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PDF过量下载容易造成电子资源服务中断。通过对网络PDF下载行为的抓取分析,设计并基于开源软件实现PDF过量下载监测系统原型。经过一年的实际运行,原型系统能够准确预警过量下载情况的发生。  相似文献   
《盛世危言》对中国科技在近代落伍之原因作了多方面的分析,体现在四个方面:科举考试内容对科技人才培养所存在的致命缺陷;统治者轻视“雕虫小技”、重视八股取士的深远影响;对近代科学内在规律研究的忽视;科技创新激励制度的阙如。考察时人郑观应在《盛世危言》中对中国科技在近代落伍原因的独到而深刻的见解,有助于丰富我们对中国科技在近代落伍的原因的认识。  相似文献   
吴汝纶是晚期桐城古文派的代表人物 ,他以“字字有本 ,篇篇成文”为原则修成的《深州风土记》 ,与旧志体例有所不同。该志“人谱”“金石”等篇中的史学研究方法 ,在今天仍有借鉴意义 ,且“人谱”为吴汝纶首创。《深州风土记》为清末名志 ,这一事实批驳了章学诚“文人不可与修志”的偏见。它对直隶及后来河北的不少名志起到了示范作用 ,其影响是很大的  相似文献   
本文通过浅述《曹植庙碑》的形制与内容、笔法与结构以及碑刻中同字、同时代不同碑刻的比较,遵循出土碑刻和史料结合的"双重证据法"的考证原则,结合所学专业知识及实践基础,在北朝与隋唐之间,寻觅楷书由率意、洒脱的魏碑书风向大唐"尚法"书风演变的轨迹。通过《曹植庙碑》的个案研究,初步了解该碑继承北朝遗意,书体杂楷、隶、篆三体的历史原因及审美价值。  相似文献   
This study examined threatening background visuals and voice-over differences in televised alcohol warnings. Participants ( N v = v 401) viewed four television adwarning pairs embedded in sports programming. Between-subjects conditions included a threatening visual behind the warning, a non-threatening visual, a plain background, and a no-warning control. Use of a male or female announcer, each using a relatively warm or imperative voice quality, were manipulated within-subject factors. Outcomes included knowledge, cognitive responses regarding warning content and presentation, and perceptions of the risk of the product (beer) shown in the ad. All warnings increased post-test knowledge of alcohol risks relative to control; the largest increase resulted when warnings were accompanied by the threatening visual. Threatening visuals also increased positive thought elaborations about the warning message content and presentation. However, the threatening visuals did not reliably impact perceived risk of beer use, suggesting that threatening visuals influenced responses and knowledge by increasing attention to the warning rather than by increasing perceived threat. These findings are consistent with the EPPM's proposed initial threat appraisal mechanism (Witte, 1992), and further suggest that threatening visuals serve as a heuristic cue motivating increased processing of message content (see Eagly & Chaiken, 1993), rather than an influence via a peripheral route as suggested by the ELM (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Interactions between drinking level and announcer gender and vocal quality variables were also found, but contributed only trivially to explained variance.  相似文献   
美国南方文学的代表作家威廉·福克纳的《送给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》被普遍认为是反映了南方新旧两种制度的冲突.本文从女性角度出发重新解读,认为爱米丽个人的不幸遭遇反映了美国南方社会的父权制和淑女制对女性的性别及情感阉割;而在爱米丽死后,杰弗生镇上的人们在她家二楼密室里的骇然发现实际上是爱米丽对虚伪的南方社会的一个绝大的报复.  相似文献   
随着改革开放和经济发展的进行,我国的收入水平在整体上步步提高,但收入差距也随之拉大,这原因是多方面的,其中城乡收入差距是一个最主要的因素。文章分析了城乡收入差距变化,并就我国的收入差距是否跨过警戒线,是否处在一个合理水平展开论述。  相似文献   
景教碑“七时礼赞”中“七时”究竞作何解释,历来众说纷纭。从语言学角度出发,通过考察佛经中与之类似的“六时礼赞”,确定“六时”为“每日六次”;景教史上曾有过“每日礼拜七次”的仪式,二教均有每日礼拜的习俗,只是礼拜次数存在差异。景教传入中土后,面对佛教“每日六次”的礼拜仪式,极有可能受佛教“六时礼赞”影响,汉译“每日七次”礼拜为“七时礼赞”。因此,“七时”应类比佛教的“六时”,意为“每日七次”。  相似文献   
Post-disaster communication surveys are important in order to improve future disaster warning efficiency. Mauritius, a small island nation in the western Indian Ocean, was in the path of the tsunami of December 2004 but experienced only minimal wave impact. This is fortunate because the results of this survey show very slow warning dissemination through the population. Television and radio were equally effective in disseminating the initial warning information, but television far exceeded radio's reach as regards mass awareness and information seeking in the hours after the danger had passed. The interpersonal communication of warning information was minimal, and the warning messages provided insufficient and, it seems, inaccurate information.  相似文献   
《漫水》是王跃文近期创作的一部较为精致的乡土小说。作家以虔诚之心缅怀一种恬静、高贵的乡土情怀,特别是塑造了有余与有慧阿娘这两位乡村男女的典型形象,追溯他们悠远漫长的一生,发掘他们身上所表达出来的淳朴、善良、仗义、友爱的高贵品质,为当下中国乡村社会树立了两座伦理丰碑。  相似文献   
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