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Ethnographic and social scientific accounts of the financiers that buy and sell companies for profit often homogenize the players in these social dramas, relying on blunt, totalizing definitions of culture or overly deterministic articulations of habitus. This article, drawing on a two-year study of private equity investors, offers an alternative analytic frame for making sense of how private equity people buy and sell companies. It explores the ways in which private equity people make arguments persuading one another and the larger public that an investment is worth making. Important to these arguments are not only substantive content, the evidence that investors marshal to support a thesis, but also reflective evaluation of what counts as good evidence, meta-commentary. It is in these split levels of analysis that we can appreciate the cultural diversity within finance, Wall Street, and investment banking. I will also suggest that understanding how investors are arguing substantively as well as meta-pragmatically begins to outline a useful theory of culture change within the world of investment banking.  相似文献   
摘要:主要采用文献资料法、实地调查法和访谈法,基于公共体育场馆委托经营管理模式的相关理论、政策以及对多个项目的实践比较分析,提出委托经营管理模式的应用意义、需厘清的若干关键问题和发展建议,为创新体育场馆管理体制与运行机制提供理论参考。研究发现:采用委托经营管理模式运作公共体育场馆,可以减轻财政压力、提高场馆运营效率、避免国有资产流失,盘活存量资源、扩建增量场馆。指出应用委托经营管理模式需要厘清的关键问题:1)公共体育场馆的属性;2)公共体育场馆财政政策;3)公共体育场馆的服务内容;4)公益性服务的结构和价值补偿;5)掠夺性经营等。建议政府应加快制定运营方的准入、退出标准;完善公共体育场馆委托受托契约体系;构建公益性服务价值补偿的公共财政目标导向机制;协同运营方统筹公益性与经营性服务;邀请运营方参与场馆设计;建立强有力的监督约束机制。  相似文献   
理论和实践表明,要克服农村金融领域的市场失灵,离不开政府的支持。近年来,我国各级政府在建立和完善农村金融风险补偿机制、健全政策性农业保险制度以及实现农业信贷与保险有机对接等方面进行了卓有成效的改革探索。今后,不但要注重农业已存在的不同金融需求,更应大力打造不同类型的金融生态,规范发展地方性农村金融机构,扩大农村金融供给,激活、满足农村金融需求;同时,要发挥财政、信贷资金相互协调的配套作用,并建立完善农村征信体系。  相似文献   
高职金融课程教学改革浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程教学改革是我国高等职业技术教育教学改革的核心。目前课程教学内容比较陈旧,教学方法仍然比较单一,教学手段落后,严重制约了高职课程教学质量的提高,制约了高等职业教育的发展。培养技术应用型金融人才,金融教学改革是关键。高职金融课程教学的改革主要体现在金融课程的教学内容、教学方法和考核制度等方面。  相似文献   
BackgroundChildren exposed to substance use in their families are vulnerable to multiple risk factors in their development and at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems. The aims of the study were as follows 1) estimate the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems among children aged 6–11 years old, living with addicted family members in a low-income urban community of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil; 2) evaluate the children’s exposure to family psychosocial stressors and substance use; and 3) investigate the factors related to the increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems and substance use.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among 101 children aged 6–11 years old (M = 9.16 years, SD = 1.61). The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Psychosocial Stress Factors (PSF).ResultsHigh prevalence of problems was found for this sample: the CBCL showed 26.7% of clinical scores for Internalizing Problems, 40.6% for Externalizing Problems, and 40.6% for Total Problems. Exposure to family psychosocial stressors was also high, including severe disease (33%), physical aggression (28.9%), death (27.8%), psychiatric hospitalization (16.7%), suicide attempts (15.5%), and suicide (9.3%). Exposure to these family stressors was associated with an increase of two to four times in the prevalence of internalizing and externalizing problems.ConclusionsChildren exposed to substance abusers have more mental health problems than general population, even when compared to peers living in similar low-income areas. This is a group that should be target of a selective preventive intervention.  相似文献   
2010年以后,中国高校图书馆迎来了中国梦双一流新时代三大发展机遇,同时亦面临着新的时代挑战。文章通过调查各高校、教育部、高校图工委、国家统计局、中国互联网信息中心等官方发布的公开数据,以双一流高校为例,对图书馆经费总量与占比的增长情况、在编馆员数量与质量、大学生阅读现状等情况进行统计分析。结果发现,图书馆总经费在全校总经费中占比平均在0.5%左右且普遍呈下降趋势,与世界一流大学图书馆经费的一般水平(2%左右)相差甚远;高校图书馆在职员工数量偏低且呈下降趋势,馆员与学生比例为1:300,工作负荷超常,工作时间超长,专业馆员数量严重不足;高校图书馆借阅率持续下降,本科生四年外借图书不足40本,专业图书阅读量不足。我国高校图书馆正面临着缺经费缺馆员缺读者的三重现实困境,与世界一流大学图书馆的基本条件相差甚远。为此,高校图书馆必须直面现实,主动亮剑,以回归常识、回归专业、回归本分为基本对策,为高校图书馆增加经费,提升图书馆员的专业性,最大限度地吸引学生阅读。图2。表5。参考文献51。  相似文献   
区块链技术思路与实施手段为新技术革新和产业变革提供了创新动能,其在体育领域的应用场域、实施路径正逐渐明晰,在此基础上,"区块链+体育"的运营策略将成为业界聚焦的关键节点。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和综合分析法,简要回顾了区块链技术在体育领域应用的重要意义和基本方向,明晰了"区块链+体育"的应用场域及目标,在此基础上,进一步阐释了体育领域应用区块链技术的运营手段与保障策略,为体育产业高质量发展并最终成长为国民经济支柱性产业提供新动能、奠定新基础。  相似文献   
魏烨 《体育科技》2014,(1):102-104
探讨影响大学生参与休闲体育行为意向的因素,采用问卷调研法对354名大学生进行测量,将影响大学生参与休闲体育的因素,运用计划行为理论与线性结构方程式统计分析,找出影响大学生参与休闲体育行为意向构面的影响力度。实证结果:态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制对行为意向有直接的显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育行为意向的0.37;情感性信念和工具性信念对态度有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育态度的0.22;主体群和次体群对主观规范有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育主观规范的0.35;便利条件和自我能力对知觉行为控制有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育知觉行为控制的0.68。研究提出了提高大学生参与休闲体育的行为意向策略。  相似文献   
The link between physical activity and weight loss has precipitated interest in interventions to foster adherence to exercise. It has been suggested that treatment effects, when significant, should be analyzed to determine theory-based mediators. This research assessed possible mediation of changes in Physical Self-Concept, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Total Mood Disturbance, and Body Areas Satisfaction scores on the relationship between exercise session attendance and participation by obese women in a 6-month treatment based on tenets of social cognitive theory (n = 73) or a control condition (n = 64). Participation in the treatment was associated with significantly greater exercise session attendance and significantly greater improvements in Physical Self-Concept, Exercise Barriers Self-Efficacy, and Body Areas Satisfaction. Overall, changes in the assessed psychological factors demonstrated significant mediation of the association between group membership and exercise session attendance, R2 = .23, with only change in Physical Self-Concept scores providing a significant unique contribution. Extensions of this research across different sample types, and with longer durations, were suggested to refine theory and, ultimately, improve exercise adherence treatments.  相似文献   
王霖  潘绍伟 《体育科学》2006,26(8):75-79
对体育用品品牌进行评估是体育无形资产评估的重要组成部分。从体育用品的品牌资产价值涵义及其对体育用品品牌评估的意义入手,主要是通过研究与分析目前国际上最具影响力的Interbrand评估法基础上,提出一种适合我国“本土化”体育用品的品牌资产价值财务评估方法。它是在对Interbrand评估法进行改进与创新基础上衍生而来的:且导入了“体育用品品牌超额利润”这一财务指标;考虑到我国体育用品品牌行业特点及其运作环境。在考察体育用品品牌强度因子时,主要是从3个方面即基于品牌的市场角度、顾客角度和企业角度来选取若干关键因子进行测评的。通过此衍生方法能够更好地反映出我国体育用品品牌的真实价值。  相似文献   
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