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摘要:“互联网+”成为新时期体育文化建构和产业延伸关键词,“互联网+体育”逐渐形成。冬奥会申办的成功给我国冬季运动发展带来契机,但冬季项目尤其是冰球运动的文化根基和发展现状而言,我国与北美传统优势强国之间存在较大差距。基于上述背景和发展要求,主要采用文献资料法、例证比较法等研究方法,运用胡塞尔“视域”概念及《冰雪运动发展规划(2016—2025年)》,借鉴北美冰球运动泛文化发展现状,提出适于我国“互联网+”和冬奥项目自身发展要求的拓延策略,最终提出3点建议,即群众参与的前提是政策助力,希望有关冬季项目政策能够出台更多有利于泛文化发展和全民普及的相关内容;媒体报道需更进一步加强,目前新闻类内容较多,文化类内容仍有待挖掘;借助产业链发展形态,促进冰雪产业与其他产业、国际合作等交流接轨,实现全球化的文化传播样态和理念。  相似文献   
A true original     

This study analyzes Japanese and Korean ethno-national (minzoku-kokumin) education in postwar Japan. During a period of political unrest in Japan (1945–1955), some of the Korean residents and Japanese worked together to overcome the culture of Imperial Japan and its assimilative education. They also regarded themselves as people colonized by the United States, and pursued a political-cultural movement for their liberation and independence from American imperialism. The Koreans in Japan rejected compulsory education in the Japanese language. As a result, since 1956, Korean schools (Chōsengakkō), funded and supported by North Korea, were founded all across Japan. Their ethno-national education was in fact incorporated into North Korean politics, and has been considered in many studies as having overcome Japanese assimilation and ethnic inequalities. Such a view was a result of many academic Zainichi Korean studies that come from an “insider's perspective” to criticize Japanese colonialism and discrimination. In order to go beyond this insider's view, I focus on the political alliance between Zainichi Koreans and the Japanese people in their pursuit of ethno-national education. Since 2010, the Japanese state funding for Korean schools has become a major controversy in Japan. By tracing the historical background, this article intends to explain why this political issue has arisen. The ultimate purpose of this article is to suggest an ethical perspective to resolve the current political conflict regarding Korean schools in Japan.  相似文献   
用对比的方法,探索了美、俄、中三国图书馆由于在图书馆政策上的不同,所导致的在文献收藏和利用上的差异,分析了三国图书馆政策在收藏和利用上的特点,提出了图书馆在服务上的一个老问题:是重收藏还是重利用。  相似文献   
我国现行图书馆地方法规立法技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡卫平 《图书情报工作》2007,51(10):112-115
从立法技术上分析,图书馆地方法规对法律责任的规定,特别是对政府法律责任的规定,还有待完善。除北京外,各地图书馆地方法规一般只针对公共图书馆的管理,对其他类型或系统图书馆的管理还没有统一规范起来。从立法技巧上看,现行的地方法规在结构、法规名称、颁布时间和实施时间间隔、立法根据等方面还有待统一认识,逐步改进。  相似文献   
明朝对女真推行禁止与朝鲜"私通"的外交政策,1592年,努尔哈赤借朝鲜的"壬辰倭乱"机会,提出"助朝征倭"。朝鲜为侦探其军情选派申忠一出使努尔哈赤居城。得出了"老乙可赤为最难当"、明朝已失去"驾驭夷狄之能力"的结论。为此,申忠一编写了"建州探情记轴"一书。  相似文献   
邓小平同志创造性提出的建设有中国特色社会主义的理论,是包括体育在内的各项事业胜利前进的精神支柱和科学指南.对改革开放的总设计师邓小平同志有关建设有中国特色社会主义体育思想,尤其是对新时期体育工作;体育与精神文明的关系;“一国两制“的奥运模式;以及如何坚持普及与提高的辩证关系方面作了研究.  相似文献   
北美青少年体育运动的发展及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
70年代以来.北美的青少年体育运动迅速发展,它不仅促进了青少年体质的健康发展,而且也培养了青少年的自律、团结合作、成就动机以及勇敢顽强的良好品质。北美开展青少年体育运动的成功经验给我们以下几个方面的启示:(1)社会与家庭的重视与参与是广泛开展青少年体育运动的重要前提。(2)建立组织.制定计划是使青少年体育运动健康发展的根本保证。(3)经常、持久与自觉地参加各项体育运动有利于青少年身心的健康发展。(4)开设业余教练员训练班,建立青少年体育运动研究中心,是使青少年体育运动深入开展的重要措施。  相似文献   
刀出现在旧石器晚期。从石刀、骨刀、贝刀到殷商铜刀的出现,至少经历了数万年。铜刀出现后,刀的用途、形制和装饰有了较明显的改变。然而,作为武术器械的刀,从蛮砍直刺到技艺娴熟也经历了夏商周、汉三国、唐宋、明清几个主要演变阶段。  相似文献   
Self-worth theorists have claimed that students of lower ability may reduce effort in likely failure situations to avoid the attribution of poor performance to their own incompetence. The likely success of mastery learning, an instructional technique stressing student persistence, has been questioned because of this phenomenon. Several studies which examined the hypothesized relationship between achievement, effort, and perceived ability within a mastery context were conducted. In none of the studies did it appear that students reduced effort because of the threat of failure or that expending effort led to lower estimates of ability. In fact, students expending effort rated their ability as having a more positive influence on performance than less persistent students. It is argued that mastery learning, like some achievement change programs, encourages students to attribute their performance to their level of effort.  相似文献   
解放战争后期,中国革命取得最后胜利并建立全国政权已基本成为定局,筹建中央人民政府已提上中共的议事日程.在这一历史转折时期,华北人民政府对如何建立新中国等一系列重大问题进行了开创性的探索,从而为中央人民政府的顺利成立奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   
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