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20世纪30年代中期,中国思想界爆发了一场关于中国文化出路的论战,本位派与西化派展开了激烈讨论,围绕着文化的时代性与民族性、文化的整体性与可分性及文化的演进规律等问题展开了理论上的交锋,产生了深远的影响,为新民主主义文化观的形成提供了重要的思想原料。  相似文献   
维切制度是古代俄罗斯的民主制度,我国学界对其研究甚少,专著和论文几近空白。"维切"也即市民会议,是古罗斯各邦的最高权力机关,在历史上发挥过重要作用,以诺夫哥罗德的维切制度发展最为典型。维切制度以广泛的直接民主和无政府主义为特色,但实际控制维切的还是贵族阶层。  相似文献   
Carrie Antal 《Compare》2008,38(1):87-102
This article explores the relationship between the propagation of religious nationalist citizenship discourses in classrooms and inter‐religious conflict in the context of two developing democracies, India and Israel. The author concludes that students schooled in religious nationalist ideology in developing nations are at greater risk of accepting exclusionary citizenship discourses without adequate critical analyses of their implications due to poor nations' tendencies toward teacher‐centred and textbook‐based instruction that neglects the development of critical thinking faculties. The acceptance of these ideologies appears to be correlated with an increase in inter‐religious conflict, social destabilization and the subversion of democracy. The corruption of democratic ideals by religiously motivated citizenship discourses has however been partially offset by the power of the vote and other structures inherent in democracy.  相似文献   
考茨基是第二国际的卓越理论家,但由于苏联马克思主义的影响,长期以来,考茨基一直以一副叛徒的面目出现我们的理论视野中。今天,在苏联的社会主义试验以解体而告失败后,在我们启动社会主义民主体制建设的航程之时,则应当剥去政治斗争的外衣,回归到当时具体历史语境中,客观地考察考茨基社会民主主义观出发点、所针对的问题以及他对问题的解决路径,这不仅是对历史本身的尊重,也可以为我们的民主法制建设之路提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
雅典民主的发展历程,在某种意义上就是公民建构的过程,因为雅典民主的主体和中心是公民,故公民素质的好坏关系到民主的成败。公民的建构是一个系统的工程,公民意识的普及而达成的民主共识奠定了雅典民主的思想基石,在此基础上,民主制度的创新使公民获得了制度的保障而名副其实,民主实践则让公民真正成熟,雅典民主由此成为社会生活生龙活虎的现实。  相似文献   
“三民主义”是20世纪中国社会的重大理论成果之一,它不仅确立了资产阶级民主革命的行动纲领,对于现代中国国家建构也起到了导引方向的作用。它对于目前的中国国家建设也同样具有可以借鉴的久远意义,其指导思想仍然具有重要的精神引领作用。由“三民主义”而引申出现代国家建构的基本特征,仍然可以成为我国国家政治建设的目标范式。  相似文献   
梁启超提出和阐发的新民学说,推动了清末民初的维新改革和国民性改造思潮的高涨,产生了深刻而广泛的影响。他的新民学说论述了什么叫新民,为什么要新民,以及怎样新民?其中怎样新民,是其新民思想理论的精髓。本文从道德论、民权论、自由观、国家思想、权利义务思想、合群思想、新文化思想等九个方面予以归纳,并进行了概括性论述。  相似文献   
毛泽东的新民主主义理论和实践是从20世纪30年代到50年代初,由萌芽到逐步成熟的,它是毛泽东政治方略和建国、治国方略的主体。探索和实践新民主主义理论的过程,是毛泽东更具灵活性、创造性地把马列主义的原理同中国的实际相结合的过程,也是中国革命取得胜利的重要保证。  相似文献   
This article examines the nature of the gap in household telephone penetration among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. By analyzing historic and current penetration levels of the radio, television, and telephone, it suggests that most information technology gaps are amalgamations of smaller socioeconomic trends and can be discerned and reduced only with careful historical analysis of both technology choices and living patterns. It proposes localized universal service strategies, since the penetration gaps are affected by a complex array of factors more particular to localities than to the country as a whole and as such must be investigated with rigor and caution if progress toward the elimination of penetration gaps is to occur.  相似文献   
In this study, full-time employees were surveyed to determine the degree to which different considerations factored into their decisions to express upward or lateral dissent. Employees rated considerations similarly when reportedly dissenting to either supervisors or coworkers, with organizational climate and organizational attachment considerations being comparatively stronger than concerns associated with being perceived as adversarial and experiencing retaliation. A comparison across types of dissent revealed that organizational climate, organizational attachment, and adversarial perception/retaliation were more important considerations when employees expressed upward versus lateral dissent. Additionally, results suggested no significant differences in the way management and non-management employees weighed considerations when expressing dissent.  相似文献   
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