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在建设创新型国家的过程中,国家的财政政策有着直接而持科技创新的财政政策经验,对我们启示良多.应从以下几个方面健全我国支持科技创新的财政政策:切实保证财政科技投入大幅度增加,制定支持创新的政府采购政策,税收政策要着眼于鼓励企业的研发投入,建立健全创新创业的投融资环境,重视对中小企业创新的支持,加强产学研结合的产业集群建设,完善重大自主创新产品财政补贴制度,完善财税政策的激励约束机制.  相似文献   
论高校教师科研评价的革新策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,部分高校在对教师科研评价方面采取了一种以科研业绩点和科研工作量为核心的科研评价方法.从现实情况来看,这种评价方式相对简单易行、客观公正,但其形式单一、过程量化、行政干预过强等弊端,使评价成为了恶性竞争的源头,非常不利于科研者表现自己的科研个性,也阻碍了科研者对重大科研成果的追求.针对存在的问题,认为科研评价的革新要做到:建立多维科研评价系统,实施分类评价;明确教师在不同发展阶段的科研工作重点,实施分级评价;简化评价程序,减少行政干预,营造相对轻松的科研环境;针对高校科研工作特点,实施多元评价.  相似文献   
任翔 《情报科学》2008,26(6):929-933
随着现代信息技术和网络的迅猛发展,公安情报工作的手段与方法也发生了根本的变化,期间出现了许多新的问题与矛盾。究其原因,最主要的一项是公安情报工作缺乏相应的政策与法规作保障,造成了公安情报工作机制不完善,公安情报资源开发不足,公安情报安全存在隐患,公安情报未能达到共享,公安情报预警不佳及公安情报人才不足等。因此,加强对公安情报政策法规建设,制订与公安情报实践活动相适应的公安情报政策法规已刻不容缓。  相似文献   
国家科技基础条件平台的系统动力学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用系统动力学的定性分析与定量分析相结合的原理和方法建立了国家科技基础条件平台的仿真模型,并通过所建模型的动态模拟,讨论分析了国家科技基础条件平台的系统结构及运作机制,并以平台制度体系建设为例进行了政策实验。本文的研究结果表明:系统动力学方法是研究国家科技基础条件平台中各种因素之间的错综复杂关系的有效手段,平台的政策实验为平台建设决策提供了科学的依据和有力的支持。  相似文献   
In general, rhetoric and myth play important roles in policymaking. Myths may inspire collective action but may also mystify and blur views on reality. In this article we identify, analyze, and reflect on the myths underlying the e-government programs of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and the Netherlands. We found that in all national policies myths of technological inevitability, a new and better government, rational information planning, and empowerment of the intelligent citizen can be discerned. Although the mobilizing powers of these myths are acknowledged, we conclude that existing empirical studies have generated little support for the inescapable telos of these myths, which makes canvas cleaning effects of e-government initiatives less likely.  相似文献   
面对欧洲高等教育一体化和全球高等教育的激烈竞争,法国围绕"欢迎来法国"战略,从优先促进科研国际化、变革高等教育组织、制定留学优惠政策、加强语言学习和使用的灵活性,以及完善接待能力认证机制五个方面增强高等教育国际吸引力。改革反映出法国在留学生教育"引进来"方面以巩固国际地位为战略引导、以促进经济收益为发展动力、以保证学术质量为核心旨归、以提高治理效率为路径支撑的价值逻辑。我国在某种程度上与法国面临相似的挑战,其经验对我国优化来华留学生教育有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on the transformations imposed on schools by individual parents, arguing that schools as modern organisations change not only through top-down pressures orchestrated by an array of international organisations, for-profit companies and media as shown in previous research, but also through the agency of mobile parents, who seek to import reforms from elsewhere, based on their previous schooling experiences abroad. We focus on a specific group of middle class parents, who are continuously mobile, moving between global cities for employment. This paper brings into the discussion the role of individual parental strategies as they seek to promote education policy-borrowing. By applying the theoretical lens of stakeholder identification and salience, using a multi case study research design, we suggest that parents express high levels of power, legitimacy and a sense of urgency, thus being able to successfully advocate for change. We argue that while exploring organisational reform occurring due to the globalisation of education, we must view parents as central actors in this new space.  相似文献   
中国和俄罗斯对欧盟的政策具有某些共同之处,也有较大差异,二共同点在于,维护各自的国家利益是中俄对欧盟政策的共同目的和出发点;推动世界格局多极化、反对霸权主义和美国单极世界企图是中俄发展对欧关系的共同战略考虑;灵活务实,既斗争又合作是中俄对欧盟政策共同的策略特点,建立和发展长期稳定的伙伴关系是中俄对欧盟政策的战略基础。而不同之处为:中俄两国与欧洲关系的历史以及对发展同欧盟关系的心态不同;美国因素对双方欧盟政策的影响程度不同。地缘安全因素在双方对欧盟政策中的作用不同;发展对欧关系的长远目标不同。  相似文献   
Incoherent English Immersion and California Proposition 227   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tórrez  Nena M. 《The Urban Review》2001,33(3):207-220
Although during the 1997–98 academic school year, only 25% of the English Language Learners (ELLs) in elementary schools throughout California were receiving some form of bilingual education, the ramifications of the passage of Proposition 227 in June of 1998 were multiple for the teachers, interns, and children involved. The legislative language of Proposition 227 was sufficiently vague and thus created other problems. The proposition was challenged in the California state court system as soon as the ballots were counted. This constitutional challenge further clouded an already murky situation. Districts were receiving little if any clarification from the California State Department of Education in regard to the time lines for implementation of the new law. The law, itself, spoke to specific changes and curriculum, but there was no money to create the new curricular approach, time to in-service teachers in the new methodology to be utilized, or a framework and time line for implementation of the mandated changes.Because of the wording that attempted to hold teachers and administrators personally liable to civil suit for noncompliance, many districts interpreted the new law as conservatively as possible to avoid such litigation. In other districts changes were made site by site as a response of the particular administrator. This type of erratic policy implementation across large district was very demoralizing for most bilingual teachers. It also confused the parent communities. It made no sense to the average person that if a child was at School A s/he could be receiving primary language instruction while a child at School B only a mile away and in the same school district could not even ask the teacher questions in his/her home language without being told, Only speak English at school.  相似文献   
我国新世纪以来的基础教育课程政策赋予了学校一定的课程开发权,但整体来看效果不尽如人意。而近年来京、沪、浙等地在课程政策方面进行了一些探索,推动了学校层面的课程改革,涌现出了一批有影响的课程改革先进学校。他们调整地方课程计划、协调课程运行、改革评价方式、扩大学校的课程权限,协同建设学校课程资源等,为学校课程改革提供了空间支持、权力支持、资源支持、能力支持和方向引领。这表明地方课程管理的政策供给是制约学校课程改革的重要因素。地方课程政策推动学校课程改革,要赋予学校课程建设的权力和空间,对学校课程权限的规定要具体、明确,要规范地方的课程管理行为。应制定和颁布国家课程管理指南、地方课程管理指南和学校课程管理指南。  相似文献   
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