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城市空间结构决定的城市功能模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代城市化的过程就是产业要素空间集聚的过程,城市为产业要素的流动和配置提供了空间平台,而不同空间结构的城市类型又表现出不同的功能。  相似文献   
广西沿海地区经济基础薄弱,加快建设北部湾广西经济区,必须充分利用现有资源,做好产业决策,确定产业发展的重点和先后顺序。用区域经济发展的区位条件、产业结构、区域互补、产业基础、资金需求、环境因素等六个指标,建立了产业决策的属性模型。求解模型可得到不同产业的发展权重,依据权重指标可消除决策的盲目性。模型结果与广西沿海实际经济战略相吻合,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
当前,两岸有望在九二共识基础上进入和平发展的新时期,两岸经济关系发展面临难得的历史机遇。由于发展两岸经济关系的政治环境出现重大积极变化,在两岸民意的推动下,大陆因素在台湾经济振兴规划中占据了前所未有的重要地位,两岸经济关系的发展将直接影响台湾经济的未来,两岸将在更广阔的空间内展开全面合作。随着两岸经济关系进入全面开放交流的新时期,两岸经济关系在以下三个方面有进一步密切发展的趋势。一是两岸大企业合作谋求全球产业制高点,二是两岸将加强科技合作提升两岸产业创新能力,三是推动两岸金融合作为两岸经济合作引入活水。在全面加强两岸经济实务合作的基础上,建立两岸经济合作机制将成为未来两岸经济关系发展主轴,在胡连会和胡宋会中提出的建立两岸共同市场和两岸自由贸易区构想,将逐步得到推进落实。两岸要以两岸资本运作和整合两岸优势资源为基础,以两岸产业合作、科技合作、金融合作为支柱,以共同打造两岸国际竞争力,促进两岸经济整合为目标,推进整个两岸经济全面合作体系的构建。  相似文献   
文章论述了高职专业结构与区域产业结构对接的重要性和必要性;分析了湖北职院专业结构现状及湖北省和孝感市三大产业结构现状;针对区域经济、社会发展的要求,结合学院背景、发展过程和专业特色,提出专业设置和发展的一些建议。  相似文献   
从产业集群组织的视角看,产业集群组织形成理论是沿着“资源——成本——竞争——全球化”的路径不断丰富和发展的;产业集群组织的本质是联结网络关系和网络资源,介于市场和企业的中间性组织;这种组织的成长在不同阶段具有不同的特点,也受不同因素的制约,因此,面对国际竞争的日益激烈和全球化经济发展趋势,系统地研究产业集群组织如何作用集群企业国际化成长应成为未来这一领域新的研究方向。  相似文献   
近年来,国家对贫困地区产业发展支持力度极大,但政策的支持和产业的驻入却难以让贫困地区的扶贫产业落地生根,其中一个重要的原因是农户对产业的认知能力低和认同感缺失。如何从内因出发,激发农户的内生动力,文章尝试从贫困地区农户的认知认同和意识形态入手,结合现代远程教育手段,帮助贫困群众足不出户就能了解产业发展过程和前景,增强产业发展信心,变被动为主动。充分发挥现代远程教育对产业结构调整中利益联结因素潜移默化的作用,将思想扶贫、智慧扶贫与产业扶贫工作有机结合,“扶贫先扶智、治贫先治愚”,实现产业扶贫从“授人以鱼”向“授人以渔”的根本性跨越。  相似文献   
提高工业园区产业集聚水平对提高区域经济竞争力进而对新常态下我国经济保持中高速增长具有重要意义,而工业园区产业集聚水平的定量评价是其中一个基础性问题。首先将工业园区产业集聚的内涵解析为工业园区内所有企业之间具有密切产业联系的形态,然后分别基于产业生态学理论、经济学理论识别了工业园区内部企业之间由于物质流而形成的纵向产业联系、由于生产活动相同而形成的横向产业联系,并以两类产业联系数量占潜在产业联系数量的比例构建了工业园区产业集聚指数,以定量评价工业园区产业集聚水平。最后,以新疆库车工业园区为例进行了应用研究,表明构建的工业园区产业集聚指数具有可行性。构建的评价指数可为定量评价工业园区产业集聚水平进而促进工业园区产业集聚提供参考。  相似文献   
工业旅游是我国旅游产业的新生事物,有广阔的发展前蒂。以宜宾五粮液集团有限公司发展工业旅游的例子,分析目前五粮液工业旅游的开发现状。  相似文献   
In the UK, the provision of accelerated undergraduate programmes is responding to the needs of an increasingly diverse and career-focused student body and a flexible, ever-changing labour market. These fast track degrees are particularly new in education where recent developments in school autonomy and teacher training have had consequences on the design and delivery of programmes, definition of professional profiles and implications for the future of education as a subject of study in universities. This article portrays a small-scale research study about the views of students undertaking a new two-year accelerated degree in one English university using surveys at the beginning and end of the first academic year. The great majority were not planning to attend the programme but have chosen it for its career options and for being a quicker and cheaper route to access a degree – with teaching as the career goal. After one year, students reported gains in knowledge and skills, recommended the programme and kept their intention to pursue a career in teaching. Overall, we address a gap in the literature and start the discussion about the (dis)association between the students’ career routes and goals, the provision of these programmes and the teacher training offers.  相似文献   
During the last 10 years, new models of funding and training PhD students have been established in Denmark in order to integrate industry into the entire PhD education. Several programmes have been conducted where it is possible to co-finance PhD scholarships or to become an employee as an industrial PhD in a company. An important question is what impact these new conditions will have on the PhD students’ training, work conditions and study environment. In this article, the new type of programmes will be presented together with data analysis of PhD students’ work conditions and study environment in various programmes mainly based on a research project from 2006. The results of this study show no significant difference between PhD students in a traditional university PhD programme and PhD students in an industrial programme concerning working environment. However, the study shows significant differences in the intercultural dimension, where foreign PhD students are significantly more satisfied with their study environment compared with Danish PhD students. In general the workload is very high and the environment is stressful for all PhD students.  相似文献   
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