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本文对山东省2009-2013年的财政科技投入现状进行了分析,并与粤苏浙三省在财政科技拨款总量、RD经费支出规模等方面进行了比较分析,指出山东省与粤苏浙比较在财政科技投入方面的优劣势及存在的问题,并借鉴国内外先进做法,提出提高山东省财政科技投入效益的相关对策建议,为政府部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   
建立了食饵含Allee效应的最优捕获模型,证明了系统平衡点的渐进稳定性和全局稳定性,并讨论了生态平衡点的存在性,最后利用Pontryain最大值原理确定了最优捕获策略.  相似文献   
房地产业的运行不仅关系到国民经济的发展,还和人民群众生活息息相关。近几年来,我国很多地区房价快速飙升,远远超过了居民收入的增长,南宁市亦不例外。虽政府多有调控,但因刚需的存在,房地产价格仍只升不降。诚然,房地产能通过拉动建筑行业、金属业、家电业、金融业、建材行业等多行业的发展短期内极大的刺激经济的快速增长,但长期来说,房价的高涨挤压了人们的消费能力,不利于经济的稳健运行,同时,房价过高存在泡沫的风险,一旦泡沫破灭,经济和社会都会产生动荡。所以,政府应维持房地产的健康运行,将住房价格控制在与人均可支配收入水平相适应的程度,打击房地产投机炒作,挤出泡沫,引导房价回归理性,实现经济社会的长期稳定。  相似文献   
This paper reports the conclusions and recommendations of the working group that synthesized the discussions on ‘How can science connect with and be of greater benefit to conservation practice?’ during the ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science. The author reflects on these findings from her own perspective and experiences, and places them in the context of two major shifts in heritage research: the first, a shift in focus from conserving materials to managing meaning. The second, a shift in organizational structures from single, centrally funded heritage institutions towards diffuse networks which include new players who have no direct responsibility towards heritage. Both shifts are taking place in an environment of decreased funding and increased accountability to society. Science and conservation connect and contribute to each other most effectively if they together contribute to the societal benefits of heritage. In this regard, heritage science strategies can stimulate collaboration, and direct science and conservation towards innovative, applicable outcomes. Moreover, they can promote a transdisciplinary approach which connects social, economic and business sciences and stakeholders. They should also ensure the creation of sustainable nodes for consolidating knowledge within these dynamic networks.  相似文献   
山西小杂粮品牌塑造策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,人们的饮食结构发生了很大的变化,小杂粮因其健康、保健而倍受青睐,山西俗称"小杂粮王国",小杂粮品牌虽有所发展,但是品牌杂而乱,阻碍了小杂粮市场的进一步拓展,本文针对山西小杂粮品牌建设中存在的问题,分别从人才、科技、营销、政府支持等方面提出了解决对策。  相似文献   
Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient for humans, but Zn deficiency has become serious as equally as iron (Fe) and vitamin A deficiencies nowadays. Selection and breeding of high Zn-density crops is a suitable, cost-effective, and sustainable way to improve human health. However, the mechanism of high Zn density in rice grain is not fully understood, especially how Zn transports from soil to grains. Hydroponics experiments were carried out to compare Zn uptake and distribution in two different Zn-density rice genotypes using stable isotope technique. At seedling stage, IR68144 showed higher 68Zn uptake and transport rate to the shoot for the short-term, but no significant difference was observed in both genotypes for the long-term. Zn in xylem sap of IR68144 was consistently higher, and IR68144 exhibited higher Zn absorption ratio than IR64 at sufficient (2.0 μmol/L) or surplus (8.0 μmol/L) Zn supply level. IR64 and IR68144 showed similar patterns of 68Zn accumulation in new leaves at seedling stage and in developing grains at ripening stage, whereas 68Zn in new leaves and grains of IR68144 was consistently higher. These results suggested that a rapid root-to-shoot translocation and enhanced xylem loading capacity may be the crucial processes for high Zn density in rice grains.  相似文献   
现代物流业作为一种生产性服务业,出现了向其他产业,首先是制造业渗透、融合的现象,物流业的发展降低了交易成本,极大提高了社会生产效率。近些年毕节市物流业发展有利条件不断完善,但仍然存在诸多问题,根据毕节市经济发展现状分析,提出毕节市现代物流业发展思路分两步走战略,即首先物流业发展要解决进的问题,其次解决出的问题。  相似文献   
网络在线拍卖的潜在竞价者进入因素直接影响拍卖预期收益。文章分析了在线拍卖的潜在竞价者进入特征,并据此讨论了同类标的物的多卖方博弈策略,进而通过结合英式拍卖、次价密封拍卖、荷兰式拍卖、首价密封拍卖等,分析了在传统拍卖模式下允许潜在竞价者进入的在线拍卖新特点。  相似文献   
"小说写我"的叙事狂欢、长篇小说思想上的"众声喧哗"与"模糊地带"的存在、"诉说就是一切"的创作定位,这些独特的"言说策略"呈现出了莫言小说创作的个性。它们的存在,既体现了莫言对既定成规的反叛、对创作自由和小说文本价值多元化的追求,又显示出他在创作思想上的矛盾与冲突。莫言在政治、民众、自我与艺术之间的取舍与平衡,既让其作品充满了艺术张力,又给其小说写作带来了种种难以弥合的裂缝。  相似文献   
梁晨昊 《科技广场》2014,(6):130-134
商业模式是当今比较流行的词汇之一,企业要始终保持竞争力就必须依靠完善的商业模式,正如戴尔的直销、盛大网络游戏模式、E-bay的C2C等。虽然商业模式被许多学者和企业家们所重视,但是商业模式的概念到目前都没有统一的答案。本文在分析战略、盈利模式、运营模式和商业模式四者关系的基础上尝试构建商业模式体系。  相似文献   
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