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公平差别阈理论与体育教师积极性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过电话及问卷形式调查了河南省36所高校和豫东地区入所大中专院校153名体育教师的课时待遇情况,结果表明,我省绝大部分高校体育教师的收入普遍低于其它学科教师和重点中学体育教师,略高于体育机关干部。大部分体育教师选择适当拉开差距的分配形式。调查获得了体育教师之间、与同行领导及校领导之间各种不同收入的EDT值,分析了影响体育教师工作积极性的因素。  相似文献   
本探讨中西方化差异的本质原因在于中西方化创造主体的思雏模式上的差异。并从比较学向比较化的方向发展的角度,察看思维模式和化差异的关系在这个发展过程中的意义。  相似文献   
在Black—Scholes模型的基础上,利用证券组合技术和无套利原理推导出一类带有储藏费和交易费的商品期权定价模型,并借助于有限差分法给出了模型的数值解.最后,给出了一个求解该类商品期权的数值算例.  相似文献   
信息技术与课程整合不等同于CAI   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文从历史发展背景、内涵、目标、教学过程以及对教师和学生的要求等方面对信息技术与课程整合、计算机辅助教学加以区分,并对二者的发展前景做出展望。  相似文献   
There are striking gaps between Roma and non-Roma higher education (HE) participation rates, with less than 1% of Roma possessing a tertiary-level qualification [United Nations Development Programme, World Bank and European Commission. 2011a. “The Situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States.” Accessed 3 April 2015. http://issuu.com/undp_in_europe_cis/docs/_roma_at_a_glance_web/1#download]. As the Decade of Roma Inclusion (2005–2015) closes, this renders the present a salient moment to reflect on Roma students’ HE experiences. Widening educational access for marginalised groups raises specific questions about where responsibility for doing so lies – with tensions between individualised articulations of raising aspiration and notions of collective responsibility framed in a social justice agenda. Drawing on interviews with five Roma women students, this paper unpacks the contradictions between desiring access to HE for individual self-betterment and concurrent pulls towards educating for the wider benefit of ‘improving’ Roma communities. Using Ahmed’s [2012. On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press] work on institutional belonging, we explore the specifically gendered nature of these narratives in how ‘doubly’ marginalised bodies are positioned as outsiders, in receipt of an educational gift.  相似文献   
Hilbert-Huang transform method has been widely utilized from its inception because of the superiority in varieties of areas. The Hilbert spectrum thus obtained is able to reflect the distribution of the signal energy in a number of scales accurately. In this paper, a novel feature called ECC is proposed via feature extraction of the Hilbert energy spectrum which describes the distribution of the instantaneous energy. The experimental results conspicuously demonstrate that ECC outperforms the traditional short-term average energy. Combination of the ECC with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) delineates the distribution of energy in the time domain and frequency domain, and the features of this group achieve a better recognition effect compared with the feature combination of the short-term average energy, pitch and MFCC. Afterwards, further improvements of ECC are developed. TECC is gained by combining ECC with the teager energy operator, and EFCC is obtained by introducing the instantaneous frequency to the energy. In the experiments, seven status of emotion are selected to be recognized and the highest recognition rate 83.57% is achieved within the classification accuracy of boredom reaching 100%. The numerical results indicate that the proposed features ECC, TECC and EFCC can improve the performance of speech emotion recognition substantially.  相似文献   
非言语行为与言语行为一样,因文化的不同往往赋予不同的意义。在文化交际过程中,由于不同的文化对非言语行为的不同解释,往往会产生误解。非言语交际以往多被看作体态语的代名词,其实它的范围远远超过了单纯的体态语。从人的身体距离、座位安排、家具布置到一种文化成员对待时间的态度。沉默的使用,我们可以了解一种文化最根本的态度和价值观。  相似文献   
渐开线少齿差齿轮副,由于是内啮合,齿轮副的齿对之间的间隙很小,在受力后轮齿变形而使得同时有多对齿啮合。本文用简明的几何推导,弹性力学的方法,推导出了轮齿受载弹性变形后同时啮合的确切齿对和承受载荷最大的齿对的载荷与总载荷的比例系数——承载能力系数。利用承载能力系数可算出更符合实际的各齿对分别承受的载荷。经样机的设计、制造和试验结果表明,本文提出的计算方法和公式是正确的,可以有效地提高齿轮副的承载能力。  相似文献   
Every word has its meaning,which includes both surface meaning and deep meaning.To achieve certain pragmatic effects,speakers often have certain intention when saying something.People in different cultures think differently with the same utterance,which is attributed to intercultural difference.  相似文献   
通过对高校运动员运动训练中最高心率差值追踪测试和Vo2max的A^0Strund列线图法实验分析,发现它们之间在一定范围内的负相关关系,对于今后高校运动训练,利用心率控制运动强度,提高训练效果,提供了运动生理的理论依据。  相似文献   
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