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社会服务是高职院校的重要职能.提升高职院校社会服务能力,可以扩大社会影响力,增强自身办学的吸引力.常州信息职业技术学院在提升社会服务能力方面进行了积极实践,成效显著.为提升社会服务能力,高职院校应树立正确的社会服务观,构建社会服务体系,完善社会服务机制,丰富社会服务内容,深化内涵建设.  相似文献   
就业竞争力是应用型人才培养的出发点,是综合素质、基本工作能力和职业适应和迁移能力的全面体现。文章在分析了当前普通本科教育的弊端后,提出构建以就业竞争力为核心的应用型人才培养模式,以"学历证书+职业资格证书"双达标为培养目标,加强实践环节,全面提升学生职业能力和素养。  相似文献   
本文在总结前人相关研究成果的基础之上,运用线性加权综合法详细测度和对比分析了广西桂林和北海两个旅游目的地品牌竞争力状况,找出桂林和北海旅游目的地品牌竞争力的影响因素,最后提出了桂林和北海旅游目的地品牌竞争力提升策略。  相似文献   
中国装备制造业竞争力的提升已经越来越受到现有制度的约束。在新制度经济学的视角下,对装备制造业的制度进行分析,对其竞争力的变化具有很强的解释力。本文在回顾了我国装备制造业产业政策的制度变革历程的基础上,指出现阶段装备制造业制度设计存在着缺少对国内区域分工协作的引导、资本结构极不合理、与低碳低耗能的整体经济发展趋势不能达到激励相容、忽视与非正式制度的协调发展等问题,并在实现制度效率、帕累托改进、交易成本最低、尊重制度生命周期规律等制度设计的原则下,给出我国装备制造业产业政策设计的建议。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the nature of competitiveness and argues (contra Jones 2015) that being competitive does not essentially involve a strong desire to win or to outperform others. The appeal of the ‘desire-to-win’ analysis of competitiveness can be explained away provided we distinguish between virtuous and vicious competitiveness. It is conceivable (even if it is not typical) that a virtuously competitive athlete lack a strong desire to win or to outperform others. Moreover, there is empirical evidence that virtuous competitiveness and vicious competitiveness are distinct character traits. If being virtuously competitive does not require a strong desire to win, then being competitive simpliciter does not require this. Other recent accounts, e.g. Kretchmar 2012 and Russell 2014, may appear to support the desire-to-win analysis, but careful reflection reveals that this is not the case.  相似文献   
2006年伊始,布什政府发布《美国竞争力计划》,进一步加大对科研与教育的投入,制定具体的科研与教育发展蓝图,其目的是提高美国的创新能力,培养适应未来社会发展的劳动者,保持美国的国际竞争力。  相似文献   
李创 《未来与发展》2008,29(2):39-42
采用因子分析法探讨了东西部纺织产业竞争力差距的深层次原因,并详细分析了中西部地区在产业规模因子、外部环境因子和产业管理因子等方面的发展差距,为中西部地区纺织产业的快速发展和竞争力提升提供了理论指导.  相似文献   
Only recently, it has been argued that technology policy should give more attention to the regions as they could play a key role in the process of technological change. The German Federal Government has tried to do so by initiating a contest in which Germany's leading Biotech regions competed for a given amount of public funding. This paper reports on the aims, the conceptual design and the results of the BioRegio contest (BRC) and tries to place it into a broader theoretical context. It is shown that the new policy instrument cannot solve the fundamental information problem associated with government intervention into the process of technological change, but that it goes into the right direction by taking the regions seriously and giving prominence to the well-functioning interplay of the various elements of regional innovation systems.  相似文献   
本文从县域经济发展的角度出发,提出发展要素竞争力的概念,指出县域经济竞争力的研究应该以服务于县域经济发展为目的,能够为县域经济发展提供决策支持和决策参考,并在对传统的竞争力评价方法进行改进的基础上,首次提出了两段法的竞争力评价方法,详细介绍了两段法的评价过程,为竞争力评价方法提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
The ideologies of technological utopianism and national competitiveness are two common strands of twentieth century technology policy in developed nations. The former is the tendency to paint an unrealistic picture of schedule or benefits for a planned technological shift, while the latter is the use of a (real or imagined) advantage held by another nation as a justification for domestic policies. Both are techniques that can and have been used to sell technology policies to government, industry, and the public at large. This theoretical framework is used to analyze the emergence of the 'multimedia'/information infrastructure boomlet in Japan in the mid 1990s, and, in the context of the country's history and institutions, is used to explain the policy distortions that resulted.  相似文献   
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