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Census information of some form has been collected in Canada since the 1611 census of New France. Aboriginal people, identified or not, have been included in these enumerations. The collection of this information has had a profound impact on Aboriginal people and has been an element that has shaped their relationship with the dominant society. In response, Canadian Aboriginal people have often resisted and refused to co-operate with census takers and their masters. This article is an examination of this phenomenon focused on the censuses conducted in the post-Confederation period to the present. A census is made to collect information on populations and individuals that can then be used to configure and shape social and political relations between those being enumerated and the creators of the census. However, the human objects of the census are not just passive integers and they have resisted its creation in a number of ways, including being “missing” when the census is taken, refusing to answer the questions posed by enumerators or even driving them off Aboriginal territory. A census identifies elements of the social order and attempts to set them in their “proper” place and those who do not wish to be part of that order may refuse to take part. Archivists and historians must understand that the knowledge gained in a census is bound with the conditions of own creation. This has been noted by contemporary Aboriginal researchers who often state that the archival record of their people often distorts history and reflects the ideas and superficial observations of their Euro-Canadian creators. Changes to the Census of Canada since 1981, have increased the participation rate and therefore changed the nature of the record.
Brian Edward HubnerEmail:

Brian Edward Hubner   is currently Acquisition and Access Archivist at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. He was previously employed at the Archives of Manitoba, in Government Records; Queen’s University Archives, Kingston; and at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. He has a Master of Arts (History, in Archival Studies) from the University of Manitoba, and a Master of Arts (History), from the University of Saskatchewan. The 2nd edition of Brian’s co-authored book on the history of the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan and Alberta is being published in 2007. He has published articles and delivered conference papers on Canadian Aboriginal peoples including “Horse Stealing and the Borderline: The N.W.M.P. and the Control of Indian Movement, 1874-1900.” His current research interest focuses on relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian archives. Brian is married and has two children.  相似文献   
分析了变速调节的节能原理和几种变速调节装置的特点,指出了变频调速技术的优点,并通过实例分析,说明了变频调速技术的节能效果.  相似文献   
使用2015—2022年Clarivate Analytics发布的期刊引证报告(JCR)数据进行统计分析,探究近年来SCI期刊的影响因子(JIF)变化特征及其对科研评价的影响。研究发现,2015—2022年期间高JIF的SCI期刊比例增加,低JIF的SCI期刊比例下降,JIF整体出现连年上涨趋势,且2021、2022年涨幅显著增加。这说明SCI期刊的JIF正在经历泡沫式膨胀且情况日益加剧,而中国SCI期刊的JIF增长率更甚于世界平均水平。JIF膨胀表面是论文数量和参考文献列表长度扩张的产物,但受益期刊精英群体和受益作者群体的推崇才是其增长的内在驱动,其侧面反映了追求高JIF的学术风气依然高涨,将造成JIF指标的进一步强化和滥用,引发更多有关结构性歧视和学术公平性的矛盾。此外,JIF前50位期刊多数保持稳定,其中知名期刊家族占有举足轻重的地位;而中国SCI期刊数量仅占世界总量的1.45%,在2022年JIF前50位期刊中只有1家,国际影响力较小。培育国内高影响力期刊,完善学术期刊评价体系,进行期刊质量、效益、贡献多维评价,并结合同行评议开展科研综合评价,是破“SCI至上”、弱化JIF膨...  相似文献   
在探索网络营销课程实践教学的过程中,注重业务职能与课程内容的有效联系,创设了专题实训的实践方法,并具体设计了网上调查表、网络营销工具、网站策略、网络广告4个专题实训。每个专题实训内容按照体验、体会、分析、制作4个递进层次设计任务,由浅入深、由简到繁、由单个实验到团队综合实验地进行实训。开放学生自主选择任务层次的权利,实现自主学习、互助学习与引导学习相结合。采用过程性考核、学生参与评估和就业应用分析等方法,对专题实训的效果进行跟踪和分析,提高应用的准确性和合理性。通过应用过程的经验总结,为推广应用提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
发展性学校评价理念在落实的过程中存在动力缺失的问题,究其原因,主要有:评价主体对发展性学校评价的认识存在偏差、评价反馈环节薄弱、组织缺失和合作文化缺乏以及内部评价与外部评价失衡等,为了有效激发评价动力,需要从以下几点着手:正确认识发展性学校评价、完善评价机制、注重校内合作文化建设、加强内外部评价之间真诚对话等。  相似文献   
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化工分析工是高职化工类专业学生就业的重要方向,将学生培养成为一名合格的化工分析工是我们教改的最终目标。"理实一体化"的教学方法以企业案例作为引领项目把学生引入教学内容,达到"做中教、做中学,寓教、学、做于一体",让学生在完成工作任务的过程中学习相关知识。  相似文献   
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对2吨位电动叉车的驱动装置进行了结构设计改进,取消了独立的减速装置而将其功能分配到齿轮传动系统中,改进后的设计具有结构紧凑、传动效率高等特点.通过COSMOSWorks有限元分析实例解析,证明驱动机构的结构强度和刚性满足设计要求.  相似文献   
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