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采用整流二极管降压,使灯泡在脉动电压为50Hz的状态下工作,可延长灯泡寿命十余倍。  相似文献   
本文计算了选择两种不同势函数 (a :Ⅰ :Zhang① ,Ⅱ :Zhang② ;b :Johnson)时过渡族BCC结构合金的形成热 ,计算结果表明 :势函数的选择对形成热有着重大的影响。  相似文献   
传统中国画构图讲究经营位置、置陈布势,构图理念来自于老庄禅宗的哲学思想,它以一系列虚实、疏密、主宾、取舍、玄空等对比理论作为内在的形式法则,通过审美对照,把握构图的形式美感,解读中国画独特的构图方式.  相似文献   

The benefits of play in the learning and development of young children has long been recognized by researchers and early childhood educators. As new teachers face the challenges of increasingly diverse classrooms, in an increasingly demanding political climate, the potential of play has implications for teacher educators who prepare those new teachers. This study investigated literacy use during play in the researcher's culturally diverse first grade classroom, finding that children applied various functions of print, practiced skills, and explored concepts that had been introduced in the formal curriculum. These observations reinforce the notion that play encompasses many of the conditions necessary for literacy development and is a useful means of extending and supporting the formal literacy curriculum. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
本文不同意"世界由物质、能量、信息三大要素组成"的观点,认为信息仅是生命及其仿生系统对事物及其属性(包括自身)的反映和表达形式,它源于生命系统的自组织机能,它是表述对象对生命(或仿生)系统呈现或被其抽绎出的形态。信息生成是生物机能的体现,信息表达则肇基于生物因应环境的生态系统内的互动行为。  相似文献   
高校校园及周边安全隐患与对策探讨——以钦州学院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育改革的不断深化,大多高校进入了快速发展的阶段。学校规模扩大了,然而,高校校园及周边环境日趋复杂,出现的治安安全隐患、交通安全隐患、住所安全隐患、食品安全隐患等对高校的影响也在加剧。走政府支持、社会参与、学校加强管理的综合治理之路,发挥政府职能作用,社会参与,联防联治,解决和治理高校周边环境的种种安全隐患。  相似文献   
Citation prediction of scholarly papers is of great significance in guiding funding allocations, recruitment decisions, and rewards. However, little is known about how citation patterns evolve over time. By exploring the inherent involution property in scholarly paper citation, we introduce the Paper Potential Index (PPI) model based on four factors: inherent quality of scholarly paper, scholarly paper impact decaying over time, early citations, and early citers’ impact. In addition, by analyzing factors that drive citation growth, we propose a multi-feature model for impact prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that the two models improve the accuracy in predicting scholarly paper citations. Compared to the multi-feature model, the PPI model yields superior predictive performance in terms of range-normalized RMSE. The PPI model better interprets the changes in citation, without the need to adjust parameters. Compared to the PPI model, the multi-feature model performs better prediction in terms of Mean Absolute Percentage Error and Accuracy; however, their predictive performance is more dependent on the parameter adjustment.  相似文献   
进一步研究、认识新构建的N+H=K认知公式中的三大要素N,H和K.构建"被认知事物存在状态谱系Na,Nb,Nc,Nd"和"认知者存在状态谱系Ha,Hb,Hc,Hd".作为一个典型个案,从新的"知识—科学"认知角度分析数学基础理论中与"无穷"概念相关的悬而未决的悖论、难题与争论所暴露的深层结构理论中的缺陷.  相似文献   
洮儿河流域属于科尔沁草原重要组成部分。草地广阔,类型多样,可划分为5个类群。草地植物种类丰富,生产力较高,是内蒙古东部及兴安盟的重要牧业生产基地。目前,该流域草地有些还未能开发利用,有些还利用不充分。这里良好的自然条件,可建立若干优良人工草地。经统计表明,该地区发展畜牧业具有较大的潜力。今后,应进一步发挥其资源优势,加速以牧业为重点的农牧林业经济的综合发展。  相似文献   
中职学校体育教师的社会流动造成了地区、城乡学校之间的师资结构失衡,导致中职学校教师队伍短缺、整体素质下降。针对中职学校体育教师社会流动的潜在危机、后果及成因编制调查问卷,对河南省乡镇39所中职学校抽样调查,走访137名流动体育教师和教育主管部门的负责人,通过研究获得第一手资料,提出稳定中职学校体育教师队伍的良性运作机制、建议与对策,促进我国中职学校体育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   
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