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以721可见分光光度计为项目载体,采用逆向工程的基本原理对单片机课程的项目化进行改革尝试,提出了单片机课程逆向工程选用产品的原则是产品要具有典型性、先进性、复杂性。经教学实践表明,该方法有利于学生掌握单片机知识,提高学生技能,培养学生工程化的实践经验,同时不需要购买耗材,从而在降低项目化实施成本的前提下,达到实现单片机课程项目化教学的目的,对于其它课程的项目化改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
低碳城市水平绩效评价及其障碍度诊断是实现城市绿色低碳发展的重要依据。以低碳城市试点天津市作为研究区域,构建基于经济发展、社会进步、环境优化、能源转型的城市低碳水平评价的指标体系,采用熵权-TOPSIS评价法和障碍度模型测度天津市低碳城市发展水平,识别不同时期阻碍实现低碳目标的制约因素。结果表明:研究期间内天津市低碳城市发展水平呈现整体上升趋势,绩效指数从2008年的0.2306增加到2014年的0.6989,社会进步和能源转型障碍度总体呈现增长趋势;经济发展和能源转型的障碍度总体呈现减少的趋势,年均增长速度24.18%和7.19%。在此基础上从能源效率提高、产业结构优化、环境治理提升和基础设施加强等角度提出对策建议。  相似文献   
国际赛联推崇的低强度训练体系的成功之处在于其对技术完善的有利影响。而在以体能提高为目的的训练中,应以围绕专项做大强度进行。作者提出了大强度训练的诊断体系、方法选择体系以及监控体系。  相似文献   
世居高原中长跑运动员"高住-低训"对 VEGF、EPO的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将20名世居海拔2 260m高原的中长跑运动员随机分成低氧组和对照组,让他们在模拟海拔4 000m低压低氧环境下进行4周"高住-低训"实验.结果显示:4周"高住-低训"后,低氧组运动员血红蛋白(Hb)、血球压积(Hct)没有明显改善,红细胞生成素(EPO)、最大摄氧量(VO2max)、运动成绩均呈升高趋势,与实验前相比,没有显著性差异(P>0.05),但仍高于对照组.而在4周实验期间,低氧组运动员的血管内皮生长因子有显著性升高(P<0.01),并且明显高于对照组(P<0.05).由此表明,世居高原中长跑运动员进行模拟高拔4 000 m的"高住-低训"是有效果的,但不明显.提示世居高原中长跑运动员在模拟海拔4 000 m居住的时间可以延长,或增加在较高海拔上的训练,这样可能对改善运动员的生理机能是有益的.  相似文献   
In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in iso-topically pure liquid 4He at low temperatures ~60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons’ (R -rotons) creation by a pulsed heater was studied. Signals were recorded for the following quantum processes: quantum evaporation of 4He-atoms from the free liq- uid-helium surface by the BEEs of the liquid helium-II, and BEEs reflection from the free surface back into the bulk liquid. Typical signals are shown, and ratios of signal amplitudes are evaluated. For long heater pulses from 5 to 10 μs, appearance of the second atomic cloud consisting of evaporated 4He-atoms was observed in addition to the first atomic cloud. It is thought that the first atomic cloud of the evaporated helium atoms consists of very fast 4He-atoms with energies ~35 K evaporated by positive rotons with the special energies ~17 K (~2ER~2×8.6 K with ER representing the roton minimum energy) corresponding to the third non-dispersive Zakharenko wave. The second cloud of slower 4He-atoms was created by surface elementary excitations (SEEs or ripplons) possessing the special energies ~7.15 K representing the binding energy. It was assumed that such SEEs can be created by phonons incoming to the liquid surface with special energies ~6.2 K corresponding to the first non-dispersive Zakharenko wave, which can interact at the liquid surface with the same phonons already reflected from the surface for long heater pulses. Also, some pulsed-heater characteristics were studied in order to better understand the features of such heaters in low temperature experi- ments.  相似文献   
在低渗透性油藏的注水开发过程中,由于存在层间、层内、平面的三大矛盾,以及裂缝的存在,注入水主要沿着渗透性较好的方向单向突进,而相对低渗透层则吸水量较少或不吸水,对应油井变化是含水上升快和难以见到注水效果两极差异。利用吸水剖面测试技术,结合油水井动、静态资料可以从纵向上和横向上了解油层的吸水状况、水驱方向和注水波及特征。结合相关资料能对油水井作出及时的调整措施,达到提高注水效率和区块稳产的目的。  相似文献   
Lipid abnormalities remain to be a major cause of early mortality in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). In present study, 114 (one hundred fourteen) CRF patients without any additional cause of dyslipidemia were divided into groups on the basis of etiologies of CRF. Blood samples from each group were analyzed for total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol along with blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. 25 healthy individuals without any obvious disease were taken as control. Patients from all the groups showed a marked hypertriglyceridemia of 232 (SD±77) mg/dl (P<0.001) as compared to control. Levels of HDL cholesterol were found to be significantly low 20 (±11) mg/dl (p<0.001) in all the groups. LDL cholesterol showed an increase 104 (±30) mg/dl as compared to control group which is not statistically significant. Present study reveals that, CRF patients show an uniform dyslipidemia irrespective of etiologies leading to CRF. This dyslipidemia is also independent of serum creatinine levels. Although, these lipid abnormalities may not solely cause mortality in CRF patients, they may act as modulators in accelerating atherogenesis which in turn cause early mortality in CRF patients.  相似文献   
文章介绍了目前CMOS射频集成电路中低功耗技术研究所取得的几种成果,评述了其中存在的问题。。最后指出了该领域中未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
The drivers of learning for mid-career workers with few initial qualifications from the Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy and Poland are examined. The focus in this article is upon the learning pathways and experience of the low-qualified drawn from empirical research which gathered and analysed the strategic career and learning biographies of 105 low-skilled individuals, mainly aged between 25 and 40, in the 7 countries, using semi-structured narrative interviews. The five drivers for learning evident in the interviews were enhancing self-efficacy; self-improvement; labour market-orientated learning; significant others motivating learning; and work-related practical learning. The interviewees were divided between those who wanted tangible and immediate learning outcomes and those who saw learning primarily as a means of self-improvement. Some interviewees with negative experiences of initial education were motivated to re-engage by a positive experience with continuing education, encouragement of significant others or through an experience of mastery of challenges at work which led to an increase in their self-efficacy. For the majority of interviewees, practical learning was particularly appreciated, whether undertaken to secure or enhance their current labour market position or undertaken to increase their self-efficacy.  相似文献   
为了促进社会体育本科专业教育输出与社会实际需求对接,对目前社会体育本科专业培养的尴尬境遇、职业素养培养的边缘化、低效性及其成因进行了深入研究分析,研究认为:社会体育本科专业存在着教育输出与社会需求脱节,职业教育中职业素养教育缺失,学生对本专业不自信等尴尬问题;培养方案中涉及职业素养培养较少,就业指导环节中未能真正体现职业素养教育等因素导致本专业职业素养边缘化;上层引导不够,教师对职业素养的认识不够,把职业素养培养置于现实职业活动之外促使本专业职业素养培养的低效性。  相似文献   
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