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This study examines the performance of dietitians-in-training on developing a diet plan for a diabetic patient either independently or after peer discussion. Participants (n?=?58) from an undergraduate program in food and nutrition were divided into two groups based on their prior knowledge before being randomly assigned into three conditions: (1) peer discussion with just-in-time information (JIT information), (2) peer discussion without JIT information), and (3) independent performers. The learners’ performance in the three conditions was analyzed. The results presented here describe the role of prior knowledge and JIT information across the conditions and the interaction of the two factors as well as the instructional implications of the findings.  相似文献   
近年来,食品监管渎职犯罪呈上升趋势,并且给国家和人民利益造成重大损失,严重破坏了国家机关正常管理活动,逐渐受到刑法理论界和社会各界的关注。厘清食品监管责任无疑为遏制食品监管渎职犯罪提供新的思维方式。  相似文献   
洞庭湖派特色湘菜美食旅游是湘菜饮食文化与旅游高度结合的专项旅游,是文化消费的高级形式,是体验旅游的重要类型。当前,洞庭湖派特色湘菜美食旅游存在观念落后、信息密度低、分散开发和参与性体验不足等问题,应该从宏观、中观和微观三个层面实行"高瞻远瞩、瞄准方向和营销制胜"策略。在未来,洞庭湖派特色湘菜美食旅游新形态将不断涌现、旅游消费者群体将不断扩大,其社会功能将日益彰显。  相似文献   
《食品发酵工程》是食品生物技术专业的一门重要专业核心课程,课程内容丰富、涉及面宽,具有很强的实践性和应用性。本论文从课程的教学现状、教学内容优化、教学手段改进、考核制度的完善等方面的教学进行一些改革探索与实践,以期取得较好效果。  相似文献   
食品致敏原标示是食品安全管理法律体系的组成部分,在发达国家属于强制性规范的范畴。而我国从立法者到普通民众都未对食物过敏风险及其防范予以充分重视,现行的致敏原标示规范的立法层级较低,缺乏强制机制和激励机制,对消费者的警示不足。要保障消费者的知情选择权和消费安全权,应建立致敏原强制标示制度并强化经营者的警示义务。  相似文献   
孙芳 《中国科教创新导刊》2013,(23):195+210-195,210
根据职业院校学生的就业趋势,针对《食品营养与卫生》课程教学中存在的问题,笔者从教学内容、教学方法、实践教学环节及考核方式等方面进行了探索,旨在进一步提高本课程的教学质量和水平。  相似文献   

On June 3–5, 2008, international organizations and heads of state met in Rome to discuss the critical situation in global food supplies and prices during the World Food Crisis Summit. The intent of this column is to provide approaches to identifying the complex issues that impact public health, public safety, and nutrition on a global basis. The Web sites selected provide a background for the complex issues involved (energy, climate and environment, agriculture, and politics) and reveal controversial and competing agendas with many far-reaching implications.  相似文献   
This paper explores the strategic internationalisation of Research and Development (R&D) activities of the world's 100 largest food and beverages (F&B) multinationals (MNEs) in 1996 and 2000 with a sample of nearly 8000 affiliates for each period. We develop a global innovation strategy (GIS) structure where we analyse the R&D internationalisation process of F&B MNEs. We argue that in a fully developed GIS model the sourcing of creative inputs does not come exclusively from a ‘central’ R&D laboratory, but other overseas R&D laboratories or technological affiliates can also undertake genuine knowledge creation activity from capitalising on the scientific heterogeneity fostered in individual host countries as well as distinctive demand conditions. Our results indicate the increasing importance of overseas technological affiliates in the application of a GIS in the leading F&B MNEs, which determine the degree of their technological internationalisation. Two variants of technological affiliates reflect two broad knowledge-related activities, i.e. adaptation and genuine forms of knowledge creation.  相似文献   
提出了TOPSIS法在美食街经营绩效衡量中的具体应用,认为该法相对于其它综合评价法更具优势。  相似文献   
中国沿海地区土地利用问题及集约利用途径研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
达到中等发达国家水平是我国社会经济发展的既定目标,沿海地区在实现这一目标过程中必将扮演重要角色。经济总量的增长和人口规模的扩大必将导致一系列重大人地关系矛盾的出现,其中最突出的是土地利用问题。本文在对沿海地区土地利用现状进行基本评价的基础上,分析了沿海地区食物安全与耕地资源储备、城市化与土地集约利用等沿海地区现代化进程中的重大土地利用问题,并提出了保障沿海地区粮食安全的途径和土地集约化利用的模式,强调用科学的管理方法调整沿海地区的土地利用结构,制定科学的规划,指导其社会经济健康发展是非常必要的。  相似文献   
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