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通过对钦州学院涉海类学科专业建设的现状进行综述,指出当前该学科专业建设中所存在的问题,针对该校涉海类专业存在的问题及广西北部湾地区对各类人才的需求情况,提出涉海类专业与其它相关专业互相渗透、互相支撑的学科专业发展模式,分析了该模式的组成要素,为该校的涉海类学科专业的健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
根据高职院校教学团队建设的理念与目标,针对开展高职院校教学团队建设面临的问题和困难,提出了高职院校教学团队在学科建设、科研创新、教学研究、培养特色人才等方面的一些具体建议。最终实现高职院校能够建立高效的团队合作机制,系统地推动教学内容、教学方法和人才培养模式的改革创新。  相似文献   
学科建设视野下我国高校教育技术机构归类问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从学科建设角度出发,类比我国"211工程"重点学科建设要求,重新审视了我国高等学校教育技术学学科属性,学位点、公共教育技术实验室(教育技术中心、网络中心)的归属和学术梯队建设问题等。认为机构按学科归类是高等学校开展学科建设的中心工作之一,也是发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   
中小学学习型组织,是以中小学校的具体情况为基础,通过培养整个学校组织的学习气氛、充分发挥教职工的创造性思维能力而建立起来的一种有机的、高度柔性的、扁平的、符合人性的、能持续发展的共同体。通过“终身学习,实现自我超越;转化心灵,改善心智模式;甘愿奉献,建立共同愿景;提倡教师团队学习,激发集体智慧;学会系统思考,敏锐洞察渐变”使中小学教师在专业化发展的道路上,在这五项修炼中茁壮成长。  相似文献   
以华北科技学院学科建设为例,分析了新建本科院校的学科形成及其特点;从学科、专业的内涵及其相互关系出发,论述了新建本科院校加强学科建设的重要性;根据学科及学科建设的基本规律,从完善机制、制度、增加投入、加强管理和科学评价等方面论述了提高学科建设水平的整体思路。  相似文献   
本文主要从改进与变革、评价对象与做法、评价结果与分析、结论与启示等四个方面对2011年中国大学及学科专业评价进行了阐述和分析。重点对中国大学教育地区竞争力排行榜、中国大学综合竞争力排行榜、中国大学科研竞争力排行榜、中国大学分类型竞争力排行榜、中国大学分学科门类竞争力排行榜、中国大学本科专业竞争力排行榜进行了全方位的展示和多角度的分析,最终得出了六点有益的结论和启示。根据2011年中国大学及学科专业评价结果,以及中国科学评价研究中心所积累的历年大学评价的经验和数据,同时结合对《国家教育中长期发展规划纲要》的认识和理解,本文着重分析了大学评价的新变化、新结果和新启示,并指出中国高等教育要以提高质量为核心开创科学发展的新局面,中国大学发展的主要方向仍然是:质量、效益和国际化。  相似文献   
Student engagement has become increasingly important in higher education in recent years. Influenced internationally by government drivers to improve student outcomes, many countries and institutions have participated in surveys such as the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and its progeny, the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE). Findings from these surveys are used to make comparisons, for example, between disciplines within an institution, and between different institutions. The intention is positive – to generate institutional improvement. However, some researchers are raising issues with the design and use of instruments like the NSSE, particularly as it becomes dominant in countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, China and Ireland. Questions have also been raised about discipline differences in student engagement. This article reports on a study conducted in New Zealand. It draws on data from an AUSSE to answer the question: what can we learn about discipline differences in student engagement from AUSSE data in one institution? It uses analysis of variance and post hoc procedures to identify significant differences between disciplines. Findings show that: there were significant differences between disciplines on all six engagement scales; some discipline differences are influenced by assumptions in the AUSSE; findings on differences between hard and soft disciplines are both similar to and different from previous studies; AUSSE data not be compared across disciplines within an institution; and the AUSSE scales need to go beyond the current focus on measuring students’ behaviours.  相似文献   
20世纪30年代加州大学伯克利分校大科学学科组织的诞生,标志着美国大学物理学科从学科知识和文化的输入国转变为输出国。本文论述了大科学学科组织兴起的背景和运作方式,阐述了慈善基金会对大科学研究的影响以及美国大学在大科学领域的优势。从小科学向大科学转换过程中,传统大学理念遭遇新的挑战:物理学家以牺牲高深学问为代价,致力于回旋加速器的技术发展;大学物理学家是学者的社团,转变为企业家型科学家;大科学组织内部形成等级较为森严的制度,年轻科学家的学术自治无法得到有效的保护。  相似文献   
Although the gender gap in academia has narrowed, females are underrepresented within some fields in the USA. Prior research suggests that the imbalances between science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields may be partly due to greater male interest in things and greater female interest in people, or to off-putting masculine cultures in some disciplines. To seek more detailed insights across all subjects, this article compares practising US male and female researchers between and within 285 narrow Scopus fields inside 26 broad fields from their first-authored articles published in 2017. The comparison is based on publishing fields and the words used in article titles, abstracts, and keywords. The results cannot be fully explained by the people/thing dimensions. Exceptions include greater female interest in veterinary science and cell biology and greater male interest in abstraction, patients, and power/control fields, such as politics and law. These may be due to other factors, such as the ability of a career to provide status or social impact or the availability of alternative careers. As a possible side effect of the partial people/thing relationship, females are more likely to use exploratory and qualitative methods and males are more likely to use quantitative methods. The results suggest that the necessary steps of eliminating explicit and implicit gender bias in academia are insufficient and might be complemented by measures to make fields more attractive to minority genders.  相似文献   
李定春 《湘南学院学报》2007,28(3):23-26,31
在基础教育改革、高校扩招、大学专业课课时的大量压缩及当下文学边缘化的社会语境和大学生就业压力增大而导致的学生文学兴趣和中文专业兴趣日益淡化的形势下,中国现当代文学教学应作相应的改革:要根据实际情况,处理好教材和教学的关系;淡出文学史和加强文学作品讲析;精心组织课堂讨论;注重学生的读写实践;改革考试(考查)形式,采用多样化的教学评价手段。  相似文献   
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