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The purpose of this study was to gain insight into determinants of knowledge growth among first-year psychology students in a curriculum that uses the Progress Test (an assessment method for long-term retention of knowledge and knowledge growth) as its main assessment tool. To that end, the relation between the level of initial learning, prior knowledge, class attendance and individual study time, and Progress Test scores was analysed. The data showed that level of initial learning was positively associated with prior knowledge and class attendance. Further, level of initial learning was positively related to knowledge growth at the end of the first year of the curriculum. Students with higher levels of initial learning had a more extended knowledge base at the end of the first year of their curriculum than students with lower levels of initial learning. Prior knowledge, class attendance and individual study time did not have a significant relation with knowledge growth.  相似文献   
Progress assessment aims to assess students’ performance and progress during a course of study. Its purpose is primarily developmental—to help students improve learning. Progress assessment is of special value in distance education in that it can motivate or pace distance learners throughout their course of study. It can help the tutor monitor the learning process of distance learners, diagnose their problems and provide prompt help and support. However, few empirical studies have been reported in the literature that address the issue of progress assessment from the perspective of Chinese distance learners. This paper investigates the perceptions of Chinese distance learners with regard to the necessity of progress assessment and the way it is being implemented in practice.  相似文献   
The Bible is the classic work of Christianity.The influence of the Bible on the British and American literature is profound and extensive.Therefore,one of the most profoundly influenced literature works-The Pilgrim's Progress,which was the British pastor and essay writer John Bunyan's representative work couldn't don't be involved.Thus,this paper is going to elaborate the influence of The Bible on The Pilgrim's Progress systematically by the conscientious reading and analysis.Firstly,this paper will introduce the background of The Bible,and its composing parts,and its relation with the British and American literature.Secondly,this paper will also emphatically recommend The Pilgrim's Progress and its author John Bunyan.At last,it will analyze the relation between The Bible and The Pilgrim's Progress.  相似文献   
我国知识组织论研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,我国图书馆学、情报学领域对知识组织论研究给予了高度重视。在理论研究方面,马费成、刘洪波、王知津、蒋永福等人的研究具有代表性。近几年的研究主要限于技术方法方面。应该继续深化和拓宽知识组织论研究。未来的知识组织论研究,应该在以下三方面取得进展:技术方法研究、认知观研究和"知识——权力"问题研究。  相似文献   
高职院校党员干部保持先进性,要常修为政之德,自觉加强党性锻炼;常学管理之识,全面提高自己的综合素质;常做利民之事,牢记党的根本宗旨;常谋发展之计,扎扎实实地提高办学质量;常怀律己之心,切实做到以身作则;常思贪欲之害,自觉远离腐败。  相似文献   
湖湘文化是在洋务运动后期才逐渐走向近代化的。在这个过程中,各种学会发挥了重要的载体作用。湖湘文化的近代化与湖南社会的近代化同步,社会经济、政治、民俗文化等都在这一过程中步入近代的行列。这个过程对湖南近代历史的发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
康拉德是一个注重道德关怀的作家,在短篇小说《进步前哨》中,他通过描写两个白人凯亦兹和卡利尔在非洲贸易站的经历,向读者展示了一幕幕“进步”的悲剧。康拉德立足历史现实的实际问题,揭露殖民主义的危害,又执著于人生意义与价值的探求,关注人性的发展。这种双重关注是他作为一个作家在更高要求方面的体现。  相似文献   
美国国家教育进展评估(NAEP)体系的产生与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国国家教育进展评估是目前美国国内惟一连续、长期的中小学生学业成绩测量体系。文章从历史的角度出发,对该评估体系的产生、发展与现状进行综述。  相似文献   
沈璟的戏曲理论主要针对明代中后期的骈俪化、乖音韵的现实而发.主要强调重格律、重本色的合理性和必要性.沈璟的曲论核心是戏曲应为"场上之曲",抓住了戏曲艺术的本质规律.他的曲论有时代的进步性,使戏曲观众扩大到下层百姓.对后世也产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article was twofold. First, the assessment materials from four core reading programs were informally reviewed for their adherence to Texas Reading First progress monitoring guidelines for kindergarten and the beginning of Grade 1. Conclusions support existing concerns regarding the variability in the quality and quantity of assessment materials within and across programs as well as concerns about whether the materials lend themselves to progress monitoring purposes at 2-week intervals for students who are struggling readers. Second, recommendations are made for the development of progress monitoring tools that are concise, easy for teachers to use, and that provide clear guidelines regarding the use of progress monitoring data to drive instruction. Accordingly the recent development of a progress monitoring tool that parallels the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), which is an assessment tool used in approximately 95% of Texas Reading First schools was discussed.  相似文献   
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