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在气候变化和快速城镇化的背景下可持续交通问题日益受到重视。本文借助大样本调查数据和高分辨率遥感影像,以城市快速扩张的典型中小城市河南开封市为研究区域,采用ESDA、GWR等空间统计和分析方法探索城市内部家庭出行碳排放空间差异及影响因素。结果表明:① 开封市家庭出行碳排放的高值集聚区大多分布于城市的外圈层,在一定程度上验证了城市蔓延对居民出行碳排放增加的驱动效应;② 家庭出行碳排放的局部空间差异反映出城市快速扩张区域新建商品房小区职住分离、公共服务供给与城市发展不匹配的现象,以及城市发展缓慢区域大型购物场所等便民服务设施缺失等问题;③ 家庭出行碳排放的不均衡性明显,但收入水平并非决定因素,小汽车的拥有量、出行距离、出行频率以及机动车出行比重对其有显著的正向影响,其中教育出行距离比职住距离影响更甚,说明伴随着家庭对教育的不断重视,优质教育资源的不均衡发展有待改善;④ 除男主人出行频率对出行碳排放的影响空间破碎化程度较高外,其余影响因素的作用强度均明显存在与城市发展的主要方向相一致的东西带状渐变的空间分布规律。  相似文献   
针对航运低碳投资支出巨大的问题,运用结构性乘数,对我国用于低碳航运产业价值链中的支出产生的乘数效应进行研究.由两部门计算的简单投资乘数为1.547 7,由四部门计算的投资乘数均值为1.293 1.从长期看,乘数效应反映出航运低碳产业的投资收益大于投资支出,对航运业低碳减排具有现实和经济意义.  相似文献   
Financial imagination plays a fundamental, yet ambivalent role in the establishment of hierarchies within and between business schools, and in business life at large. This study examines this process in the ‘middle tier’ of business education: that is, in the social space in which students and instructors understand themselves to occupy a ‘mid-range’ position within an order of excellence and success. Largely articulated through business school rankings, this order strongly relies on the centrality of the financial curriculum, proficiency in which is understood as both a proxy for smartness and a sign of moneymaking capacity. In the ‘middle tier’, this order manifests in the form of an anxiety: an order that, though legitimate, is thought not to be attained, or hardly attainable. The study draws from ethnographic investigation in a ‘middle tier’ business school with attention to how finance is made sense of in relation to an alternative curriculum, and in connection with the aim of ‘making it to the top’. A comparison with a ‘top tier’ business school allows furthering understanding of how the order of business schools relies on the anxiety of finance in order to reproduce an acquiescence to dominant financial imagination.  相似文献   
This article explores the wide-ranging influence of the yield curve – a diagrammatic device for representing the term structure of effective interest rates on market-traded debt instruments – in contemporary monetary, financial and economic life. Drawing on the expanding literature on financial performativity, including within the field of cultural economy, the article submits that by virtue of its centrality to multiple, closely interconnected and often highly recursive sets of relations between economies, financial markets and central banks, the yield curve is performative at a range of different levels; and, parsing various different extant understandings of performativity, the article theorizes the particular nature of such performativity in the yield curve context. Against the grain of the bulk of the literature on financial performativity, however, the article also endeavors to connect the yield curve’s performativity explicitly to questions of privilege (the privileges of representation) and power (the power to perform) and their unequal distribution. That is to say, the article argues that to understand the multidimensional performativity of the yield curve, we need to draw out its political as well as cultural economy.  相似文献   

Ethnographic and social scientific accounts of the financiers that buy and sell companies for profit often homogenize the players in these social dramas, relying on blunt, totalizing definitions of culture or overly deterministic articulations of habitus. This article, drawing on a two-year study of private equity investors, offers an alternative analytic frame for making sense of how private equity people buy and sell companies. It explores the ways in which private equity people make arguments persuading one another and the larger public that an investment is worth making. Important to these arguments are not only substantive content, the evidence that investors marshal to support a thesis, but also reflective evaluation of what counts as good evidence, meta-commentary. It is in these split levels of analysis that we can appreciate the cultural diversity within finance, Wall Street, and investment banking. I will also suggest that understanding how investors are arguing substantively as well as meta-pragmatically begins to outline a useful theory of culture change within the world of investment banking.  相似文献   
摘要:主要采用文献资料法、实地调查法和访谈法,基于公共体育场馆委托经营管理模式的相关理论、政策以及对多个项目的实践比较分析,提出委托经营管理模式的应用意义、需厘清的若干关键问题和发展建议,为创新体育场馆管理体制与运行机制提供理论参考。研究发现:采用委托经营管理模式运作公共体育场馆,可以减轻财政压力、提高场馆运营效率、避免国有资产流失,盘活存量资源、扩建增量场馆。指出应用委托经营管理模式需要厘清的关键问题:1)公共体育场馆的属性;2)公共体育场馆财政政策;3)公共体育场馆的服务内容;4)公益性服务的结构和价值补偿;5)掠夺性经营等。建议政府应加快制定运营方的准入、退出标准;完善公共体育场馆委托受托契约体系;构建公益性服务价值补偿的公共财政目标导向机制;协同运营方统筹公益性与经营性服务;邀请运营方参与场馆设计;建立强有力的监督约束机制。  相似文献   
为弥补相关研究对中国工业碳排放估算过于粗略的不足,利用IPCC推荐的碳排放核算方法,基于30个省级行政区和36个两位数细分行业的工业能源消费数据,对1998—2010年中国工业能源碳排放总量、地区工业能源碳排放及工业细分行业能源碳排放进行估算,结果表明:工业能源碳排放占据中国能源碳排放的70%左右,主要集中分布在东部沿海地区(尤其是环渤海地区)和能源开采与加工、金属冶炼、设备制造及化工制品等重化工行业。因此,工业节能减排应考虑行业差异、地区差异及区域比较优势,依据行业与地区差别制定和实施适宜的工业低碳转型战略,推动工业结构优化升级与发展方式转变。  相似文献   
理论和实践表明,要克服农村金融领域的市场失灵,离不开政府的支持。近年来,我国各级政府在建立和完善农村金融风险补偿机制、健全政策性农业保险制度以及实现农业信贷与保险有机对接等方面进行了卓有成效的改革探索。今后,不但要注重农业已存在的不同金融需求,更应大力打造不同类型的金融生态,规范发展地方性农村金融机构,扩大农村金融供给,激活、满足农村金融需求;同时,要发挥财政、信贷资金相互协调的配套作用,并建立完善农村征信体系。  相似文献   
高职金融课程教学改革浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程教学改革是我国高等职业技术教育教学改革的核心。目前课程教学内容比较陈旧,教学方法仍然比较单一,教学手段落后,严重制约了高职课程教学质量的提高,制约了高等职业教育的发展。培养技术应用型金融人才,金融教学改革是关键。高职金融课程教学的改革主要体现在金融课程的教学内容、教学方法和考核制度等方面。  相似文献   
2010年以后,中国高校图书馆迎来了中国梦双一流新时代三大发展机遇,同时亦面临着新的时代挑战。文章通过调查各高校、教育部、高校图工委、国家统计局、中国互联网信息中心等官方发布的公开数据,以双一流高校为例,对图书馆经费总量与占比的增长情况、在编馆员数量与质量、大学生阅读现状等情况进行统计分析。结果发现,图书馆总经费在全校总经费中占比平均在0.5%左右且普遍呈下降趋势,与世界一流大学图书馆经费的一般水平(2%左右)相差甚远;高校图书馆在职员工数量偏低且呈下降趋势,馆员与学生比例为1:300,工作负荷超常,工作时间超长,专业馆员数量严重不足;高校图书馆借阅率持续下降,本科生四年外借图书不足40本,专业图书阅读量不足。我国高校图书馆正面临着缺经费缺馆员缺读者的三重现实困境,与世界一流大学图书馆的基本条件相差甚远。为此,高校图书馆必须直面现实,主动亮剑,以回归常识、回归专业、回归本分为基本对策,为高校图书馆增加经费,提升图书馆员的专业性,最大限度地吸引学生阅读。图2。表5。参考文献51。  相似文献   
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