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以往针对高校创业教育效果评价的研究主要关注大学生毕业后的自主创业比率。然而,许多在大学期间接受过良好创业教育的学生毕业后并不会立即自主创业,而是在所就职企业工作一段时间后进行内部创业。可见,高校创业教育效果具有明显的滞后效应。本研究基于人力资本理论和成就动机理论,选取大学毕业后工作年限在5年以内的新生代员工作为研究对象,探讨了这类新生代员工所接受的高校创业教育对他们在所就职企业的内部创业行为的影响机制。基于280份有效样本的实证分析结果表明:高校创业教育对新生代员工的成就需要、内部创业行为具有显著正向影响;成就需要在高校创业教育和内部创业行为的关系之间起到了中介作用;公司创业导向对成就需要和内部创业行为之间的关系起到了正向调节作用。  相似文献   
The relationship between silence as non-speech and bilingualism in early childhood education is intricate. This article maps this relationship with the help of diverse theoretical entrances to a video-recorded everyday episode from a bilingual (Spanish–Swedish) preschool in Sweden. Though this, three alternative readings of silence are produced. Thinking with Deleuzian philosophy, the aim is to consider how the different readings of silence require different understandings of both time and language and allow different bilingual child subjectivities. The different readings present silence as development, strategy and intensity. Thinking with different dimensions of language as well as Chronos and Aion as different notions of time, the article shows that silence as development and silence as strategy are individually, chronologically and linguistically oriented readings. These allow viewing the bilingual child as more or less competent, active and powerful in relation to adults. Furthermore, silence as intensity is collectively produced as well as temporally unbounded, and produces the bilingual child, as involved in several material–semiotic relations capable of amazement. It is discussed whether, due to the evasive and inconsistent nature of silence, all three readings are equally (im)possible. Nevertheless, they produce different effects and raise different questions concerning bilingual educational practice in the early years.  相似文献   
1866年创办的福建船政局,为了能制造自己的轮船,重金聘请法国工程师来闽教习指导,因此在管理上存在着明显不同的两种风格。在洋员方面,船政以合同来约束,有利于船厂洋员的管理,也有利于船政局接任者的执行和监督。华员方面,更多的则是借助船政大臣个人的威望和能力,管理上侧重于船政的日常管理。  相似文献   

In traditional Chinese philosophy, silence occupies a pivotal position by not being merely treated as the absence of speech, but also as the transcendence of it. Silence in early Confucianism implies the timing, subjects and issues to which one should not teach and talk about, and in depth it also refers to the manifestation of utmost sincerity rooted in the nature of both human and Heaven. For early philosophical Daoism, silence nicely represents the ineffable nature and spontaneous status of the Dao, the mother of myriad things and the principle by which they were ordered. The Daoist enthusiastically proclaims teaching without the use of words and governance without unreasonable interference. The Daoist silence is also based on the clear realization of the inescapable deviation amongst words, thought and truth, and such stance was further stressed by Zen Buddhism which reveals in nature the sunyata (emptiness) of all existences and thus enlightens the way of direct perception beyond words. In result, silence comes as a significant pedagogical method and an ideal realm to be reached; it implies not only silence in speech but also stillness in action and limpidity in mind. It also suggests that in the pursuit of true meaning the preoccupied goals and methods should be finally rested on silence, only by which can genuine perception emerge naturally. Silence in traditional Chinese philosophy has inspired abundant negative–like yet positive–targeting discourses and practices; a comprehensive discussion on them can deepen our understanding of the nature of knowledge, learning and teaching.  相似文献   
Heathcliff is a highly controversial character in Emily Bront?’s canon Wuthering Heights. He is depicted as an incredi-ble conglomeration of enigmas and simplicity, aloofness and affinity, ferocity and...  相似文献   
针对吉林省老工业基地企业职工参加体育活动情况进行问卷调查,用多元回归的方法,找出影响企业职工参加体育活动的因素,从社会学、心理学、经济学等方面进行分析得出以下结论:年龄、文化程度对吉林省老工业基地企业在职职工参加体育活动的程度有影响,健康状况、生活满意度、体育消费、体育态度是影响职工参加体育活动的重要因素。  相似文献   
关于职工持股会的理论和实际问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方国家的职工持股计划(ESOP)作为“资本民主化”的制度装置,目的在于谋求资本与劳动的协调、促进经济和社会的稳定发展,因而注重股东利益却淡化股东权力的充分行使。目前,我国职工持股计划运作欠规范,所需的制度环境不够完善。应当采取的措施有:放宽职工的持股额度,延长职工持股的上市锁定时间,设立代理型职工持股会等。惟其如此,我国的职工持股计划才能在解决所有权虚置、劳资矛盾和提高职工积极性等方面起到积极作用。  相似文献   
变现指媒体从业人员通过多种途径将自身积蓄到一定阶段和层次的从业资本,变卖成具有乘数放大效应的政治、经济等收益。本文分析和总结了1949年前我国新闻媒体从业人员资源变现之途的表现和原因,认为社会资本在其资源变现的过程中起着主导作用。  相似文献   
明清时代,济南地区的粮食种植格局不断完善,从美洲引进的作物玉米、甘薯等,逐步推广开来,农作物的时、空布局日趋合理。这一时期,虽然自然经济仍占主导地位,人们热衷于"大而全"的经营模式,但随着商品经济的发展,也出现了一些新变化,农产品商业化进程加速,雇工经营日益普遍,体现了时代的变迁。传统的重农抑商观念,在得到不断强化的同时,也面临着挑战。总之,明清济南农业可以用"继承发展、推陈出新"八个字概括。  相似文献   
以色列优秀作家阿摩司·奥兹在其《忽至森林深处》中以纯净的笔调描写了一则童话故事,在故事中流露出自己对犹太民族苦难历史的回顾与思考。奥兹用童话隐喻被迫害的犹太人伤痛与畸形心理反应:被欧洲化了的犹太人只能在心中保有对欧洲执着而痛楚的单恋;犹太人在面对排犹尤其是纳粹屠犹问题时有着深重的屈辱感并保持沉默;犹太人自闭性保护行为表现在"格托"与"精神格托"等现象上,这些"格托"现象背后深藏着强制性文化规范,隐藏着犹太人对自身生存、对犹太文化延续的深刻焦虑与强烈的危机意识。  相似文献   
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