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This study explored the integration of technical vocabulary into pre-observation conferences and its influence on English teachers’ professional learning and discussion in their post-observation conferences. The conceptual framework based on Harvey [2011. “A Sociocultural-Theory-Based Study of the Impact of Mediation During Post-observation Conferences on Language Teacher Learning.” Unpublished doctoral diss., University of South Florida] and Goe, Biggers, and Croft [2012. Linking Teacher Evaluation to Professional Development: Focusing on Improving Teaching and Learning. Denver, CO: National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality] was used to analyse the questionnaire, audio recordings, and documents collected in seven peer observations of teaching in Taiwan. This study has two major findings. First, English teachers regarded the technical vocabulary as stimuli for their professional learning; however, the range of technical vocabulary used during the post-observation conferences was limited. Second, three major factors affected their use of technical vocabulary. A new model was proposed in order to effectively integrate technical vocabulary into peer observations of teaching for elementary school English teachers’ professional learning.  相似文献   
沈括在《梦溪笔谈·书画》中提出的“以大观小”论,是中国特色透视观的经典言论之一,体现了庄子“以道观之”的观物态度。“以大观小”之“大”,正是“道”之大,只有“道”才具有小天下的大视野,才能穿越物我的藩篱,时空的界限,沟通物物的关系,建构起多向度、多层次的立体网状新视城;“以大观小”之“观”,融哲学思想、心灵观照与视觉现象于一炉,而不纯粹发生在视觉领域。沈括式透视观,是庄子“以道观之”的哲学思想在绘画领域的落实。  相似文献   
提出一种基于协同表示的新的目标跟踪算法.在贝叶斯框架下,采用基于重构误差的观测似然函数和考虑遮挡的模型更新机制设计一个鲁棒的跟踪器.用l1范数来建模重构误差以更好地容忍奇异值,同时用协同表示对编码系数进行约束.实验结果表明,和其他算法相比,本文算法能够战胜遮挡、尺度变化、光照变化、背景混乱等干扰因素,具有较高的准确度和鲁棒性.  相似文献   
Damian Spiteri 《Compare》2019,49(6):888-904

This study explores the insights about teaching that student teachers elicit from schools when they go on their first school placements. It thereby offers an appraisal of how student teachers experience teaching when still at the relatively early stages of training and how they are socialised into a role where they become protagonists who can create a positive teaching climate in the classroom. The authors approach this study from the perspective of construction of meanings and consider the discourse that takes place in candidate teacher-student interactions in two university settings – in Malta and China, respectively. The study shows how student teachers believe that cultures and cultural differences need to be clearly considered across the curriculum if schools are to promote active learning equitably.  相似文献   
Education Preparation Programs (EPPs) are increasingly pressured to demonstrate alignment between program supports and candidates’ outcomes. Using mixed methods, we studied the Early Field Immersion School (EFIS), an effort to improve candidates’ early field experiences. Participants included 171 candidates enrolled in a graduate certificate program and 11 university-based faculty. EFIS candidates spent increased time in early field experiences, yet EFIS was not associated with candidates’ performance at program exit. Although we found that while candidates and faculty alike valued EFIS supports, participation was negatively associated with perceptions of preparedness. We discuss these discrepancies and offer suggestions for ongoing research.  相似文献   
This review presents a conceptual framework and supporting evidence that links impaired motor control after sport-related concussion(SRC)to increased risk for musculoskeletal injury.Multiple studies have found that athletes who are post-SRC have higher risk for musculoskeletal injury compared to their counterparts.A small body of research suggests that impairments in motor control are associated with musculoskeletal injury risk.Motor control involves the perception and processing of sensory information and subsequent coordination of motor output within the central nervous system to perform a motor task.Motor control is inclusive of motor planning and motor learning.If sensory information is not accurately perceived or there is interference with sensory information processing and cognition,motor function will be altered,and an athlete may become vulnerable to injury during sport participation.Athletes with SRC show neuroanatomic and neurophysiological changes relevant to motor control even after meeting return to sport criteria,including a normal neurological examination,resolution of symptoms,and return to baseline function on traditional concussion testing.In conjunction,altered motor function is demonstrated after SRC in muscle activation and force production,movement patterns,balance/postural stability,and motor task performance,especially performance of a motor task paired with a cognitive task(i.e.,dual-task condition).The clinical implications of this conceptual framework include a need to intentionally address motor control impairments after SRC to mitigate musculoskeletal injury risk and to monitor motor control as the athlete progresses through the return to sport continuum.  相似文献   
本文基于电大辍学归因研究中的学习负荷问题展开讨论。调查显示,学习负荷过高造成了许多电大学生在学习道路上的无功而返,而学习的高负荷是由课程难度与学生学术水平之间的落差所造成的。本研究旨在通过对电大课程教学过程的审视,探究其学术支持服务手段的有效性。本研究以2011年3-6月上海电大A分校2010春英语专业本科层次"变化中的英语"课程教学为个案,通过面授课堂观察、课程形成性考核记录、网上教学记录、课程期末考试成绩聚焦课程教学效果。研究结果显示,电大的课程教学支持服务手段仍停留于传统教学模式,而作为重要学习辅助手段的网上学习,其形式意义占据和弥漫于抽样所在班级师生的观念中,导致学习支持的可获得性受到制约;同时,由于任课教师在电大体制下被层层嵌于一个庞大的系统之中,教师的能动性在改善课程教学效果时会受到一定程度上的限制;第三,在多方原因的共同作用下,现行教学模式下学生的课业表现与预期课程教学目标之间存有潜在的些微差距,会在一定程度上影响任课教师对自身课程教学的判断和调整。改变这种状况,电大教学组织制度的变革和对教师支持服务力度的加强势在必行。  相似文献   
观察是人们获取知识信息的第一步 .观察能力的高低会对学生的学习产生重要的影响 .在化学教学中 ,有意识、有计划地培养学生的观察能力 ,使他们能够善于观察 ,并进行正确的思维是提高学生素质的一个重要环节 .教师指导的最终目标在于培养学生的独立观察能力 .  相似文献   
现代大学的创生、发展与改革深受人文主义与功利主义两种大学观的影响。人文主义大学观主张充分发展人的个性,重视基础理论研究,崇尚学术自由与科学探索;功利主义大学观强调大学的社会服务功能,培养实用技术人才。通过对德国现代大学改革、民国初年和新中国成立初期大学改革进行历史考察与比较发现,现代大学改革成功的关键在于两种大学观的相互协调,不可偏废。两种大学观的考察与比较,对构建我国现代大学制度具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   
酸碱滴定可行性的经典理念及其存在的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酸碱滴定可行性的经典理念是以终点误差为根据,以弱酸的平衡浓度Csp和离解常数Ka来表征酸碱滴定可行性,并把CspKa≥10^-8作为表征酸碱滴定反应可行性的判据.这种观点是片面的,只有根据终点观测误差推导酸碱滴定可行性才有实际意义,即根据平衡浓度Csp和酸与碱之间滴定反应的平衡常数Kt来表征酸碱滴定可行性.相应地,表征酸碱滴定反应可行性的判据应该是CspKt≥10^6.  相似文献   
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