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动物医学专业形态学实验教学是动物医学本科教学体系的重要组成部分,为了提高实验教学效果,对形态学实验教学模式进行了改革:将动物解剖学、组织胚胎学和病理学的实验内容划分为基本实验项目模块和形态学综合实验模块,通过实验课程内容的整合,减少了实验内容的重复率,加大了学科内容知识点的联系,增加了综合性实验和研究性实验内容.问卷调查显示,本次所进行的动物形态学实验教学模式改革取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明,金钱豹属(广义)花粉明显分为两个类型:Campanumoea inflata和C.javanica subsp.laponica的花粉5~8沟,外壁具相对密的短刺,刺高不过1μm,而C.lancifolia,C.celebica和C.parviflora的花粉3孔沟,外壁刺稀疏,高于2μm。种子表面纹饰也同样可分为  两类,前两个种一类,其种子表面网状,网眼规则而多角形,直径大于网脊宽度,网脊上的次级纹饰为念  珠状,而后三种为一类,其种子表面网眼不规则,直径与网脊宽度近相等,网脊上的次级纹饰绳索状。可  见花粉特征与种皮性状是高度相关的。后三个种所属的分类群就是被归并了的属Cyclocodon Griffith。  综合花粉、种皮及外部形态,这个属应予恢复。其近缘属应是Platycodon,而不是Campanumoea。  相似文献   
星叶草叶脉序的形态学及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在星叶草叶二叉分枝脉序中,网结脉中2条完全汇合叶脉与靠近脉中完全分离叶脉间未发现任 何形式的维管束汇合的中间类型,相反观察到了网结脉中不同程度的连接脉退化的痕迹,因此网结脉不可能由靠近脉形成;盲脉的出现与齿的退化、网结脉中连接脉的间断及非网结脉由分枝处间断等相关;上述事实表明星叶草叶的二叉分枝脉序应为一减化性状。  相似文献   
In this study, we compared 41 adults in a basic literacy class with 92 achievement-level-matched children on their use of English print conventions, as inferred by a qualitative analysis of spelling errors. The two groups followed similar patterns in their mastery of basic spelling features, including letter reversals, consonant blends, and short vowels, with the adults showing relatively more advanced skill in using orthographic patterns. However, the adults made a preponderance of misspellings that were rarely made by the children, including omissions, substitutions, and additions of derivational and inflectional morphemes, and neglect of word endings in general. The findings indicate clear morphological difficulties along with more subtle phonological coding deficits. We suggest that low literacy adults would benefit from specific direct instruction in linguistic analysis, with particular attention to the morphological principles underlying inflections and derivations. Such instruction should be based on a careful assessment of reading and spelling knowledge.  相似文献   
 四合木属Tetraena Maxim.   是内蒙古自治区西部和亚洲中部荒漠区东部的特有属,也是珍稀   濒危植物。前人曾对该属的系统地位做过一些研究,但观点不一。作者通过对该属的研究历史、雌蕊、   果实、花粉粒、染色体等的综合研究后,建议将该属从TaxTaЛЖЯН系统(1987)蒺藜科的霸王亚科中分   出,成立一个新亚科——四合木亚科。本文还编写了蒺藜科(狭义的)分亚科检索表。  四合木属的系统   地位是:芸香目蒺藜科四合木亚科四合木属。  相似文献   
对国产荚蒾属Viburnum Linn.植物花粉的光学显微镜及扫描电镜观察表明:1.花粉特征在组间的分类学意义不大,而在组内的每一种都具各自的花粉特征。2.表面纹饰类型包括(1)外壁具半覆盖层,网状纹饰,网脊光滑;(2)外壁具半覆盖层,网状纹饰,网脊上具瘤状突起;(3)外壁无覆盖层或部分成半覆盖层,具鼓锤状基柱或基柱网,基柱顶端具瘤状突起。3.沟类型包括:(1)沟沿处外壁无覆盖层;(2)沟沿处外壁具半覆盖层,网状纹饰;(3)沟沿处外壁具覆盖层;(4)在一极形成合沟。内孔类型包括(1)看不见明显的孔膜;(2)孔膜半球状,与外壁不连续;(3)孔膜半球状,与外壁相连续;(4)孔膜半椭圆球状,纵长;(5)孔膜半椭圆球状,横架于沟间而类似于桥。文中同时对若干组内分类学问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
This paper reports on the underlying IR problems encountered when indexing and searching with the Bulgarian language. For this language we propose a general light stemmer and demonstrate that it can be quite effective, producing significantly better MAP (around + 34%) than an approach not applying stemming. We implement the GL2 model derived from the Divergence from Randomness paradigm and find its retrieval effectiveness better than other probabilistic, vector-space and language models. The resulting MAP is found to be about 50% better than the classical tf idf approach. Moreover, increasing the query size enhances the MAP by around 10% (from T to TD). In order to compare the retrieval effectiveness of our suggested stopword list and the light stemmer developed for the Bulgarian language, we conduct a set of experiments on another stopword list and also a more complex and aggressive stemmer. Results tend to indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between these variants and our suggested approach. This paper evaluates other indexing strategies such as 4-gram indexing and indexing based on the automatic decompounding of compound words. Finally, we analyze certain queries to discover why we obtained poor results, when indexing Bulgarian documents using the suggested word-based approach.  相似文献   
本文用光学显微镜,结合扫描电镜和透射电镜对我国罗汉松科podocarpaceae植物花粉外壁的细微结构做了深入的研究,对比了我国仅有的两属花粉的形态特征,同时与形态上相似的松科花粉进行了比较,指出了它们之间的区别。  相似文献   
本文对中国细辛属Asarum27种及4变种、1变型的花粉形态分别做了光学显微镜和扫 描电镜的观察和照相,发现该属花粉的萌发孔变异较大,可作为分亚属及分种的重要依据之 一。花粉粒外壁纹饰主要分两类:瘤状纹饰下为网状纹饰,或瘤状纹饰下为脑纹状纹饰。细辛 亚属与杜衡亚属间的界限较明显,与植物形态分类的结果基本一致。本文还讨论了国产及日 本产双叶细辛A.caulescens Maxim和华细辛A.sieboldii Miq.在花粉形态上的差异,并对植物外部形态上彼此相似的几个种的花粉的形态特征做了比较。  相似文献   
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