、着力推进六项工作:全面落实基本公共文化服务标准制度,促进城乡一体发展;创新实施文化惠民工程;推进社会化发展,实现动力变革;扩大覆盖面,提高实效性;持续创新和提升数字服务能力;以新发展理念推动融合发展。  相似文献   
深圳图书馆把握“粤港澳大湾区”和“中国特色社会主义先行示范区”的“双区驱动”发展机遇,编制具有科学性、前瞻性、衔接性和可行性的“十四五”规划,以建设成为国际一流、国内标杆,与深圳“区域文化中心城市”“彰显国家文化软实力的现代文明之城”定位相匹配的新一代智慧型城市中心图书馆。文章简述深圳图书馆“十三五”规划完成情况,“十四五”规划编制目的、背景研究和工作机制,愿景、理念与总体目标;分析深圳图书馆中心馆与深圳第二图书馆、深圳图书馆与深圳“图书馆之城”的两大关系定位。  相似文献   
文章自苏州独具的历史文化及其所蕴含的人文精神破题,重新发现苏州图书馆的立馆之本和学术追求,再引出“苏州学”的研究与传播、在地文化遗产的保存、梳理和活化、沪苏公共文化服务“双城记”和总分馆服务体系再提升等四个维度,将苏州图书馆未来五年的发展放置于江南文化大时代中研究,抽丝剥茧般建构起城市智库、传承文脉、沪苏同城、市域一体等新时代苏州图书馆高质量发展的新增长点。  相似文献   
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