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This paper considers the question of whether the resource endowments of science-based entrepreneurial firms are influenced by the way technology transfer is organised at the parent organisation. We studied one public research organisation in detail (IMEC, Belgium), by questioning all managers involved in technology transfer and the founders of all science-based entrepreneurial firms set up between 1986 and 2002. This research identifies three generations of companies at IMEC, mirroring the organisational changes in technology transfer policies and displaying distinct resource characteristics. Establishing an incubator structure for spin-offs seems to be a learning process during which little decision making can be exerted over senior management's social network in the financial and business community for securing the financial, technological and human resources for the science-based entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   
Sectoral patterns of small firm innovation, networking and proximity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drawing upon a sample of 597 small and medium-sized manufacturing firms, this article investigates the extent to which cooperation for innovation is associated with firm-level product and process ‘innovativeness’ and, where collaborative relationships are reported, the factors which influence their spatial distribution. With respect to the former issue, the data suggests considerable variety of association across Pavitt’s [Research Policy 13 (1994) 343] sectoral taxonomy and innovation type. However, the data also indicates the need for caution when developing network strategies or policies: the evidence presented here is unequivocal in noting that innovation is neither a necessary nor less a sufficient condition for innovation. Moreover, internal resources often act as complements to, or indeed appears to negate the need for, external resources. With regards to the spatial distribution of firm linkages, it appears that increasing firms size and export propensity are positively associated with external linkages at a higher spatial level. Moreover, the spatial reach of innovation-related linkages is also likely to be greater for firms reporting the introduction of relatively novel innovations (i.e. products or processes which are new to the industry). In contrast, smaller firms and firms engaged in incremental product innovations appear more likely to be locally embedded.  相似文献   
This paper reviews two recent research studies on Portuguese New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs). Attention is given to the role and contribution of NTBFs to innovation. The main argument is that, by and large, NTBFs are less concerned with the introduction of major innovations and more with creative adaptive improvements to products and services based upon new technologies first introduced elsewhere. The empirical research found that Portuguese NTBFs are a recent phenomenon associated with diffusion of Electronics and Information Technologies (EIT) during the late 1980s. They perform a wide variety of knowledge-intensive activities, which enhance local users' adoption processes and they are associated with different forms of technology transfer through external linkages. Overall, NTBFs undertake a frequently unobserved role as technology searchers and acquirers that, pushed by idiosyncratic local niche market opportunities, selectively choose among and enhance technologies developed elsewhere, introducing them into the local market.  相似文献   
基于共享性资源刚性的集群企业风险成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从产业集群风险成因出发,在简要评述国内外集群风险理论的基础上,指出现有集群风险成因理论研究的不足。构建了基于共享性资源刚性的集群企业风险成因模型,指出构建集群企业竞争优势的共享性资源,也是集群企业风险产生的根本成因,并进一步提出共享性资源刚性理论。明晰了共享性资源刚性对集群企业风险的作用机制,揭示了克服共享性资源刚性、化解集群企业风险、进而获取集群持续竞争优势的研究与实践方法及途径。  相似文献   
判断农业产业化经营的核心标准,是参与主体是否能结成经济利益共同体。企业 农户模式在政府的扶持下,成为目前的主流模式,但由于企业以资本赢利为目的,不能实现与农民利益的真正结合,在实践中并不成功。合作社和农民利益根本一致,是市场经济的天然产物,是世界现代农业的普遍经验。政府重点支持的对象应从龙头企业转向合作社。  相似文献   
对中国大企业国际化进程及相关研究进行了简要回顾,结合国外企业国际化的研究现状,提出了企业国际化战略控制力的问题。在剖析中国企业国际化战略控制力的表现基础上,提出了培育中国大企业国际化战略控制力的一些对策建议。  相似文献   
近年来,国内外频繁爆出上市公司财务欺诈的丑闻.大都是通过虚假验资的形式完成的。鉴于理论界多以会计准则为视角来探讨规制虚假验资的不足,本文提出应该导人民事法律责任制度来有效地遏制虚假验资行为。文章指出.首先,应该以“无过错责任原则”作为追究会计师事务所虚假验资民事责任的归责原则;其次.应该摈弃传统民事责任构成的“四要件论”.只要具备了“会计师事务所进行虚假验资并出具虚假验资报告”和“虚假验资报告与第三人合法利益的损失之间具有因果关系”两个条件.即可追究相关当事人的法律责任。  相似文献   
应瑛  刘洋 《科研管理》2015,36(11):11-20
通过系统的、定量的文献综述方法,采用描述性统计、引用分析和共词分析等计量手段,对263篇后发企业追赶文献进行全面综述,首先展示了论文发表的趋势、主要期刊群、主要组织与国家、主要作者及引用率最高的文章,并做简要分析以期给出后发企业追赶研究的全景图。而后通过引文分析,重点梳理了研究发展脉络以及讨论了后发企业追赶文献在技术创新、战略管理,以及国际商务等领域进行寻找理论基础的努力。接着,通过共词分析讨论了现存文献的研究热点和不足以及未来的研究方向。最后从聚焦于创新追赶与聚焦于转型经济背景两个角度对转型经济背景下后发企业创新追赶研究进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   
王晓娟 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):874-879
 集群中知识的流动具有选择性和不对称性特征,集群企业并不能均等地共享“产业空气”带来的溢出效应,进而形成了企业间创新绩效的差异。实证研究显示,集群知识网络开放度、网络中心度、关系质量和关系稳定性对集群企业创新绩效均存在正向影响;而知识网络规模与关系强度仅对集群的中小企业创新绩效存在正向影响,对大企业的创新绩效的影响则并不显著。  相似文献   
全球产业格局发生重大变革,中国经济发展也步入新常态,判断当前中国企业的发展模式,推动企业从要素/投资驱动向创新驱动发展的范式转换,是当前需要解决的重大问题。在研究分析决定企业发展的关键因素的基础上,探讨中国企业发展的典型模式和范式转换,并通过对1023家高新技术企业的实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)中国高新技术企业已经进入从要素/投资驱动向创新驱动转变的关键时期;(2)以规模扩张为基础的外延式增长仍然是企业发展的主要表现形式;(3)规模经济性仍然是企业利润的主要来源;(4)创新活动是决定企业未来成长性和可持续发展最为关键的因素。在此基础上,提出推动企业向创新驱动发展范式转换的建议和后续研究展望。  相似文献   
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