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稻田主要节肢类捕食性天敌群落的多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对稻田主要节肢类捕食性天敌群落的多样性,及其与稻飞虱发生之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,不同时间、不同地点以及水稻不同生育期的天敌群落的多样性有明显差异;化学农药的使用大大降低了群落多样性。天敌群落的多样性与稻飞虱的发生有一定的相关关系,多样性高的节肢类捕食性天敌群落能抑制稻飞虱的大发生。  相似文献   
2018年8月运用随机扫网、陷阱法和样方相结合的采集方法对河北天生桥国家地质公园蜘蛛种类和群落结构进行了调查,共获得1112头蜘蛛标本,隶属22科54属77种。采用群落多样性指数分析其多样性,结果阐明:天生桥国家地质公园蜘蛛具有丰富的物种多样性,不同植被环境中蜘蛛群落的组成结构有明显差别。灌木丛生境中蜘蛛物种丰富度、个体密度和多样性指数最高,具有稳定的群落结构;阔叶林中蜘蛛均匀度最高;针叶林和草甸中的物种丰富度和个体密度较低,优势度明显。植被保护对保护蜘蛛多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Background:?A good social climate is a precondition for developing a well functioning staff in university departments. However, as universities are becoming increasingly diverse in their staff composition, new problems for the social climate may develop. Organisations where members are open to diversity are known to be better integrated and to perform better. While the relation between a positive social climate and group functioning is well documented, we know much less about antecedents for such a climate.

Purpose:?The aim of this study is to examine the effect of internal learning and knowledge sharing engagement (sharing informal knowledge of a personal nature and the staff's application of each other's knowledge to task relevant problems) on diversity climate (openness to linguistic, visual, value and informational diversity) among university teachers.

Sample:?The study used questionnaire responses from 489 teachers in multicultural Danish university departments.

Design and methods:?To study antecedents for a good diversity climate, statistical analysis including hierarchical multiple regressions was applied.

Conclusions:?Results showed that group members' engagement in: (1) sharing informal knowledge of a personal nature; and (2) their application of each other's knowledge to task relevant problems had strong positive associations with openness to linguistic, visible, value and informational diversity. We conclude that interaction and knowledge sharing among teachers in multicultural departments is likely to have a favourable effect on the social working climate.  相似文献   
我国学界关于文化全球化的基本原则——"和而不同"的研究对于建构文化全球化的基本游戏规则,避免矛盾冲突,维护各个民族国家文化的独立性、主权和尊严,发展、繁荣人类文化,以及进一步弘扬中华民族优秀的传统文化,都具有重要意义。但这一研究存在着不足之处,需要开拓深化。  相似文献   
利用SSR技术分析福建省家鸭地方良种金定鸭、山麻鸭、连城白鸭和野鸭绿头鸭、斑嘴鸭基因组DNA的多态性,在21个位点共扩增得到421条带,其中多态性条带213条,约占总数的50.6%.多态性位点比率在33.3%~84.6%之间.运用简单匹配系数法计算了品种(系)间的相似性系数和遗传距离,家鸭品种间的遗传距离在0.043~0.251范围内,绿头鸭、斑嘴鸭与家鸭品种(系)间的遗传距离分别在0.203(金定鸭Ⅰ系)~0.232(金定鸭Ⅱ系)和0.236(山麻鸭)~0.317(金定鸭Ⅱ系)范围内.连城白鸭与金定鸭3个品系间的遗传距离介于0.232至0.251之间,山麻鸭与金定鸭3品系间的遗传距离在0.239至0.248范围内,而连城白鸭与山麻鸭间的遗传距离为0.136.yh  相似文献   
天水位于世界两大动物地理区古北界和东洋界在我国分界线的秦岭西端,属我国华北、华中、蒙新、青藏四大动物地理分布区的交汇地带,鱼类资源比较丰富。有鱼类31种,隶属于4目6科24属,其中野生鱼类26种,渭河水系有15种,嘉陵江水系有9种,两大水系鱼类相似性指数为16.67%,区系构成非常复杂。通过对天水地区鱼类的地理分布及有关分布情况的调查、资料收集、整理,研究了天水地区鱼类资源的多样性。  相似文献   
规讽诗以含蓄的手法规劝、嘲讽不合理的社会现象 ,以兴治济身、振危释惫为创作目的。梁陈规讽诗的选题多讽谏朝政 ,从不同阶层诗人的感情角度出发 ,多向性地揭示了统治阶级的内部矛盾 ,披露了门阀士族与寒门庶族之间的派别之争。其特点以刺官为主。在艺术上 ,因受儒家诗教、诗人社会地位的影响 ,梁陈规讽诗呈现出婉曲隐晦的创作特点。  相似文献   
Corporate mergers and the consolidation of ownership in the American communications arena have long been sources of concern. U.S. regulatory and antitrust policy traditionally attempted to secure a “diversity of voices” structurally, largely through rules regarding ownership. Although the meaning of diversity was always problematic and undertheorized, the Federal Communications Commission long set ceilings on the numbers of broadcast outlets any single person or corporation could own and enacted cross-ownership rules such as a prohibition against a corporation owning a newspaper and broadcast outlets in the same market. These rules, and the FCC's authority to make them, were upheld, occasionally even compelled, by the federal appellate courts. In the last 20 years, however, legal trends, in conjunction with political developments, have undermined the diversity rationales behind ownership rules and associated structural regulations of mass media. Paradoxically, even as media corporations are becoming larger and presumably more powerful, ownership regulations are being rescinded or struck down. This article explains this history. It concludes with a suggestion that the First Amendment metaphor of a marketplace of ideas is misplaced, and of how our thinking about media ownership and diversity might be better served by the metaphor of a mixed media system.  相似文献   
基于国内209家制造企业及944家供应商的数据,分析主体外部环境因素(技术不确定性、市场竞争程度)和内部能力因素(技术能力、企业柔性)对其供应商地理位置多样性和产品创新之间关系的调节作用。研究发现,技术不确定性能正向调节地理多样性对产品创新的作用,而市场竞争程度则会削负向调节这种作用;企业技术能力负向调节地理多样性与产品创新之间的关系,而企业柔性则对二者的关系起正向调节作用。  相似文献   
绿春县城一带13个村落延续了700多年的"阿倮欧滨"祭祀,不仅是哈尼族传统文化的可贵传承,更是哈尼族生态保护的典范实践。表层意义上,"阿倮欧滨"联合祭祀不断强化着祭祀圈13个村落的地缘联系,以及母寨"窝拖布玛"在其中的神圣地位;深层意义上,联合祭祀是对红河南岸哈尼族地区至关重要的水源地"阿倮欧滨"及其周围林地的持续有效保护。"阿倮欧滨"祭祀作为绿春哈尼族传统文化深层内核机制,持续不断地发挥着对当地生物多样性的保护功能。  相似文献   
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