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The integration of products and services into a bundled product/service offering by manufacturing organisations is seen as a global trend in today’s competitive business environment. The shift of product-based manufacturers towards offering business solutions and value-added services to consumers is termed as ‘Servitization’. Contrary to the potential benefits expected by adding service activities to the offerings, advocates voice their concerns towards experiential problems and challenges in employing the servitization strategy – termed as ‘Servitization Paradox’. Nevertheless, the shift from product-based delivery to a service-based provision has the potential to significantly impact on developing sustainable and eco-friendly environment. To provide greater insights to the servitization phenomenon, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the servitization implementation in manufacturing organisations. In order to respond to the latter, we propose the following three research questions “Q1 – what are the different types of servitization strategies”, “Q2 – what are the different servitization definitions”, “Q3 – what are the potential benefits in selecting a servitization strategy?”, “Q4 – what are the challenges in transitioning towards servitization?”. A systematic literature review is carried out to understand the past trends and extant patterns/themes in the servitization strategy research area, evaluate contributions, summarise knowledge, thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential further research avenues. The key findings confirm servitization studies have contributed both conceptually and empirically to the development and accumulation of intellectual wealth to the manufacturing operations and supply chain discipline. Moreover, the findings clearly indicate the potential of servitization in transitioning manufacturing organisations (e.g. benefits) and utilising innovative technologies to generate business value. Nevertheless, some voices are backing further research/development in the area of servitization due to the several existing challenges.  相似文献   
以价值管理为基础、以价值创造为核心、以价值最大化为目标正在被中国的企业家和管理者所接受,而在企业价值中不能被财务系统衡量的无形资产的价值又占了相当大的比重,因此研究如何化无形资产为有形成果显得至关重要,战略地图正是描述企业战略中无形资产的协调与运用的一种工具,本文主要是研究战略地图在企业价值创造中的应用.  相似文献   
我国已进入工业化中期阶段,在一定程度上具备了以工促农,以城带乡的经济基础。由于安徽省地区经济发展区域差异显著,各地区的经济发展水平、地形地貌不同。其村庄建设的内容、重点、模式和方式上也都不同。基于此,以村庄分布特征、地形地貌特征、村庄发展阶段为视角,以县(市)域为单位,将安徽省的村庄分布划分为五个特征区域;结合安徽省的分区城乡统筹模式,提出各特征地区村庄发展的优化策略。  相似文献   
建设学习型政党是我们党战胜困难、夺取胜利、永葆先进性的重要法宝,是推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的首要任务,是用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装全党的长期战略任务,是开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育的重要任务,是新形势新任务对党的建设提出的新要求,是推进党的建设新的伟大工程最具战略性的问题,是推进党的执政能力建设新的着力点。建设学习型政党事关党的执政根基的巩固、事关党的执政能力建设的提升,是中国特色社会主义伟大事业成败的决定性因素。因此,必须坚持在立足实际,务求实效上下功夫,在提高执政能力、解决实际问题上取得群众满意的成效。  相似文献   
前捷克斯洛伐克翻译理论家列维第一次把博弈论用于翻译专题讨论中,他提出的"极大极小策略"把翻译行为描述为一种抉择行为,意为译者在所有可能的解决方案中,会选用能以最少努力达到最大效果的方案。"极大极小策略"在翻译实践中的应用过程是一个博弈的游戏过程,在不同文本类型中,面对不同读者群其侧重点不同。  相似文献   
问题乃是通向理解之门.问题可以激发学习者的求知欲和探究欲,有利于推动教学的开展和促进学习者认知能力的发展.在线学习环境下为促进学习者认知能力的发展提供了丰富的认知工具和资源.但是,由于缺乏对教学问题导向作用的关注,在线课程在促进学习者认知能力发展方面存在着不理想之处,不能有效地引起认知上的深度理解.在文献研究和案例分析的基础上,综合分析了国内外问题导向在在线学习课程中的经验与不足,构建了问题导向促进学习者认知能力发展的在线学习框架和课程实例.在课程设计中提供了以问题为引导的情境体验和探究互动的机会,通过丰富的案例学习和认知支架,让学习者在问题解决过程中学会自主探究和深度思考,引导学习者从对知识的低水平认知层次逐渐向高水平认知层次发展.最后,为了验证问题导向在线课程对学习者认知发展的促进作用,采用实验调查等方法进行了实证研究.  相似文献   

This study investigated how studying a refutational map, a type of argument map, affected conceptual change. Refutational maps visually display both correct and alternative conceptions. Participants (N?=?120) were randomly assigned to (1) a refutational map condition, (2) a refutational text condition, and (3) a non-refutational text condition. The post-test results showed that studying the refutational map led to better performance on free recall and learning transfer measures. Specifically, participants who studied the refutational map performed significantly better than others on a free recall test, and they significantly outperformed the non-refutational text group on a short-answer transfer test. The multiple-choice test, another transfer measure, failed to detect any differences among the three groups. The research also found that individual differences in need for cognition and logical thinking ability interacted with the type of study materials. Participants scoring lower on logical thinking ability gained more from studying the refutational map.  相似文献   
信息技术的发展,为校本课程开发提供了新契机。结合信息技术与课程整合理念与方法,提出整体推进数字化校本课程开发策略:建立教师参与机制,形成校本课程开发动力;运用信息技术构建校本课程网络教学平台、整合校本课程学习内容、创新校本课程教学模式、优化校本课程学习资源。  相似文献   
通识课程建设是通识教育实施的核心环节。武汉大学一直高度重视素质教育的发展,为培养大学生的社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力,大力建设通识课程,努力打造品牌精品通识课程,并在实施的过程中不断探索创新,推进通识教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   
建设学科分馆,开展学科服务,是大学图书馆服务学科建设发展的战略重构策略。包括使命管理、核心馆藏、学科博客、整合教学、读者资源与贡献。防止图书馆服务去职业化或去专业化。  相似文献   
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