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浅析竞技体育的功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
竞技体育作为一种采用公开的、共同认可的方式和规范,以相互间身体运动能力(包括智力)优劣比较的形式进行的挑战极限、超越自我的社会性竞争活动,一直被人类所关注,在当今社会中占有越来越重要的地位。其发展可以在满足人们对体能极限的追求、满足大众对娱乐和审美需要、促进经济发展和维护社会稳定等诸方面产生深刻的影响。  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和观察法对旋风脚转体720度接马步起跳阶段、空中转体和击向、落地接马步等动作运用生物力学进行了深刻的分析和研究,并对竞技武术套路比赛中运动员难度动作的完成情况进行了调查、分析,以找出影响运动员完成该动作的因素,并进一步提出相应的教学、训练方法。  相似文献   
本文以古蔺县新城中心写字楼项目的边坡治理工程为案例,分析了拟建项目的场地条件,提出了选择边坡治理方案要考虑的因素,拟定边坡治理的工程方案;在治理方案设计中,以支挡结构的安全稳定性为核心问题,提出了最危险工况和相应标准荷载组合,按最不利组合形式考虑支挡结构的安全稳定性措施,阐述了锚杆、抗滑桩这两种支挡结构的具体设计方法,使治理措施既能保证本身的安全稳定性,达到治理效果,又具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   
The primary objectives of the present study are to introduce the Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study of Reading Disability, the first longitudinal twin study in which subjects have been specifically selected for having a history of reading difficulties, and to present some initial assessments of the stability of reading performance and cognitive abilities in this sample. Preliminary examination of the test scores of 124 twins with a history of reading difficulties and 154 twins with no history of reading difficulties indicates that over the 5- to 6-year interval between assessments, cognitive and reading performance are highly stable. As a group, those subjects with a history of reading difficulties had substantial deficits relative to control subjects on all measures at initial assessment, and significant deficits remained at follow-up. The stability noted for all cognitive and achievement measures was highest for a composite measure of reading, whose average stability correlation across groups was 0.80. Results of preliminary behavior genetic analyses for this measure indicated that shared genetic influences accounted for 86% and 49% of the phenotypic correlations between the two assessments for twin pairs with and without reading difficulties, respectively. In addition, genetic correlations reached unity for both groups, suggesting that the same genetic influences are manifested at both time points.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of heat treatment combined with acid and alkali on the angiotensin-Iconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of peptides derived from bovine casein. The free amino group content, color, and cytotoxicity of the peptides were measured under different conditions. When heated at 100 °C in the pH range from 9.0 to 12.0, ACE inhibitory activity was reduced and the appearance of the peptides was significantly darkened. After thermal treatment in the presence of acid and alkali, the free amino group content of ACE inhibitory peptides decreased markedly. High temperature and prolonged heating also resulted in the loss of ACE inhibitory activity, the loss of free amino groups, and the darker coloration of bovine casein-derived peptides. However, ACE inhibitory peptides, within a concentration range of from 0.01 to 0.2 mg/ml, showed no cytotoxicity to Caco-2 and ECV-304 cell lines after heat treatment. This indicated that high temperature and alkaline heat treatment impaired the stability of bovine casein-derived ACE inhibitory peptides.  相似文献   
曾浩 《襄樊学院学报》2014,(4):52-55,77
作为我国金融体系重要组成部分的银行体系,其稳定性的好坏直接影响到我国宏观经济的平稳健康发展。文章以代表银行体系运营风险的7个指标(资产负债率、不良贷款率、贷款总额/存款总额、信用贷款增长率、信贷贡献率、境外资产增速、境外负债增速)为基础,收集2004至2013年第三季度的数据,通过主成分分析和因子分析法构造出衡量银行体系整体稳定性的指标。根据指标的数值来分析,当下银行体系稳定性和流动性风险情况良好,应当注意的是市场风险呈上升趋势,信用风险上升且风险程度较高。  相似文献   
功能性动作筛查(Functional Movement Screen)是由美国物理治疗师Gray Cook等设计的一种身体功能评价方法,是一种革新性的动作模式评价系统,它简便易行,可以广泛用于各类人群的基本运动功能的评价。该方法通过测试功能性动作、肌肉控制、神经系统稳定等方面的表现来发现受测者身体灵活性与稳定性方面的不足,进而分析受测者在运动过程中潜在的动作补偿问题,从而保证人体动力链系统功能完善,降低运动损伤的发生几率。功能性动作筛查由深蹲测试、跨栏测试、直线弓箭步测试、肩关节活动度测试、主动直腿抬高测试、躯干稳定俯卧撑测试和旋转稳定测试7个子项目构成。运用文献资料法对我国功能性动作筛查的发展现状进行归纳整理,为广大学者的研究和教练员的应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
随着我国公路、铁路、水库等的兴建,对边坡的稳定与生态环境保护有机结合的要求也越来越高。传统的护坡方式虽有较好的护坡能力,但对生态环境的破坏是非常严重的,已经不能与现在对生态坏境保护的需求相适应。随之被广泛应用的是植被护坡,它既有较好的护坡能力,又能使工程对生态坏境的破坏达到最小。本文将从植被对地表土颗粒流失的约束作用、植被根系对土体的加筋效应、植被枝叶对降雨的导流减冲作用等几方面对植被护坡的稳定性进行研究分析。  相似文献   
本文基于水下噪声测试的常规原理,建立了以偶极子声源、无界海洋声环境(即自由场)和理想接收湿端等为主要条件及假设的影响评估模型,对空间分布特性及接收距离对线谱稳定性影响进行了仿真分析,指出了空间分布对噪声线谱幅度稳定性影响的重要性,研究成果对于指导实际噪声测试及数据处理分析等工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   
目的:考察两种不同内包装材料对磺胺嘧啶银乳膏在贮存过程中的稳定性影响。方法:通过使用药用铝质软管和药用复合软管(简称铝管和复合软管)对磺胺嘧啶银乳膏灌装后,进行长期稳定性试验,考察药物的稳定性。结果:采用铝管和复合软管内包装药物,对磺胺嘧啶银乳膏的稳定性影响有差异。结论:选择复合软管包装磺胺嘧啶银乳膏更加有利于保持药物的稳定性。  相似文献   
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