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Modern public transportation companies often record large amounts of information. Privacy can be safeguarded by discarding nominal tickets, or introducing anonymization techniques. But is anonymity at all possible when everything is recorded? In this paper we discuss travel information management in the public transport scenario and we present a revealing case study (relative to the city of Cesena, Italy), showing that even anonymous 10-ride bus tickets may betray a user's privacy expectations. We also propose a number of recommendations for the design and management of public transport information systems, aimed at preserving the users’ privacy, while retaining the useful analysis features enabled by the e-ticketing technology.  相似文献   
能够自适应每一个用户的需求的情境感知是普适计算中基本性能。情境信息是通过追踪用户的行动,收集实时用户数据得到的。当普适系统收集到更多用户信息时,情境感知服务性能得到提升,但也造成了对用户隐私的潜在威胁。文章通过研究现有的隐私管理技术,对其隐私特性进行了分析。  相似文献   
美国《儿童网络保护法案》事件与《爱国者法案》事件是关于国家立法影响图书馆权利的典型案例。这两个案例涉及了自由平等利用图书馆的权利与用户隐私权及智识自由,同时体现了美国图书馆员的职业道德与职业精神,为我国图书馆界提供了借鉴与启示。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the issue of consumer intention to disclose personal information via mobile applications (apps). Drawing on the literature of privacy calculus theory, this research examined the factors that influence the trade-off decision of receiving perceived benefits and being penalized with perceived risks through the calculus lens. In particular, two paths of the direct effects on perceived benefits and risks that induce the ultimate intention to disclose personal information via mobile apps were proposed and empirically tested. The analysis showed that self-presentation and personalized services positively influence consumers’ perceived benefits, which in turn positively affects the intention to disclose personal information. Perceived severity and perceived control serve as the direct antecedents of perceived risks that negatively affect the intention of consumers to disclose personal information. Compared with the perceived risks, the perceived benefits more strongly influence the intention to disclose personal information. This study extends the literature on privacy concerns to consumer intention to disclose personal information by theoretically developing and empirically testing four hypotheses in a research model. Results were validated in the mobile context, and implications and discussions were presented.  相似文献   
教学"泛娱乐化"是教学活动在"泛娱乐化"思潮的濡染与裹挟中所展现出偏离其所承载的崇尚科学、追求理性、秉承超越以及所具有的批判性,扭曲甚至丧失自身价值负载的非理性样态。造成教学"泛娱乐化"的原因在于教育消费主义思潮扭曲了教学的独特性;"快感文化"之于教育的全方位渗透褫夺了教学的严肃性;后现代知识观的"解构主义"扰乱了教学的真理性以及教育变革中所推崇的"拿来主义"动摇了教学的厚重性。化解教学"泛娱乐化"隐忧要以捍卫教育的相对独立性为前提,扎实践行教育的教学性;积极重建教学知识观,坚守教学的真理性;回归教学"寓教于乐"的初衷,恪守教学活动的严肃性以及以"双创"精神面对本土教学遗产,深植教学的厚重性中予以达成。  相似文献   
The trend towards inclusion in mainstream Australian schools has seen the numbers of students with disabilities educated in regular schools grow significantly. This trend has been supported by legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act and the Education Standards. For inclusion to be successful, a number of factors are vital and teacher support for the programme is crucial. While there is research in the area of teachers’ concerns at the primary school level, little research has been conducted at the secondary school level. Research in this area is needed as the secondary school has differing factors from the primary sector that need to be explored.  相似文献   
The recently passed European Directive on the Protection of Personal Data aims to harmonize European data protection law at a higher level of protection than exists now. It represents a European consensus on a standard for personal privacy and a model for countries without data protection laws. The protracted process for agreement and ratification, however, has produced a document with many derogations and ambiguities, reflecting the wider moves towards 'subsidiarity' within the European Union. Of concern to North America is the stipulation that transborder data flow may not be permitted unless the receiving country can demonstrate an 'adequate' level of protection. While the process through which this provision will be interpreted and applied is so far found to be complicated and unclear, nevertheless European authorities will be reluctant to tolerate 'data havens,' a fact that should concern North American business that relies on the unimpeded flows of personal data from and to Europe. Neither Canada nor the United States can claim 'adequate' data protection according to the European standard. However, Canadian efforts through the Canadian Standards Association and the Federal Information Highway Advisory Council signal an attempt to fashion a more comprehensive policy framework for privacy than the more incremental and reactive approach of the United States. This divergence is explained by key cultural, economic, and political factors within Canada, which have caused a different reaction to the extraterritorial effects of the European Union's Data Protection Directive.  相似文献   
Computing resources are essential to foster the productivity of employees in organisations; however, non-work-related computing (NWRC) in the workplace has recently become a serious concern because employees often spend too much time in the personal use of computers. To deepen our understanding of employees' compliance with NWRC rules, we developed and tested a research model that focuses on the formation of procedural justice and moderating role of privacy concerns. The results indicate that employees are more willing to comply with NWRC rules when they believe fair procedures to be in place during the design and implementation of the rules. In addition, accuracy, consistency, and ethicality were found to enhance employees' belief in procedural justice. Further, we found that the effect of procedural justice on compliance intention is moderated by privacy concerns that arise from the implementation of NWRC rules.  相似文献   
图书馆各类型资源在信息社会中面临着许多新的隐私权问题,当前矛盾最突出的涉及到网络资源采集和历史资料长期保存与利用服务中的隐私权保护问题.以国际为视角,阐述隐私和隐私权保护的概念和内容;以信息服务与利用领域新近发生的诸多隐私权纠纷为实例,对当今图书馆网络资源采集,以及历史记录长期保存与利用中隐私权保护面临的新问题进行探讨.国际图联和美国图书馆协会对图书馆隐私权问题的声明和观点反映了图书馆隐私保护的重要性,期望对我国开展图书馆隐私权问题的理论与实践研究有所启示.  相似文献   
通信秘密是公民的一项基本权利,在世界各国得到普遍的确认与保护。中德刑事立法在侵犯通信秘密犯罪上存在显著区别,主要包括立法体系、犯罪对象、犯罪手段、犯罪成立以及诉讼条件等方面。侵犯通信秘密犯罪是隐私权刑法保护的重要内容,我国隐私权刑事立法的规定已经落后于实践需要。德国刑法关于侵害通信秘密罪的立法规定存在我国刑法值得借鉴之处。  相似文献   
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