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我国体育产业从公益事业向产业化发展的过程中,始终面临着一个问题,那就是其中多大成分是公益,多大成分是商业,这个问题也导出了国家在体育公益事业上的投资与产业商业投资之间的合作、冲突和矛盾如何处理的问题。其实体育产业中的公益投资与商业投资具有相互促进、相互补充的关系,政府与企业之间可以相互融资,或者通过政府采购服务的方式,保证两种投资关系的合理和效益最大化。  相似文献   
白斐 《天津教育》2021,(1):167-168
课后服务是为了解决学生放学早、家长下班晚这一"时间差"问题衍生出的一种服务.积极开展中小学课后服务工作是破解教育难题,提高优质教育资源开发利用率,解决教育问题的重要举措.但是在服务探索中,其存在的问题也需要相关部门密切关注与深入研究.  相似文献   
分析和研究了特色服务的概念与内涵,着重论述了公共图书馆特色服务的建立与问题以及发展前景与品牌创建.  相似文献   
Relying on data from a nationally representative sample of youth involved in the child welfare system (CWS) in 1999–2000 (the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, Cohort 1) and 2008–2009 (Cohort 2), this study implemented a diverse set of disparity indicators to estimate area-socioeconomic disparities in mental health (MH) services use and changes in area-socioeconomic disparities between the two cohorts. Our study found that there are area-socioeconomic disparities in MH service use, indicating that the rates of MH service use among youth referred to the CWS differ by area-socioeconomic positions defined by county-level poverty rates. We also found that area-socioeconomic disparities increased over time. However, the magnitude of the increase varied widely across disparity measures, suggesting that there are different conclusions about the trend and magnitude of area-socioeconomic disparities, depending upon which disparity measures are implemented. A greater understanding of the methodological differences among disparity measures is warranted, which will in turn impact how interventions are designed to reduce socioeconomic disparities among children in the CWS.  相似文献   
Ongoing child welfare services are put in place after completion of the initial maltreatment investigation when there is a perceived need to mitigate the risk of future harm. The knowledge of how clinical, worker, and organizational characteristics interact with this decision to provide ongoing child welfare services is not well integrated in the research literature. Using secondary data from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2008, this study’s primary objective is to understand the relationship of clinical, worker, and organizational characteristics to the decision to transfer a case to ongoing child welfare services and their relative contribution to the transfer decision in Canada. Findings indicate that several clinical level variables are associated with families receiving ongoing services. Additionally, organizational factors, such as type of services offered by the organization and the number of employee support programs available to workers, significantly predicted the decision to transfer a case to ongoing services. While no worker factors, such as education, amount of training, experience, or caseload, were associated with ongoing service receipt, the intraclass correlation coefficient of the final three-level parsimonious model indicated substantial clustering at the worker level. Results indicate that Canadian child welfare workers make decisions differently based on factors not available in the current study and that what would be deemed as important worker characteristics do not necessarily predict this outcome. Findings and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
在把握文献资料详实的基础上,通过对成都市城乡居民在信息服务基础设施、经济收入、信息素质的分析,认为:全民健身信息服务消费应以城市带动农村;城乡居民健身信息服务消费应有针对性;政府和企业在城乡全民健身信息服务市场之间各有侧重,对提升体育健身信息服务消费潜力起到积极的干预。  相似文献   
加强基层服务型党组织建设是落实党的路线方针政策和各项工作任务的重要保障。高校图书馆基层党组织通过个性化服务创建活动,有助于不断拓宽图书馆的服务领域、开创图书馆个性化的服务载体、完善图书馆个性化的服务功能,推进图书馆服务模式的创新,对于提升读者的满意度、为高校提供信息保障和科研支撑有重大意义。  相似文献   
基于顾客体育健身消费情感的视角,结合体育健身服务业的行业背景,从服务质量、顾客价值、顾客满意、顾客忠诚4个维度设计22个封闭式问题对体育健身服务业顾客忠诚度的驱动因素进行测评.研究认为:体育健身服务业的顾客忠诚是多维度的,主要体现在推荐意向、购买意愿、价格容忍、抱怨行为四个方面;体育健身服务业的顾客忠诚程度主要表现在重复参与消费,而实现重复消费的前提是健身服务产品得到消费者的认可,使消费者对健身服务产品形成一定程度的偏好,消费者特征上的差异会影响顾客忠诚度的形成,服务质量、服务满意等对体育健身服务行业的忠诚度也产生相应的影响.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等,对惠州市残疾人的需求现状、供给现状、政策法规现状、服务反馈现状进行了研究,针对惠州市残疾人公共体育服务存在的问题提出了建议,旨在为惠州市残疾人公共体育服务的发展提供参考。结果显示:惠州市残疾人公共体育服务存在残疾人公共体育服务发展水平不平衡,供给主体单一且缺乏多样性和活力,残疾人体育活动的总量偏少且缺乏特色,相关法律法规不完善缺乏可执行细则,体育健身指导员严重不足且培养体系和等级制度不完善,评价机制不完善缺少残疾人评价和第三方评价等问题。  相似文献   
《青少年体育“十三五”规划》提出加强青少年体育、完善青少年体育公共服务体系,对于全民健身战略、奥运战略、建设体育强国都有着重要的意义。文章运用文献资料法对建设青少年体育公共服务体系进行分析与探讨。研究发现,诸多困境还影响着青少年体育公共服务体系的建设:场地设施不足、体育活动与赛事开展不充分、组织建设不完善、机制建设滞后等。建议从政策、经费、场地设施、活动与赛事、服务的监管与评价等方面方面入手,更好地完善我国青少年体育公共服务体系。  相似文献   
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