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摘要论文介绍了8种数字资源长期保存开源软件:Invemo、DSpace、Epfints、Fedora、Dmpal、i-Tor、MyCoRe和OPUS,阐述了它们的产生和发展过程,并从软件概况、技术规范、知识库及系统管理、系统性能及系统维护5个方面进行了比较分析,概括了这些软件的共同点和不同点,希望能够为各机构选择长期保存软件提供参考,并为国内从事数字图书馆系统设计和开发的同行提供参考。  相似文献   
郭燕锦  徐鹏 《科技广场》2014,(1):155-159
通过分析江西省中小企业在技术创新方面存在的问题,结合科技查新工作,提出提升我省中小企业技术创新能力的建议和对策。  相似文献   
深度学习指要求学习者能够批判性地进行学习,反思自身原有的认知结构并在此基础上建构新知识的一种学习方式,它有利于培养学习者的高级思维能力。在终身学习的大背景下,学习者要不断提升自己的学习层次,适应新情况,探索新问题,拥有较强的学习能力,因而深度学习的教学价值潜力不言而喻。在转化学习理论的指导下,借助学习共同体环境,对深度学习的发生机制进行了设计,期望引导学习者在解决问题的过程中提升学习能力。  相似文献   
汪红萍 《科教文汇》2014,(35):139-142
以《中国科技期刊研究》2008-2012年出版的30期刊载的1409篇论文为统计对象,运用文献计量学方法对载文量、总被引频次、影响因子、基金论文比、地区分布、作者合著情况、论文发表时滞、引文等指标进行定量定性分析,从而反映期刊的发展和学术水平,并指出了发展过程中的一些问题和不足,以期为期刊更好地发展提供一些依据和参考。  相似文献   
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) has increasingly been recognised as a useful way to certify experience and competencies gained in the workplace informally. Particularly pertinent is RPL in the context of international migration or in economies, where system reforms seek to overcome challenges related to access to formal training and qualifications. India has the goal to skill 300 million of its growing workforce and provide them access at various levels to certification and further learning opportunities. As a part of the overall system reforms, the Government of India, jointly with the ILO, pilot tested RPL in four sectors in collaboration with the industry and built the foundation for wider replication for another 26 growth sectors by undertaking a tracer study and evaluation. This paper can empirically establish that RPL has had a positive effect on income opportunities, occupational safety, social status and openness to further learning. The paper further discusses the challenges encountered during the implementation of the RPL projects before concluding with recommendations, highlighting the aspects required for quality RPL in an emerging economy. It closes by emphasising the importance of conducting tracer studies to determine impact and the need to provide complementary training during the RPL process.  相似文献   
采用文献资料、数据统计、临场观察等方法对全国大学生网球丙组、丁组男双运动员技战术运用特征进行了研究,认为丙、丁组男双运动员在比赛中发球局战术多以压制对方反手、寻求稳定为主,接发球战术具有明显的单打接发球战术特点,临场阵型选择多以"一网一底"为主.在发球质量、接二发战术运用能力、网前抢网及中场对抗能力、破网能力、抓关键分能力等方面存在较大的欠缺. 建议在训练及比赛中注重提高发球和接发球质量,强化"主动拦击,积极抢网",加大中场和近网拦截训练,提前攻守转换时间,并在加强沟通与信任的基础上,制定发球局与接发球局策略以形成不同的战术套路,从而逐步提高技战术运用水平.  相似文献   
It is broadly acknowledged that effective serials management supports and requires a close link between the staff in technical and public services. More recently, new technological opportunities combined with changes in library organization and administration have greatly facilitated this linkage. The nature and structure of a library’s organization can aid in and benefit from this connectedness. Departments in the University of Louisville’s public and technical services areas began a cooperative effort to maintain serials records in the online catalog in the early 1990s. With reorganization in the late 1990s, a new team structure emerged which further facilitated this effort. In return, this cooperation and the tools that it has created support the teams in a new user-centered approach to serials management.  相似文献   
高校商务英语专业的定位和培养模式存在与开放型经济发展实际不相匹配的问题.通过分析开放型经济发展对国际商务人才的需求特点,以浙江工商大学为例,提出进一步明晰地方财经类高校商务英语专业定位、促进培养模式转型的对策建议.  相似文献   
体育既是国民经济与社会发展的重要内容,又是反映现代社会文明和城市发展的重要指标。北京作为中国首都和构建和谐社会的首善之区,在其率先实现现代化的目标中也必然包括体育科技现代化的内容,而2008年的奥运会无疑又为推动首都体育科技现代化提供了宝贵的时代契机。为此,论文通过文献资料、特尔菲法、访谈等研究方法,运用翔实的数据描述了首都体育科技的发展现状,并据此提出了相应的发展策略。  相似文献   
松嫩平原盐碱性湿地渔业开发途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨富亿 《资源科学》1998,20(2):59-68
松嫩平原是我国重要的农业生产基地,盐碱性湿地分布广,面积大,是该区农业发展的主要限制因素之一。结合近年来吉林省农业综合开发项目和“八五”国家攻关项目的实施,本文从渔业利用方面,初步总结了吉林省白城地区及松原地区盐碱性湿地开发的实践经验,报道9种开发利用途径及其主要技术。  相似文献   
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