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文章认为,<周易>之<彖传>与<小象传>可能为同一作者所作,而<彖传>、<小象>则与<中庸>具有相似处,<中庸>之作者乃为子思,因而,<彖传>与<小象>之作者亦当为子思.  相似文献   
Mean Shift算法是目前广泛应用于图像分割和计算机视觉中的方法。论述了该算法应用在彩色图像分割中的原理及过程,并给出实验过程和结果。  相似文献   
文章从文化哲学的视角,对传统形意拳文化体系进行了深入细致的逻辑分析,透视出传统形意拳理论和技法体系是在“贵和尚中”的思维模式和价值理念制约下所形成的,并在长期而系统的功法、套路、对抗等训练和实战中,将其内化为习者的行为规范和行为模式,最终在日常生活方式上体现出“贵和尚中”的民族文化精神。  相似文献   
作为极富宗教与哲学意味的儒家经典,《中庸》对儒家的天人观作了系统而深刻的阐释.在"天命之谓性"观念的指引下,《中庸》以"诚"贯通天人,揭示了儒家"天人合一"的理论内涵.就其实质而言,《中庸》所标举的天人关系是一种价值的或道德的关系,是以价值关系为纽带形成的超越而内在、内在而超越的关系.《中庸》天人观所透显出的这种特殊品格,在人与自然的关系日益紧张的今天,越发地显示出其巨大的理论优势和浓厚的现实意义.  相似文献   
由于朱熹等人的尊崇,《大学》、《中庸》在宋明理学中的地位得到了前未有的加强。朱熹分别从自然哲学一些基本命题和认识论两方面对《大学》、《中庸》作了创造 性的继承与发展,对宋明理学以及后来的中国哲学产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
Previously, inadequate earthquake catalogs and the lack of method made it challenging, if not impossible, to determine the dominant period of earthquake occurrence. With the advent of densely distributed seismic stations in Japan since 2002, 410 642 M1.0+ earthquakes have been cataloged under the mainland within 30-km depth, which provide a superb dataset to identify the periodicity of earthquakes. We processed this catalog using time-frequency analyses and daily stacking, which are powerful in extracting weak periodical signal from strong random noises. We concentrated on the time sector from 0:00 to 6:00 (i.e. from midnight to daybreak), which is a reliable time window for much higher detectability of weak earthquakes, since it has the lowest affects from cultural noises. We successfully observed two apparent periodicities of 12- and 24-hour, which are much smaller than the fortnightly periodicity presented previously in the literature. Synthetic earth tides, after intentionally ignoring the contribution from the Moon, present similar dominant periods as the earthquakes. This may indicate that the dominant period of earthquakes is statistically associated with the Sun rather than the Moon. The daily stacking number of earthquakes using a 15-minute or 1-hour interval shows a peak around 1:30, rather than usually expected 3:00 to 4:00. In addition, bigger earthquakes show more evident variations in the stacking results, and the trend is very consistent for various lower limits of earthquake magnitude from M1.0 to M4.0. These discoveries settled the disputes on the existence of the periodicity of earthquakes since 1886 and may open a window to unravel the mystery of earthquakes.  相似文献   
绩效技术的传统范式是一个基于组织消极性、以问题为导向的范式。它通过努力缩短现状绩效和期望绩效之间的差距来实现绩效的改进,但往往由于员工的“习惯性防卫”而阻碍了组织变革的的进程,显露出诸多限制绩效技术进一步深入发展的缺陷。基于社会建构主义和积极心理学的价值探索范式不同于传统的“以问题为中心”的范式,秉持激发员工内在动机、实现其内心对成功渴望的价值取向,注重对组织积极核心的探索,强调集体、持续、共同创造的过程,是一种积极地探索组织“价值和优势”的方法。核心理念的差异使得两种绩效技术范式在理论假设、方法与过程等方面的表现大相径庭。在实践中,绩效改进人员选择积极还是消极的价值取向决定了绩效技术范式的本质差别。当然,价值探索范式为绩效改进带来“整体向阳性”、提供了新视角的同时,我们认为基于积极性的绩效观是对基于消极性的绩效观的补充,而不是取代。这两种范式的结合将为绩效改进提供更完整的图景。  相似文献   
通过对CIPP评价模式的研究分析,提出以CIPP评价模式进行高校《计算机应用基础》课程教学过程的评价,从而达到促进教学改革、实现教学评价循环反馈的效果.  相似文献   
文章通过微分中值定理的教学设计与实践 ,说明培养学生的参与意识 ,提高学生解决问题能力的重要性。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION The technology of automatic transmission inthe automobile is widely applied in the groundvehicle to increase productivity and decrease in-tensity of labor. However, the performance of theground vehicle in various operating conditions,such as low speed, heavy load and sharply changingload, is very different from that of the automobile innormal operation. Therefore, the ground vehiclecannot adopt the method of the lock-up clutch usedin the automobile to solve the problem o…  相似文献   
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