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南宋乾、淳之际的浙东学者大多兼擅经史文章,他们对儒家之"道"的理解与朱熹等理学家相比显得平实,对文道关系的理解也较为通达,对南宋以来的重道轻文思想具有纠偏意义.吕祖谦认为文道二者并行不悖,意图统合程学之"道"和苏学之"文",但其思想显得博杂而欠通贯;永嘉学派的陈傅良、叶适则仰溯三代文道合一的精神,强调为文要有关治道,流露出浓厚的崇古和事功色彩,实与欧阳修、王安石经世致用的文学思想遥相承接.但是吕祖谦的伦理本位和叶适的事功本位思想,对"文"也造成了一定的疏离和损害:吕祖谦随着对道的领悟趋于深入,后期逐渐疏远了文章华藻.陈傅良、叶适宣扬以"治"为道的政治哲学,则表现出向"泛文学"的复归,虽然表面上提升了文的价值,但却使文学落入儒家功利思想的桎梏.  相似文献   
The most fantastic optical phenomena in the Earth''s upper atmosphere are the auroras. They are highly informative indicators of solar activity, geomagnetic activity, upper atmospheric structures and dynamics, and magnetospheric energetic particles. An area where the geomagnetic field differs significantly from the expected symmetric dipole, such as at the South Atlantic Anomaly, where the magnetic field intensity is low, gives rise to stronger precipitation of energetic particles into the upper atmosphere. Impact excitation and the subsequent airglow emissions exhibit aurora-like dynamic signatures. Nomenclatures of nonpolar aurora or equatorial auroras are similar to those used with the polar auroras owing to their similar excitation mechanisms. This paper provides an overview of the knowledge and the challenges concerning auroral activity at the South Atlantic Anomaly, or more generally, at the negative magnetic anomaly. We emphasize systematic investigation of the equatorial auroras to reveal the temporal and spatial evolution of the magnetic anomaly and the behaviour of energetic particles in near-Earth space.  相似文献   
南非高校合并:成效与经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自20世纪90年代中期以来的南非高校合并,是摆脱了种族隔离制度的新南非改造其整个高等教育体系最重要的手段,在很大程度上改变了南非高等教育的面貌。南非的高校合并是在政府的主导下进行的,具有很强的计划性。充分调研,反复论证;政府推动,因势利导;就近归并,稳定重点;形式明确,深度融合,是南非高校合并获得成功的基本经验。  相似文献   
“一带一路”背景下我国知识产权输出政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国提出并实施“一带一路”倡议的重大国家战略以来,南南合作框架在总体外交格局中的地位得到了显著提升。虽然,已有不少学者研究指出“一带一路”倡议核心应是“以我为主”地输出产能、资本、技术、标准和服务;但一系列学术问题仍未得到科技政策学的明确解答,即,南南合作框架下的“一带一路”倡议,我国应以什么输出为主、什么输出为辅?应从哪些领域入手才能发挥出中国的牵头优势?通过对1978-2017年我国关于输出的科技政策进行全时段、全样本量的政策文本分析,发现我国低端资源输出科技政策稳占整个输出类科技政策的26%,中端产品输出科技政策约占57.3%,而高端知识产权输出科技政策仅占16.5%。本文的观点是高端知识产权输出在“以我为主”推进“一带一路”国际科技合作中占据关键地位,当前需要加快完善 “一带一路”国际合作知识产权输出的政策体系。最后,本文建议选择基础设施工程建设作为制造业突破口、选择跨境电商网络平台技术作为服务业突破口来完善“一带一路”国际合作知识产权输出的政策体系建设。  相似文献   
韩国学术伦理建设评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
做学问的人应当遵循道德规范。近年来韩国接二连三地发生各类违反学术伦理的研究行为,韩国政府和学术界由此开始致力于学术伦理的建设,通过规范学术伦理准则、重建学术伦理促进机制等举措取得了一定成效,了解这些措施对于中国学术伦理的建设也有所裨益。  相似文献   
《诗经》是“六经”之一,熊十力对《诗经》进行新的诠释,走的是一条“经学泛哲学化”的理路,把“四科”之中的“义理之科”作为“六经”之宗,没有“义理之科”的贞定,“经济之科”“考据之科”“文学之科”乃茫荡无根据。他明确指出《诗经》一定有《诗传》,并强调“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨”是《诗传》的总纲领。同时认为,《诗经》里面的诗歌,大多出自“农家”学派之手。《诗经》中有大量表现“怨”的诗,当作孟子的论断“《诗》亡然后《春秋》作”的原因。熊十力对《诗经》中《二南》诗高度重视,之所以读《关雎》得出“思无邪”的评价,缘见得人生本来清净、真实,不须作更多的猜想。同时他指出了中国宗教之所以不兴的原因,即“即事多所欣”。在日常生活里,自有一种欣悦、和适、勤勉、温柔、敦厚、庄敬、日强等等的意趣,用不着起什么恐怖,也不须幻想什么天国,并要求我们通过解读《二南》,识得人生的意义与价值,大步走上人生的坦途,向前努力,而不至于面墙了,表达了熊十力对人生理想的美好追求。  相似文献   
This article examines conflicts over the transnationalization of South Korean celebrities in the wake of the Korean Wave (Hallyu) in the twenty-first century. I consider a number of celebrity controversies to argue that the demands placed upon Hallyu celebrities by domestic observers, foreign audiences, and global capital are fundamentally irreconcilable. South Korean nationalist appropriation of Hallyu, as well as the local celebrity culture, demand that Hallyu stars firstly be exemplary Korean patriots, whereas international audiences expect sympathy for their own causes. Local nationalist agendas have proven particularly troublesome because of postcolonial sensibilities and ongoing territorial disagreements between South Korea and its neighbors. Finally, as circulating commodities and commercial assets, Hallyu stars are also pledged to global capital. Their value is highest when they appeal to as broad an audience as possible and alienate no one with their politics. An apolitical neutrality on regionally controversial issues, however, is an untenable position when antagonistic geopolitical interests are concerned and nationalist passions flare. I situate this argument within critical scholarship on cultural globalization flows within Asia, while engaging celebrity studies to frame Hallyu stars as transnational commodities.  相似文献   
The popularity and viewership of Nollywood films have expanded across African and Western cities especially those with considerable Diaspora population. This study seeks to investigate whether watching Nollywood films is likely to lead to cross-cultural transmission of Nigeria’s cultural heritage to audience members in South Africa. Data for the study were collected using observation and surveys with Likert-type scales involving participants from a South African college. Results show that watching Nollywood films was significant in increasing participants’ knowledge and appreciation of Nigerian culture. Observed patterns indicate that a small portion of participants could mimic or reproduce some common Nigerian expressions and exclamations while a negligible percentage of participants could actually speak a smattering of Igbo, one of Nigeria’s three major languages.  相似文献   
This paper discusses a survey, carried out by the authors, of 211 employees’ employed in public and private manufacturing organizations in North India to determine if emotional stability acts as a mediator between self-disclosure and social adjustment. Capitalization theory has been used as theoretical framework to examine the proposed relationships. Results indicate that high self-disclosure has positive association with social adjustment. Results also suggest that emotional stability partially mediates self-disclosure and social adjustment relationship. Implications for future research include further examination through additional mediators and other dimensions of self-disclosure from capitalization theory in understudied non-U.S. cultures like India.  相似文献   
This paper draws attention to some questions thrown up by the increased circulation of mass-produced cultural commodities sourced from Asia in the relatively new markets of the region. Juxtaposing the short-lived success of the Indian star Rajnikant in Japan in the late 1990s and the unsuccessful attempt to promote Korean films in the Indian theatrical circuits a decade later, the paper argues that in spite of their considerable differences both instances foreground the difficulties cultural industries of Asia have in generating revenues in the region's markets. The paper goes on to elaborate on a model of stardom, exemplified by Rajnikant, which has evolved as a direct response to the challenges posed by low value markets.  相似文献   
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