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在法兰克福学派、西方马克思主义者马尔库塞的“虚假需求”理论视角下,一部分人的精神腐化是社会仇富现象产生的思想根源。矫正社会当前存在的“仇富心理”,可以构建先富阶层与后富阶层共同努力的“五项修炼”路径,从进行系统思考、塑造科学心智模式、达成互相谅解、实现自我超越以及培养共同愿景五个方面来努力。政府在这一路径构建中应积极介入、参与,发挥其不可或缺的调节作用。  相似文献   
马克思拜物教批判在其政治经济学批判中占有重要的地位和作用。在私有制社会特别是资本主义社会中,人和人之间的关系被物与物的关系所掩盖,个人受抽象统治。马克思的异化劳动理论、人本思想以及对物化社会的批判为展开对拜物教的系统批判奠定了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   
现代性与多元文化一直是当代思潮的中心问题,也是许多当代少数民族作家构思的焦点。土家族作家孙健忠较早地以小说的形式表达了自己对文化冲突、价值错位的焦虑,土家文化的当代命运是他思考的主要问题。凭借对土家文化精髓的深刻领会,以民俗为切入点,孙健忠将批判陋习、担忧异化、文化自豪感等多重主题巧妙地融合为一体,从而使得其小说蕴藉无穷,具有不可低估的价值。  相似文献   
欧洲文学史上的三部著名《变形记》,描述主人公凭附物形,经历人世悲欢离合.本文从主人公变形原因和变形后的经历两个角度,对奥维德、阿普列尤斯与卡夫卡三部《变形记》进行综合比较,分析西方社会神性的逐渐失落导致的人性异化.  相似文献   

Formal education was used by the apartheid government to prepare black South Africans for manual labour, thus there was little curricular focus on the development of higher-order cognitive skills. With the abolition of apartheid in 1994, the education system was re-valued and re-evaluated to provide wider access to quality education; the focus of education policies moved towards the development of self-regulation and higher-order cognitive skills for all learners. There is now a generation of learners who have experienced their schooling in the transformed education system, and it would be useful to understand, from their perspective, what they value in their development of learning within the higher education space. This study answers the question ‘Post-apartheid, what learning methods and resources do first-years perceive to be valuable to their learning when they enter university?’ Participants included 344 students taking a Biology course provided to medical science students at a South African university in 2018. Two questionnaires were administered towards the end of a six-week lecture period, responses were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The first survey, comprised of Likert-style questions, was conducted to determine the students’ views on the mechanisms which they used to support their learning. The second questionnaire comprised open-ended questions and focused on the students’ perception of their learning experience in the course. The findings show that there was a significant (p?<?.001) percentage of first-years who thought that rote-learning would suffice for examination preparation at university, and preferred to engage with their peers and the textbook before they engaged with their lecturers when navigating challenging concepts. Schwartz's model of social values is used to show that more needs to be done for the development of higher-order thinking and self-regulation when students enter university, and to mitigate alienation between students and staff.  相似文献   
从事翻译实践的人通常会将归化译法作为自己翻译的准则,而去排斥西化译法,事实上,过度的归化译法会推动很多有价值的,源文化的东西,适度的西化译法会丰富本族文化的内涵,并对促进不同文化间的交流,加快语言的融合有一定的作用。  相似文献   
基于对人的异化生存状态的强烈关注和对实现人的本质存在的倾心向往,马尔库塞提出了一种新的较为系统的革命理论,即以意识革命、本能革命为核心的“总体革命”。马尔库塞的批判革命理论推崇的以文化革命、意识革命、本能革命为核心的“总体革命”是在纯粹意识形态领域里进行革命,在人的灵魂深处进行革命,即是一种革命的“乌托邦”。  相似文献   
法兰克福学派生态危机论探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法兰克福学派认为生态危机是资本主义社会的主要矛盾;生态危机的实质是资本主义制度的危机;科技异化和消费异化是导致资本主义生态危机的根源;应当通过人的解放和社会健全两方面进行总体革命,实现科技的人道化发展、建立健康而人道的消费方式来重建人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   
卢卡奇对“物化”问题的论述与马克思对“异化”问题的论述有着异曲同工之妙。但是 ,在许多方面 ,二者又存在差异 ,对这两个问题的探讨对我国现代化过程中人自身的现代化有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
杜娜叶夫斯卡娅认为,只有重新考察黑格尔辩证法的历史价值,才能找到“马克思的原始基础性”,即贯穿于青年马克思和成熟马克思之间的“新人道主义”。她在作为革命辩证法基本内容的“新人道主义”的理解层面上“重建”马克思主义,就是试图说明马克思的哲学从一开始就是政治学说和经济学说,或者说是理论与实践、哲学与政治经济学相结合的革命辩证法,是实现人类自由的革命哲学。  相似文献   
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