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民主是当今世界各国普遍珍视的核心政治价值和诉求之一。直接民主和代议制民主是民主的两种主要实现形式。两种民主形式的核心问题都是解决权力分享和利益分配。直接民主的核心精神是平等,代议制民主本质是一种受控精英民主制度。  相似文献   
环境行政公益诉讼是公民、法人、团体对行政机关及其公职人员,违反环境法律、法规,造成环境污染或损害后果的行政行为提起的诉讼.检察机关作为政府或公益代表参与行政公益诉讼是世界各国的共同特点;检察权和行政权目标一致,这一特质决定了检察机关在环境行政公益诉讼中的诉讼参加人的地位;同时,国家利益、公共利益的分离是检察机关进入行政诉讼领域的必要性.确立检察机关环境行政公益诉讼参加人地位应结合<行政诉讼法>的有关规定、受案范围及参加诉讼的方式综合考虑.  相似文献   
海明威的短篇小说《蝴蝶和坦克》通过发生在围城马德里的一个悲剧故事,塑造了与"英雄"、"硬汉"不同的一类"反英雄"、"非硬汉"形象,在艺术表达上体现了一种传承基础上的创新尤其是在传统叙事基础上的突围。它表明,"非代表作"是经典作家寻求新的突破并借此试图发现更丰富独特表达对象和更强大别致表现力的结晶和体现;在当下外国文学经典重构的语境下,经典作家的"非代表作"应该在我们的阅读视野中获得更重要的位置。  相似文献   

Two distinctly separate training facilities (dry-land and aquatic) are routinely used in springboard diving and pose an interesting problem for learning, given the inherent differences in landing (head first vs. feet first) imposed by the different task constraints. Although divers may practise the same preparation phase, take-off and initial aerial rotation in both environments, there is no evidence to suggest that the tasks completed in the dry-land training environment are representative of those performed in the aquatic competition environment. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematics of the preparation phase of reverse dives routinely practised in each environment. Despite their high skill level, it was predicted that individual analyses of elite springboard divers would reveal differences in the joint coordination and board-work between take-offs. The two-dimensional kinematic characteristics were recorded during normal training sessions and used for intra-individual analysis. Kinematic characteristics of the preparatory take-off phase revealed differences in board-work (step lengths, jump height, board depression angles) for all participants at key events. However, the presence of scaled global topological characteristics suggested that all participants adopted similar joint coordination patterns in both environments. These findings suggest that the task constraints of wet and dry training environments are not similar, and highlight the need for coaches to consider representative learning designs in high performance diving programmes.  相似文献   
布丹、霍布斯、卢梭等人的主权理论都只承认一个单一的最高权力, 一个没有限制和边界的主权权威, 这在事实上构成对所谓臣民或公民的绝对统治的权威, 它本质上是专制主义的。复合共和制对于权威的设计体现了一种分立、制约的权威状态, 摧毁了主权的单一、无上的神话, 使得自由和社会基本正义可以获得政治、法律上的最大的保障! 而这种保障是相对的, 它需要其他方面的支撑; 同样的这种多中心的权威格局也给社会协作带来困难和挑战。  相似文献   
文章突出以代表人物、时代背景、思想体系三条主线进行遗传学教学,探索了遗传学教学的新思路、新方法.  相似文献   
中国艺术典型论历史悠久,源远流长,具有鲜明的民族特色,它在明清以前抒情典型理论占主导地位,重在意境,主张“言有尽而意无穷、,至宋元以后,叙事性典型理论突然崛然,且有一统天下之势,其核心性格论重在人物的个性化和概括化,理论命题在承袭前人的基础上有新的突破,总之,中国艺术典型率是从诗画向小说,从低层次向高层次不断发展,成熟的。  相似文献   
代表人诉讼制度是为解决多数人纠纷而设计的一种当事人诉讼制度。代表人诉讼是我国民事诉讼法特有的处理群体纠纷的诉讼程序制度,它是指当事人一方人数众多时,从中选出数人作为代表进行的诉讼。我国代表人诉讼制度的立法,内容上过于简单、概括,实际操作比较困难,应从立法角度进行完善。  相似文献   
在现代法治社会中,群体诉讼是解决药品不良反应纠纷以保障公众用药安全权的重要程序手段;各国在药品不良反应诉讼方面的发展现状与趋势要求我国在司法实践中应充分重视群体诉讼制度的应用.当前,我国代表人诉讼制度在应对和解决药品不良反应所引发的群体性纠纷方面还存在一些现实障碍,有必要加以改革和完善.  相似文献   

The football goalkeeper position arguably represents a unique role within the team sport. Despite its highly complex skill demands, research on football goalkeeping has only sporadically examined the position within isolated and limited parameters. In particular, there is limited literature on “modern” skill acquisition training methods and approaches within the field of goalkeeper training. In a cross-cultural study with fifteen expert goalkeeper coaches, researchers here examined the overarching research question of “how does the modern football goalkeeper train?”. Semi-structured interviews explored expert coaches’ views on critical skills for performance in goalkeeping and the training approaches used to develop these critical skills. Results indicate that four skill sets are considered essential by goalkeeper coaches, these are: decision-making skills, athleticism, mentality, and technical skills. In terms of developing these skills in goalkeeper-specific training, the majority of expert coaches apply a similar microstructure to training sessions. This structure involves a steady progression from simple to complex training tasks, where for large parts, isolated technical training appears to be prioritised over a holistic training approach that integrates technical skills and perceptual-cognitive components (e.g., decision making). Scientific and practical recommendations for researchers and practitioners in the field of football goalkeeper coaching are provided.  相似文献   
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