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以广东工业大学为代表的工科高校在创新创业实践中对高校前孵化器建设进行了探索,形成了企业主导型、垂直产业型、"天使+孵化"型、众创空间等具有自身特点的高校前孵化器运行模式。广东工业大学前孵化器通过为创新创业团队提供教育辅导、场地设备、产业对接和资金扶持等,为创新创业项目孵化摸索出完备的可资借鉴的支撑体系,形成了以企业主导型、垂直产业型、"天使+孵化"型为代表和以众创空间为代表的创新创业团队孵化流程。以广东工业大学为代表的工科高校前孵化器建设的成功经验,揭示出在高校前孵化器建设过程中,地方政府、高校和前孵化器自身应该各自发挥不同的作用,同时要建立开放型的运行机制,形成三方联动效应,凝聚起建设工科高校前孵化器的合力。  相似文献   
郭捷  杨立成 《科技管理研究》2020,40(15):119-125
运用可视化分析方法,以1998—2018年CSSCI学术期刊中的文献为数据来源绘制我国创新创业教育主题演进图谱,研究发现,首先,创新创业教育、大学生、高校等代表该领域主要的研究热点以及主要的学术扩散点和连接点。其次,我国创新创业教育研究主题大致经过理念探索与初步聚焦(1998—2007年)和聚焦发展与深入推进(2008—2018年)两个阶段。基于创新创业教育的发展历程,探讨发展民族地区创新创业教育的3个可能路径:第一,将创新创业教育融入到民族教育之中;第二,打造少数民族创新创业服务平台;第三,创新创业教育助力民族地区精准扶贫。  相似文献   
Purpose: This paper examined levels and determinants of entrepreneurial intentions amongst agricultural students. Methodology: The statistical population comprised students in colleges of agriculture at University of Tehran. By use of a random sampling method, a sample of 120 students participated in the study. The instrument for data collection was a pen and paper questionnaire. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were determined through calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and opinions of scientific board members.

Findings: The findings revealed that about a half of the respondents had medium entrepreneurial intentions. There were differences in entrepreneurial intentions between students who had attended entrepreneurship courses and those who had not. Also, there were differences in entrepreneurial intentions between students who had self-employed parents and those who had not. According to the findings, education support, personality traits and skill were the three factors that influenced the entrepreneurial intentions of students.

Practical Implications: Since education support has a significant impact on students' intention to start their own businesses, it is essential for agricultural colleges to integrate entrepreneurship education into their educational programs through curriculum development. It is also recommended that agricultural colleges introduce entrepreneurship ideas as a starting point for students to motivate them.  相似文献   

海外华人专才回国创业成就了我国高新技术产业和科技特色创业园区的发展,提升了知识产权的保护环境,但海外华人专业技术人才的自身特点也使其在回国创业中具有许多先天不足之处。通过对知识产权保护制度的分析,结合华人专才个体因素和组织因素对海外华人回国创业的影响,发现我国对海归创业者人才保护的战略仍旧停留在个体适应性和个体激励措施中展开,缺失相应的法律政策和具体制度的保障。只有进行制度的顶层设计、完善知识产权保护制度的护航功能,才能进一步吸引海外专才回国创业的现实需要。  相似文献   
高水平大学的创业教育关系着创业型人才的培养和创新型国家的建设,它将更加突出具有引领性的技术创业、具有强烈社会责任感的社会创业和普遍提升的大学生创业意识。因此,高水平大学的创业教育的培养目标应该是有志于担当社会责任、创造社会财富的创业精英,在此基础上从创业教育的组织机制、学科技术、氛围营造三个维度推进创业教育的三大转变,即:从碎片化和松散性到机制化和组织性,从学科技术单一化到多学科技术集成融合,从学而优则仕、学而优则研到学而优则创。  相似文献   
基于资源编排理论,从平台型组织视角对西光所案例进行扎根理论剖析,探索科研院所平台型组织的组织结构和运行机制及其对衍生创业的作用机理.研究表明,科研院所以开放的组织边界为基础,形成多个子平台相互耦合的平台核心以及具有多元异质性主体和产业链创新链融合特征的平台边缘,并依据自上而下授权赋能、自下而上资源倒逼、人才管理模式优化和协同竞争互动的机制运行,以上特点将促使内外部资源的有效编排,从而促进衍生创业.研究进一步拓展平台型组织理论的边界,从而为科研院所转型提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of the 1990s, Sweden has been transforming its national research policy into policy for innovation. One of the bottom up responses to this top d initiative has been an attempt on the part of some Swedish universities to transform themselves into entrepreneurial institutions. This paper uses a case study of one particular Swedish University; Chalmers University of Technology’s transformation process to reflect on the new research policy. Chalmers’ journey is examined against the backdrop of the changing national climate for universities as well as local factors within the university itself.The case confirms existing knowledge in that it shows that creating an entrepreneurial university takes several years as both infrastructural and cultural changes are necessary to achieve success. The case also shows that despite the long history of public-private in Sweden, the new emphasis on commercialisation and commodification of knowledge creates some degree of role uncertainty for universities. The paper concludes that one of the elements required for Swedish innovation policy is macro (policy vision and implementation) and micro (university organisation) level flexibility and diversity.  相似文献   
This study aimed to: (1) assess the unique contributions of self-efficacy to entrepreneurial behavior among teachers; (2) identify the best instrument(s) to measure such contributions by testing a domain-specific instrument (teacher self-efficacy) vs. a general (occupational self-efficacy) one; (3) identify the demographic characteristics associated with entrepreneurial behavior. A sample of 401 teachers from across the USA completed the online survey. The findings indicated that self-efficacy predicts entrepreneurial behavior and that occupational self-efficacy is a slightly better predictor of entrepreneurial behavior than teacher self-efficacy. The results also identified age and education as the demographic characteristics associated with entrepreneurial behavior.  相似文献   
大学生创业胜任力实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以广东省三所农科院校477名有过创业经验或正在创业的学生为对象,采用自编大学生创业胜任力量表对大学生的创业胜任力进行实证研究,研究结果显示:大学生创业胜任力特征模型包含:创业能力、创业品质、创业动机、创业技能、创业知识五个维度;当代大学生在创业能力、创业技能、创业知识方面存在显著不足;不同年级、创业资金来源,其创业...  相似文献   
现在越来越多的大学生选择了自主创业,但大学生的成功率依旧很低,创业项目的运营是一个艰苦的过程,在此阶段会遇到多种困境,创业者除了要有坚忍不拔、不达目的不罢休的毅力,还需要克服运营过程中所出现的各种不确定性因素,本文针对大学生创业营运过程中遇到风险主要包括管理风险、资金风险、营销风险、环境风险、政策风险。提出应对风险的主要措施,其中包括树立信心、拓宽融资渠道、运用逆向营销理念、加强安全管理意识、关注所处行业等。  相似文献   
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