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1993-2033年中国林业碳库水平及发展态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化是自1990年来全球的环境难题,增加森林碳汇和木质林产品碳储是缓解温室效应的有效途径。林业碳库总系统包含森林碳库和木质林产品碳库两个子系统。本研究结合蓄积量法、单指数衰减模型、生物量消耗法及储量变化法,对1993-2013年的中国林业碳库各子系统进行核算分析,并运用灰色动态系统GM(1,1)模型预测2014-2033年中国林业碳库的发展趋势。研究结果表明:①1993-2013年中国森林碳库呈现稳定上升趋势,2013年中国森林碳汇为175亿t,比1993年森林碳汇提高了约50%,采伐剩余物累计碳排放和森林火灾碳排放分别为1082万t和8 866万t,抵消了森林碳库水平的0.56%;②中国过去20年木质林产品碳库增长迅速,2013年木质林产品总碳储量和新增碳储量分别为9.0亿t和0.5亿t,比1993年分别增加了1.21倍和3.22倍;③2013年中国林业碳库碳储量为184.8亿t,未来中国林业碳库的发展态势预测结果显示,2014-2033年中国林业碳库碳储量将呈稳定上升趋势,2033年中国林业碳库碳储量将达到278.43亿t,是1993年林业碳库水平的2.05倍。  相似文献   
低碳经济作为应对全球气候变暖和环境恶化问题而提出的一种全新的经济发展理念,也是未来全球经济发展的制高点。英国作为全球最先提出发展低碳经济战略的国家,在战略部署、法律框架、激励政策、低碳技术、国际合作等方面取得了巨大成效,已走在了世界前列。然而,我国正处于新型城镇化和生态文明建设关键时期,在发展低碳经济方面将受到经济持续增长、能源消耗结构失衡与低碳技术水平低下等困境,需借鉴英国在低碳经济发展方面积累的丰富经验,选择适合我国国情的低碳经济发展路径;需要制定我国低碳能源发展战略规划、完善低碳法律法规体系、创新政策激励机制、加大低碳技术研发与国际碳减排合作等政策链的协调配合,共同推进我国低碳经济的跨越式发展。  相似文献   
随着经济环境的变化,传统利润表已受到挑战,推行全面收益报告已成为必要。本分析我国推行全面收益报告的必要性以及存在的制约因素,并提出相应的思路。  相似文献   
童德军  荀波 《科教文汇》2014,(3):109-111
论文综述了近五年来国内外汞控制技术研究现状,非炭吸附剂脱汞研究,包括钙基吸附剂,蛭石吸附剂,金属吸附剂,金属氧化物吸附剂等。炭基吸附剂特别是活性炭纤维、活性炭、改性活性炭吸附汞的理论研究及影响汞的吸附的各种因素并汇总列表,认为国内公开研究的报道还处在实验阶段,对于汞排放的控制和实际解决环境问题是一个迫切的重大课题。  相似文献   
The structure phase transformations of graphite and carbon black induced by pulsed laser were studied in this paper.Under irradiation with laser beam of 1.06 μm wavelength and power density of 106 W·cm-2,both graphite structure and carbon black structure were changed obviously.The results of Raman analyses and Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM)observations show that graphite transforms into nanodiamond about 5 nm and carbon black is graphitized.It is demonstrated that graphite is the intermediate phase in the transformation from carbon black to diamond,and graphite is easier to transform into diamond by laser irradiation than carbon black.  相似文献   
低碳经济下北京现代制造业创新能力影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于低碳经济视角采用改进的柯布-道格拉斯生产函数分析北京现代制造业创新能力影响因素。研究结果显示,北京现代制造业近年来稳定发展,创新能力不断提升,科研经费和科技人才投入是北京现代制造业创新能力的关键影响因素,能源投入和二氧化氮排放量对于北京现代制造业创新能力有明显的负面影响。为此,提高北京现代制造业创新能力需要加大科研经费和科技人才投入;注重低碳发展,大力发展节能技术,降低能源消耗强度;优化北京现代制造业产业结构,利用信息技术改造现代制造业。  相似文献   
运用1995—2012年的统计数据,采用IPCC(2006)测算方法估计江西省能源碳排放总量,通过构建能源碳排放与经济增长的脱钩指数模型实证分析江西省能源碳排放与经济增长之间的脱钩关系。研究结果表明,江西省能源碳排放与经济增长存在不稳定的脱钩状态,强脱钩、弱脱钩、扩张负脱钩等状态交替出现,在此基础上,进一步分析江西能源碳排放与经济增长脱钩状态变化的原因并对江西发展低碳经济提出相应的建议。  相似文献   
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2], incoming solar radiation and sea ice coverage are among the most important factors that control the global climate. By applying the simple cell-to-cell mapping technique to a simplified atmosphere-ocean-sea ice feedback climate model, effects of these factors on the stability of the climatic system are studied. The current climatic system is found to be stable but highly nonlinear. The resiliency of stability increases with [CO2] to a summit when [CO2] reaches 290 μL/L which is comparable to the pre-industrial level, suggesting carbon dioxide is essential to the stability of the global climate. With [CO2] rising further, the global climate stability decreases, the mean ocean temperature goes up and the sea ice coverage shrinks in the polar region. When the incoming solar radiation is intensified, the ice coverage gradually diminishes, but the mean ocean temperature remains relatively constant. Overall, our analysis suggests that at the current levels of three external factors the stability of global climate is highly resilient. However, there exists a possibility of extreme states of climate, such as a snow-ball earth and an ice-free earth.  相似文献   
高静  刘国光 《软科学》2016,(6):53-56
利用世界投入产出表,采取进口国投入产出技术系数和碳排放系数测算了在加工贸易背景下中国对主要贸易国的出口碳排放总量和单位碳排放强度,比较了现有的几种测算方法下中国出口碳排放的差异,分析了加工贸易下影响中国出口碳排放的原因。中国的绿色全要素生产率持续走低,中国高投入低产出的生产状态导致中国的绿色全要素生产率(gtfp1)越低、中间投入占比(interput1)越高,中国的出口碳排放和单位碳排放强度越低。加工贸易进口令中间品生产污染转移至国外,降低了中国的出口碳排放总量和单位强度,验证了中国的"污染天堂"理论并不存在。  相似文献   
The effects of particle size of activated carbon (AC) on its wettability, electrode coating technology and electric chemical performance were studied to assemble nonaqueous electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) for high power requirements. The results show that the specific surface area and total pore volume of AC decrease from 2 137 m^2/g to 1 683 m^2/g, and 0.95 cm^3/g to 0.78 cm^3/g, respectively, if it is ball-milled for 8 h. The pore size distributions are similar in the range of 0.7 nm to 3.5 nm for different ball-milling time. There exists oxidation on the surface of AC during the ball-milling process and the ratios of O-C=O oxygen compositions increase whereas those of C-O, C=O decrease. The peeling strength of AC coated on current collector is almost inverse proportion with the particle size of AC as well as the resistance of EDLCs, and its capacitance decreases about 6%.  相似文献   
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